Thank you both.
1) As Duncan said, if I leave out, it
will not work since it is using .C and .Fortran functions that kmeans
2) don`t know how to use the as.environment() (I did not understood by
reading the help).
3) Setting environment(kmeansnew) <- environment(stats::kmeans) does
> "JL" == Jim Lemon
> on Sat, 14 Jan 2012 18:52:50 +1100 writes:
JL> On 01/14/2012 06:35 PM, Jim Lemon wrote:
>> On 01/13/2012 11:09 PM, Lasse DSR-mail wrote:
>>> Got problems with plotCI (plotrix) ...
JL> Whoops - looks like the R help list doesn't accept R
JL> s
thanks for the suggestion, but i also need to show to which trt each point
belongs to.
I had my problem solved by the way.
I've been told to add a group subscript object within the panel function, and
than use panel.points to plot the original data as data points and panel.lines
to dra
On 01/14/2012 09:22 PM, Martin Maechler wrote:
"JL" == Jim Lemon
on Sat, 14 Jan 2012 18:52:50 +1100 writes:
JL> On 01/14/2012 06:35 PM, Jim Lemon wrote:
>> On 01/13/2012 11:09 PM, Lasse DSR-mail wrote:
>>> Got problems with plotCI (plotrix) ...
JL> Whoops - looks l
On 12-01-13 10:21 PM, Parag Magunia wrote:
The R documentation mentions to create a PDF or DVI file from an Rnw template,
the Sweave command can be used used.
However, is there any way to go from a .Rout file straight to pdf with an Rnw
template ?
What I'm trying to avoid is adding the Sweave
Is there a way to tell whether an object name 1. is valid 2. is not going to
cause a collision with an existing object by the same name?
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
__ mailing list
On 12-01-14 3:58 AM, Rui Esteves wrote:
Thank you both.
1) As Duncan said, if I leave out, it
will not work since it is using .C and .Fortran functions that kmeans
2) don`t know how to use the as.environment() (I did not understood by
reading the help).
3) Setting environment(kmeansne
On 12-01-14 5:47 AM, Ajay Askoolum wrote:
Is there a way to tell whether an object name 1. is valid 2. is not going to
cause a collision with an existing object by the same name?
For 1, you could put your names in a character vector x, then check
whether x and make.names(x) are identical; if
All of these tries leave to the same result:
1) First I defined kmeansnew with the content of kmeans, but leaving
the out.
Then I run environment(kmeansnew)<- environment(stats::kmeans) at the
command line.
2) kmeansnew <- kmeans() { environment(kmeansnew)<-
environment(stats::kmeans) }
3) km
Dear Jean,
Thank you, expand.grid was the function I needed.
> See
> ?expand.grid
> For example,
> df <- expand.grid(L=L, AR=AR, SO=SO, T=T)
> df$y <- fun(df$L, df$AR, df$SO, df$T)
> Jean
> Johannes Radinger wrote on 01/13/2012 12:28:46 PM:
> David Winsemius
> on Fri, 13 Jan 2012 13:52:57 -0500 writes:
> On Jan 13, 2012, at 12:33 PM, Dominic Comtois wrote:
>> When setting up my new machine, I had the surprise to see
>> that "Package 'fUtilities' was removed from the CRAN
>> repository."
> ht
On 12-01-14 6:08 AM, Rui Esteves wrote:
All of these tries leave to the same result:
1) First I defined kmeansnew with the content of kmeans, but leaving
the out.
Then I run environment(kmeansnew)<- environment(stats::kmeans) at the
command line.
2) kmeansnew<- kmeans() { environment(kmeansn
Hey guys,
I have been trying for some time to nicely plot some of my data, I have
around 1800 values for some light intensity, taken every hour of the day
over almost 2 months.
My data file looks like:
DateTime. GMT.02.00 Intensity
106.10.11 11:00:00AM x
I highly appreciate your input. What we need is a standard for
statistics. That may reinvent the way how we see data.
The recent crisis is the best proof that we are lost in our own
generated information overload. The traditional approach is not
working anymore.
Finding the right members
Le vendredi 13 janvier 2012 à 09:00 -0800, a écrit :
> I need help with creating custom xml reader for use with the tm package. The
> objective is to crate a corpus for analysis. Files that I'm working with
> come from solr and are in a funky XML format never the less I'm able t
What exactly is your problem? People quite like the "zoo" package for
handling and plotting time series: perhaps that will work for you?
On Sat, Jan 14, 2012 at 4:35 AM, claire5 wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I have been trying for some time to nicely plot some of my data, I have
> around 1800 v
Well, I am not sure how to use the zoo package to be honest.
I am trying to plot all 1800 data in the same graph but of course it looks
super messy. And R does not really recognize the time data input.
so i just want to plot the time series kind of. The problem is that the x
value is date and time
Web services are only part of the problem. In essence, there are at
least two facets:
1. downloading the data using some protocol
2. mapping the data to a common model
Having #1 makes the import/download easier, but it really becomes useful
when both are included. I think #2 is the harder probl
On Sat, Jan 14, 2012 at 4:35 AM, claire5 wrote:
> I have been trying for some time to nicely plot some of my data, I have
> around 1800 values for some light intensity, taken every hour of the day
> over almost 2 months.
> My data file looks like:
> Date Time. GMT.02.00 Intensity
> 1
Dear all,
I have troubles where i have to make all the fonts in my grpahs into TImes New
I know now how to change fonts for the x-axis-y-axis labels (from )
David Kikuchi> writes:
> I'm trying to create maps of reptile abundance in different states &
> counties using data from, which provides lists of specimens
> with the places that they were found. First I would like to parse the
> list by state using 2-letter abbreviatio
On Jan 14, 2012, at 16:07 , René Brinkhuis wrote:
> Based
> on your information I created a custom function for calculating the
> first and third quartile according to the 'boxplot logic'.
A more compact (though not as readable) version is afforded by stats:::fivenum.
A convenient descripti
LOL, I remember posting about this in the past. The US gov agencies vary but
mostare quite good. The big problem appears to be people who push proprietary
orcommercial "standards" for which only one effective source exists. Some
formats,like Excel and PDF come to mind and there is a distu
On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 6:34 AM, doggysaywhat wrote:
> Hello all.
> I have two data frames.
> Group Start End
> G1 200 700
> G2 500 1000
> G3 2000 3000
> G4 4000
We see that the publishers are aware of the problem. They don't think
that the raw data is the usable for the user. Consequently they
recognizing this fact with the proprietary formats. Yes, they resign
in the information overload. That's pathetic.
It is not a question of *which* data format
I have been following this thread, but there are many aspects of it
which are unclear to me. Who are the publishers? Who are the users?
What is the problem? I have a vauge sense for some of these, but it
seems to me like one valuable starting place would be creating a
document that clarifies eve
Dear all,
IÂ would like to make a survival analysis graph line with all fonts in Times
New Roman,
Including all the numbers in x-y axis and the legend explanation.
I know how to change fonts for the x-y axis labels (from )Â
and this is what
Thank you for your prompt and useful replies. I will be using fBasics from
now on.
Dominic Comtois, Montréal
-Message d'origine-
De : Martin Maechler []
Envoyé : 14 janvier 2012 06:39
À : David Winsemius
Cc : Dominic Comtois; r-help@r-project.or
Dear R users,
In metafor 1.6-0, the Mantel-Haenszel method is implemented by the
function. I have observed that the sum of the weights computed by weights(x)
doesn't add to 100% when x is an object of class The consequences of
this fact can be clearly seen when a forest diagr
On 12-01-13 11:48 AM, Sarah Goslee wrote:
I hope that it was a momentary glitch; greater disagreement between Nabble
and the email list will cause all sorts of fun. If the interface,
whatever it is,
starts stripping out code? I'll have to quit answering Nabble queries entirely.
You know, t
On Sat, Jan 14, 2012 at 12:41 PM, Milan Bouchet-Valat wrote:
> Le samedi 14 janvier 2012 à 12:24 -0600, Andy Adamiec a écrit :
> > Hi Milan,
> >
> >
> > The xml solr files are not in a typical format, here is an example
> >
> > I'm not sure how to parse the d
On Sat, Jan 14, 2012 at 12:41 PM, Milan Bouchet-Valat wrote:
> Le samedi 14 janvier 2012 à 12:24 -0600, Andy Adamiec a écrit :
> > Hi Milan,
> >
> >
> > The xml solr files are not in a typical format, here is an example
> >
> > I'm not sure how to parse the d
On Jan 14, 2012, at 2:19 PM, Yakamu Yakamu wrote:
Dear all,
I would like to make a survival analysis graph line with all fonts
in Times New Roman,
Including all the numbers in x-y axis and the legend explanation.
I know how to change fonts for the x-y axis labels (from http://www.statmethods
The situation for this kind of interface is much more advanced (for
economic time series data) than has been suggested in other postings.
Several of the organizations you mention support SDMX and I believe
there is a working R interface to SDMX which has not yet been made
public. A more complet
On 01/15/2012 02:16 AM, Yakamu Yakamu wrote:
Dear all,
I have troubles where i have to make all the fonts in my grpahs into TImes New
I know now how to change fonts for the x-axis-y-axis labels (from )
Mark, statquant2
As I understand the question it is not to test if a VAR is stable but how
to construct a VAR that is stable and automatically satisfies the condition
Mark has taken from Lutkohl. The algorithm that I have set out will
automatically satisfy that condition.The matrix that should be
> I am using the package gamlss in R to plot repeated measurements. The
> command I am using is par.plot(). It works great except one thing about the
> label of the axises. I tried to label both x and y axises using ylab and
> xlab options. But the plot only gives variable variables. The labels did
Happy to oblidge:
Background: All data is "dirty" to some degree. A large portion of the
time spent in doing data analysis is spent doing data cleaning (removing
invalid data, transforming data columns into something useful). When
data from multiple sources are used, then some time must b
This should be reasonably straightforward. In the simplest case you wih to
draw a random complex number in the unit circle. This is best done in polar
If r is a random mumber on (0,1) and theta a random number on (0, 2 Pi)
then if x=r cos(theta) and y= r sin(theta), x + i y is i
gotcha john. thanks.
On Sat, Jan 14, 2012 at 9:28 PM, John C Frain wrote:
> Mark
> This should be reasonably straightforward. In the simplest case you wih to
> draw a random complex number in the unit circle. This is best done in polar
> coordinates.
> If r is a random mumber on (0,1) and t
I'm running R version 2.14.1 (2011-12-22) on a 32-bit Windows machine.
I've edited the GUI preferences to increase the font size, saving my
preferences after doing so, but the next time I start an R session, my
changes to the GUI preferences are lost. Is there a way to make the
GUI preference cha
doggysaywhat writes:
> My apologies for the context problem. I'll explain.
> df1 is a matrix of genes labeled g1 through g5 with start positions in the
> START column and end positions in the END column.
> df2 is a matrix of chromatin modification values at positions along the DNA.
> I
I am positive this problem has a very simple solution, but I have been
unable to find it, so I am asking for your help. I need to know how to look
something up in one data frame and add it as a column in another. If I have
a data frame that looks like this:
> frame1
ID score test age
1 Guy1
Hello, please excuse the simplicity of this question as I am not very good
with stats. I am taking a class, using R which I am learning at the same
time, and the questions asks us to "Estimate the average abundance using
Poisson regression with a log link". I can estimate the abundance from "x",
Hi R users
I need to estimate, with kaplan Meier methodology, a Quality adjusted
survival analysis. It is possible doing this at R?
Thanks in advance.
Best Regards
Pedro Mota Veiga
View this message in context:
I don't understand what you mean by "log link" but if it's the use of a
log-normal to get improved confidence intervals, package 'SPECIES'
implements it, unlike 'Rcapture' that only gives point estimates.
Rui Barradas
View this message in context:
There is a no homework rule, but:
1. "abundance" + "poisson" seems to be an animal species abundance problem
in a capture-recapture framework.
2. If so, check out packages 'Rcapture' and 'SPECIES'. They both implement
several estimators, such as Burnham and Overton's jacknife or Chao's
Hi Jeremy,
> frame1 <- structure(list(ID = structure(c(1L, 1L, 2L, 2L), .Label =
"Guy2"), class = "factor"), score = c(10L, 13L, 9L, 11L), test = c(1L,
2L, 1L, 2L), age = c(20L, 20L, 33L, 33L)), .Names = c("ID", "score",
"test", "age"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c("1", "2",
jdog76 wrote
> I am positive this problem has a very simple solution, but I have been
> unable to find it, so I am asking for your help. I need to know how to
> look something up in one data frame and add it as a column in another. If
> I have a data frame that looks like this:
>> frame1
On 14/01/2012 10:33 a.m., Dimitri Liakhovitski wrote:
Somewhat related question out of curiousity:
Does anyone know how often the list of the counties and county names
is updated in this package? Or is it done "centrally" for all packages
that deal with US counties?
Well, I woul
On 14/01/2012 18:51, Joshua Wiley wrote:
I have been following this thread, but there are many aspects of it
which are unclear to me. Who are the publishers? Who are the users?
What is the problem? I have a vauge sense for some of these, but it
seems to me like one valuable starting place woul
On 15/01/2012 01:57, Phillip Feldman wrote:
I'm running R version 2.14.1 (2011-12-22) on a 32-bit Windows machine.
I've edited the GUI preferences to increase the font size, saving my
preferences after doing so, but the next time I start an R session, my
changes to the GUI preferences are lost.
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