[R] Odp: Running something without a loop when the result from the previous iteration is require for the current iteration

2010-08-12 Thread Petr PIKAL
Hi without toy example it is rather complicated to check your function. So only few remarks: Instead of generating 1 random number inside a loop generate whole vector of random numbers outside a loop and choose a number Do not mix ifelse with if. ifelse is intended to work with whole vector.

[R] termplot for mixed linear effects models

2010-08-12 Thread Meissner, Tony (DFW)
Is there an equivalent package for mixed linear effects models developed using the package "nlme" as there is for linear models? Tschüß Tony Meissner Principal Scientist (Monitoring/Statistics) Resource Monitoring Science, Monitoring and Information Division Department for Water "Imagine" © *(ph)

[R] Where the data file is stored?

2010-08-12 Thread Stephen Liu
Hi folks, OS - Ubuntu 10.04 On R I create a datafile named "data". I can evoke it on R with; > data On R Commander Data -> Active data set -> Select active data set -> (data) OK only one data set there "data" -> View data set I can read it -> Edit data set showing 25 rows of data. Clicking

Re: [R] help to polish plot in ggplot2

2010-08-12 Thread baptiste auguie
To illustrate the second option I proposed, library(ggplot2) library(gridExtra) category <- paste("Geographical Category", 1:10) grp1 <- rnorm(10, mean=10, sd=10) grp2 <- rnorm(10, mean=20, sd=10) grp3 <- rnorm(10, mean=15, sd=10) grp4 <- rnorm(10, mean=12, sd=10) mydat <- data.frame(category,g

Re: [R] Where the data file is stored?

2010-08-12 Thread Michael Bedward
By default everything in an R workspace (data objects, functions etc) will be stored in a file called .RData in the working directory. Please see http://cran.r-project.org/doc/contrib/Paradis-rdebuts_en.pdf Michael __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [R] Where the data file is stored?

2010-08-12 Thread Philipp Pagel
> On R I create a datafile named "data". I can evoke it on R with; > > data > > > On R Commander > Data -> Active data set -> Select active data set -> (data) OK > > only one data set there "data" > > -> View data set > I can read it > > -> Edit data set > showing 25 rows of data. Clicking t

Re: [R] Where the data file is stored?

2010-08-12 Thread Stephen Liu
- Original Message From: Michael Bedward To: Stephen Liu Cc: r-help@r-project.org Sent: Thu, August 12, 2010 3:50:12 PM Subject: Re: [R] Where the data file is stored? > By default everything in an R workspace (data objects, functions etc) > will be stored in a file called .RData in th

Re: [R] Where the data file is stored?

2010-08-12 Thread Stephen Liu
- Original Message From: Philipp Pagel To: r-help@r-project.org Sent: Thu, August 12, 2010 3:54:53 PM Subject: Re: [R] Where the data file is stored? >You dont't tell us what you did to "create a datafile" - to me it >sounds like you created an object (probably a data frame) in your R >

Re: [R] Where the data file is stored?

2010-08-12 Thread Alain Guillet
Hi, You can find your current working directory with the getwd() function. Alain On 12-Aug-10 11:22, Stephen Liu wrote: - Original Message From: Philipp Pagel To: r-help@r-project.org Sent: Thu, August 12, 2010 3:54:53 PM Subject: Re: [R] Where the data file is stored? You dont't

[R] help usin scan on large matrix (caveats to what has been discussed before)

2010-08-12 Thread Martin Tomko
Dear all, I have a few points that I am unsure about using scan. I know that it is covered in the intro to R, and also has been discussed here: http://www.mail-archive.com/r-help@r-project.org/msg04869.html but nevertheless, I cannot get it to work. I have a potentially very large matrix that

[R] - combining lists

2010-08-12 Thread pelt
Hi all, I have used this library to create a (360 day)calendar for my rainfall data (which is divided over 9 gridcells): ## CODE## library(udunits) utInit() calendar <- att.get.nc(nc,'time','calendar') T <- var.get.nc(nc,"time") times.list <- utCalendar(T,"days since 1961-01-01",style='array'

[R] Fiting a trend + periodic signal

2010-08-12 Thread Mohammed Ouassou
Dear all, I have a time series and I like to fit S(t) = T(t) + P(t) T(t) = Linear Trend = a + bt P(t) = Periodic Signal = sum(Ai*cos(wt) + Bi*sin(wt) ) for i=1,...,3. Thanks in advance, Best regards, __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https:

[R] Difference in Monte Carlo calculation between chisq.test and fisher.test

2010-08-12 Thread highschool2005
Hello all, I would like to know what the difference is between chisq.test and fisher.test when using the Monte Carlo method with simulate.p.value=TRUE? Thank you -- View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Difference-in-Monte-Carlo-calculation-between-chisq-test-and-fisher-

Re: [R] help usin scan on large matrix (caveats to what has been discussed before)

2010-08-12 Thread peter dalgaard
On Aug 12, 2010, at 11:30 AM, Martin Tomko wrote: > > c<-scan(file=f,what=list(c("",(rep(integer(0),cols, skip=1) > m<-matrix(c, nrow = rows, ncol=cols,byrow=TRUE); > > for some reason I end up with a character matrix, which I don't want. Is this > the proper way to skip the first column (

[R] interactions in repeated measures ANOVA

2010-08-12 Thread Nicola Spotorno
Hello all, I apply Repeated measures ANOVA for analyzing ERPs data. To do this I use lme() function and glht() for the post hoc analysis. I followed the very useful suggestions found in this help list but I have a problem. I do not know how to test the interaction between different levels of

Re: [R] help usin scan on large matrix (caveats to what has been discussed before)

2010-08-12 Thread Martin Tomko
Hi Peter, thank you for your reply. I still cannot get it to work. I have modified your code as follows: rows<-length(R) cols <- max(unlist(lapply(R,function(x) length(unlist(gregexpr(" ",x,fixed=TRUE,useBytes=TRUE)) c<-scan(file=f,what=rep(c(list(NULL),rep(list(0L),cols-1),rows-1)), skip=1)

Re: [R] Where the data file is stored?

2010-08-12 Thread Stephen Liu
- Original Message From: Alain Guillet To: Stephen Liu Cc: r-help@r-project.org Sent: Thu, August 12, 2010 5:28:32 PM Subject: Re: [R] Where the data file is stored? > You can find your current working directory with the getwd() function. Hi Alain, Thanks for your advice. > getwd

Re: [R] Where the data file is stored?

2010-08-12 Thread Barry Rowlingson
On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 12:37 PM, Stephen Liu wrote: > - Original Message > > From: Alain Guillet > To: Stephen Liu > Cc: r-help@r-project.org > Sent: Thu, August 12, 2010 5:28:32 PM > Subject: Re: [R] Where the data file is stored? > >> You can find your current working directory with

Re: [R] Running something without a loop when the result from the previous iteration is require for the current iteration

2010-08-12 Thread Adrienne Wootten
Not quite what I was trying to say. The process generates a random uniform number between 0 and 1 and compares to a specific conditional probability. It is looking for this in particular: random number < Pr( rain(station=i,day=d)=1 | rain(station=i,day=d-1)=0 & rain(station=j,day=d)=0 & rain(stat

[R] DRC: Effective doses versus Predicted values

2010-08-12 Thread Iban
Hi! I want to use the DRC package in order to calculate the IC50 value of an enzyme inhibition assay. The problem is that the estimated ED50, is always out of the fitted curve. In the example below, I had a ED50 value of 2.2896, But when I predict the response level for this concentration I get

[R] plot.circular

2010-08-12 Thread Tim Gruene
Dear all, I am using plot.circular(x, stack=TRUE) to plot a "histogram" from a list of angle. I would also like to draw a line from the origin at the angle of the mean (mean.circular), preferably with the resultant's length (rho.circular) as length. How do I achieve this on the circular plot, pl

[R] Setting R_Interactive

2010-08-12 Thread Jeroen Ooms
We're using Rserve as a back-end in our application. A problem that we experienced is that the Rserve connection gets stuck when R is asking for some kind of user interaction. For example, when executing an 'install.packages' command for the first time without specifying the repos argument, R will

Re: [R] help usin scan on large matrix (caveats to what has been discussed before)

2010-08-12 Thread baptiste Auguié
Hi, I don't know if this can be useful to you, but I recently wrote a small function to read a large datafile like yours in a number of steps, with the possibility to save each intermediate block as .Rdata. This is based on read.table --- not as efficient as lower-level scan() but it might be g

Re: [R] Where the data file is stored?

2010-08-12 Thread Keith Jewell
You're not seeing the .Rdata file containing the data objects. Try: list.files(getwd(),full.name=TRUE, all.files=TRUE) "Stephen Liu" wrote in message news:961426.85478...@web113203.mail.gq1.yahoo.com... - Original Message From: Alain Guillet To: Stephen Liu Cc: r-help@r-project.org

Re: [R] help usin scan on large matrix (caveats to what has been discussed before)

2010-08-12 Thread Martin Tomko
Hi baptiste, thanks a lot. Could you please comment on that code, I cannto figure out what it does. Appart from the file name, what parameters does it need? Seems to me like you need to know the size of the table a priori. Is that right? Do you have to set up the block size depending on that (s

Re: [R] Help with permutation / loops

2010-08-12 Thread Ferreira, Thiago Alves
Hello Nikhil, hope you are well today. I am sorry to be a pain but I have one follow up question, I am trying to express my results in a grid, which would look like a 6 by 6 matrix and would have just Yes or NO in each grid.. So what I am thinking is a way to store every result I get on " apply(

Re: [R] help usin scan on large matrix (caveats to what has been discussed before)

2010-08-12 Thread peter dalgaard
On Aug 12, 2010, at 1:34 PM, Martin Tomko wrote: > Hi Peter, > thank you for your reply. I still cannot get it to work. > I have modified your code as follows: > rows<-length(R) > cols <- max(unlist(lapply(R,function(x) length(unlist(gregexpr(" > ",x,fixed=TRUE,useBytes=TRUE)) Notice that t

Re: [R] Help with permutation / loops

2010-08-12 Thread nikhil kaza
The adfresd function that you have, prints the outcome of the test rather than `return' ing a value. If you would modify that function to return a value (True or false/ or p-value) you should automatically get vector that you desire. Then is a simple task of naming the resultant vector with. apply

[R] Regression Error: Otherwise good variable causes singularity. Why?

2010-08-12 Thread asdir
This command cdmoutcome<- glm(log(value)~factor(year) > +log(gdppcpppconst)+log(gdppcpppconstAII) > +log(co2eemisspc)+log(co2eemisspcAII) > +log(dist) > +fdiboth > +odapartnertohost > +corrupt > +lo

[R] Traffic prediction contest

2010-08-12 Thread Marcin Wojnarski
Hi useRs, A reminder. The IEEE ICDM Contest: Road Traffic Prediction, will end in 24 days. Hurry up if you want to play with traffic data and solve the problem of jams prediction. Prizes of $5,000 in total will be awarded for the best solutions. http://tunedit.org/challenge/IEEE-ICDM-2010 B

Re: [R] help usin scan on large matrix (caveats to what has been discussed before)

2010-08-12 Thread Martin Tomko
Hi Peter, apologies, too fast copying and pasting. So, here is the explanation: f<-"C:/test/mytab.txt"; R<-readLines(con=f); where mytab.txt is a table formatted as noted in previous post (space delimited, with header, rownames, containing integers). Now, my understandign of scan was that I ha

Re: [R] Regression Error: Otherwise good variable causes singularity. Why?

2010-08-12 Thread JLucke
There appears to be a problem in both regressions, as a singularity is also reported in the second regression analysis as well. It appears that the litrate variable is considered a factor in the first analysis and continuous in the second. There also appears to be collinearity between the li

Re: [R] question on contour function

2010-08-12 Thread ba ba
Duncan and David, thank you so much. You are right. We can use z1 <- outer(x, y, function(x,y) x^2+3*y^2) rather than xy <- meshgrid(x,y) z2 <- xy$x^2+ 3*xy$y^2 to get right answer. I run these codes on my computer and found that z2 is the transpose of z1. So I guess in order to obtain

Re: [R] help to polish plot in ggplot2

2010-08-12 Thread Mahbubul Majumder
baptiste, I have two more questions. How can I get the category labels right justified? It seems that I need to change the size of the text too. Since in my real data the text size are big and they appears to be even bigger than my plot area. So, my second question is how can I change the text siz

Re: [R] Creating vectors

2010-08-12 Thread clips10
Thanks for the help, I tried to apply this to a vector with two columns, well I suppose it is not a vector but for instance like this: [,1] [,2] [1,]1 2 [2,]2 3 [3,]1 2 [4,]1 2 [5,]3 4 and return a vector : 1,2,1,1,3, so that it recognises b

Re: [R] non-linear regression for 3D data

2010-08-12 Thread szisziszilvi
I've tried lm, but something is wrong. I've made a test dataset of 599 data points, my original equation is zz = 1 +0.5*xx -3.2*xx*xx -1*yy +4.2*yy*yy but the R gives this result: --- > mp <- read.csv(file="sample.csv",sep=";",header=TRUE) > lm

[R] Error: evaluation nested too deeply

2010-08-12 Thread abotaha
Hi guys, I have a code in R and it was work well but when I decrease the epsilon value (indicated in the code) , then I am getting this error Error: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)? any help please y = 6.8; w = 7.4; z = 5.7; muy = 7; muw = 7; muz =

Re: [R] non-linear regression for 3D data

2010-08-12 Thread szisziszilvi
right. How does it come that if I devide the result vector with 10*interception, I get a much better result? > zz2 <- 25.86 -2239.86*mp$xx -595.01*mp$xx*mp$xx + 2875.54*mp$yy + > 776.84*mp$yy*mp$yy > mp$zz2 <- zz2 > library(lattice) > cloud(zz2/258.6 + zz ~ xx * yy, data=mp) looks quite pretty.

[R] Linear regression on several groups

2010-08-12 Thread JesperHybel
I have a simple dataset of a numerical dependent Y, a numerical independent X and a categorial variable Z with three levels. I want to do linear regression Y~X for each level of Z. How can I do this in a single command that is without using lm() applied three isolated times? -- View this message

[R] Median abline how-to ?

2010-08-12 Thread David martin
Hi, I'm newbie with R and don't really know how to add a median line to each of the groups that is not all the plot long. Here is a small working code that i have adapted for my purpose. If somebody could tell me how to draw median lines on each group and not all plot long. ctl <- c(4.17,5

Re: [R] Regression Error: Otherwise good variable causes singularity. Why?

2010-08-12 Thread David Winsemius
On Aug 12, 2010, at 10:35 AM, asdir wrote: This command cdmoutcome<- glm(log(value)~factor(year) +log(gdppcpppconst)+log(gdppcpppconstAII) +log(co2eemisspc)+log(co2eemisspcAII) +log(dist) +fdiboth +odapartnertohost

Re: [R] Where the data file is stored?

2010-08-12 Thread Stephen Liu
> You're not seeing the .Rdata file containing the data objects. Try: > list.files(getwd(),full.name=TRUE, all.files=TRUE) Hi Keith, Thanks for your advice On R console running > list.files(getwd(),full.name=TRUE,all.files=TRUE) The output is similar to running following command on Ubuntu

Re: [R] Creating vectors

2010-08-12 Thread TGS
I think I understand your question and the following would produce the result you've posted. (x <- matrix(c(1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4), nrow=5, byrow=TRUE)) On Aug 12, 2010, at 5:41 AM, clips10 wrote: Thanks for the help, I tried to apply this to a vector with two columns, well I suppose i

Re: [R] normality tests

2010-08-12 Thread Bert Gunter
?RsiteSearch or consult package sos. Learn how to use R's search resources! -- Bert Gunter Genentech Nonclinical Statistics On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 8:21 PM, Geoffrey Smith wrote: > Hello, does anyone know how to compute the following two normality tests > using R: > > (1) the Kiefer-Salmon (1

Re: [R] Median abline how-to ?

2010-08-12 Thread William Dunlap
> From: r-help-boun...@r-project.org > [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-project.org] On Behalf Of David martin > Sent: Thursday, August 12, 2010 7:42 AM > To: r-h...@stat.math.ethz.ch > Subject: [R] Median abline how-to ? > > Hi, > I'm newbie with R and don't really know how to add a median > line to ea

Re: [R] Where the data file is stored?

2010-08-12 Thread Stephen Liu
Hi Barry, Following 2 commands are useful to me; > row.names(subset(file.info(list.files(getwd(),full.name=TRUE)),isdir)) showing directories. > row.names(subset(file.info(list.files(getwd(),full.name=TRUE)),!isdir)) showing files What is "!" for? TIA B.R. Stephen L - Original Messa

[R] XML file from scratch using XML package

2010-08-12 Thread Mark Heckmann
I would like to build an XML file from scratch using the XML package. I would like to save the following vector in it: 1:10 Could someone help me by briefly outlining how I go about it ? And maybe provide a few lines of code? Thanks! Mark ––– Mark Heckmann Di

Re: [R] Median abline how-to ?

2010-08-12 Thread David martin
thanks !!! On 12/08/10 17:49, William Dunlap wrote: segments(x0=ix-w, x1=ix+w, y0=mediansByGroup, col=ix) __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/post

Re: [R] Where the data file is stored?

2010-08-12 Thread David Winsemius
On Aug 12, 2010, at 11:51 AM, Stephen Liu wrote: Hi Barry, Following 2 commands are useful to me; row .names(subset(file.info(list.files(getwd(),full.name=TRUE)),isdir)) showing directories. row.names(subset(file.info(list.files(getwd(),full.name=TRUE)),! isdir)) showing files What is

Re: [R] Where the data file is stored?

2010-08-12 Thread Barry Rowlingson
On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 4:51 PM, Stephen Liu wrote: > Hi Barry, > > > Following 2 commands are useful to me; >> row.names(subset(file.info(list.files(getwd(),full.name=TRUE)),isdir)) > showing directories. > >> row.names(subset(file.info(list.files(getwd(),full.name=TRUE)),!isdir)) > showing files

Re: [R] Regression Error: Otherwise good variable causes singularity. Why?

2010-08-12 Thread asdir
@JLucke: As for the africa variable: I took it out of the model, so that we can exclude this variable itself and collinearity between the africa and the litrate variable as causes for the litrate-problem. This also removed the singularity remark at the top. However, the problem with litrate-varia

[R] R install: documentation

2010-08-12 Thread Tim Gruene
Hello, when I ran "R CMD INSTALL circular_0.4.tar.gz" on a machine with Debian stable, the command also created the documentation in various fomrats (latex, html, online). The same command on Debian testing only provides the online documentation. How can I persuade R to create the different form

Re: [R] non-linear regression for 3D data

2010-08-12 Thread Duncan Murdoch
On 12/08/2010 10:35 AM, szisziszilvi wrote: I've tried lm, but something is wrong. I've made a test dataset of 599 data points, my original equation is zz = 1 +0.5*xx -3.2*xx*xx -1*yy +4.2*yy*yy but the R gives this result: --- > mp <- read.cs

Re: [R] R install: documentation

2010-08-12 Thread Duncan Murdoch
On 12/08/2010 12:10 PM, Tim Gruene wrote: Hello, when I ran "R CMD INSTALL circular_0.4.tar.gz" on a machine with Debian stable, the command also created the documentation in various fomrats (latex, html, online). The same command on Debian testing only provides the online documentation. How c

Re: [R] help usin scan on large matrix (caveats to what has been discussed before)

2010-08-12 Thread Peter Dalgaard
Martin Tomko wrote: > Hi Peter, > apologies, too fast copying and pasting. > So, here is the explanation: > f<-"C:/test/mytab.txt"; > R<-readLines(con=f); > > where mytab.txt is a table formatted as noted in previous post (space > delimited, with header, rownames, containing integers). > > Now,

Re: [R] Running something without a loop when the result from the previous iteration is require for the current iteration

2010-08-12 Thread Adrienne Wootten
Thanks everyone for your help and advice. For the R-help archives, here is what I ended up doing. First creating a separate function to handle one day at a time - byrow.gen2 <- function(genmat,rownum,use1,use2,num,ortho_obs_used){ prev = rownum-1 ran = runif(length(rownum),0,1) if(genmat[rownum,

[R] multicore mclapply error

2010-08-12 Thread Jarrett Byrnes
I'm running r 2. on a mac running 10.6.4 and a dual-core macbook pro. I'm having a funny time with multicore. When I run it with 2 cores, mclapply, R borks with the following error. The process has forked and you cannot use this CoreFoundation functionality safely. You MUST exec(). Break on

[R] reading fixed width format data with 2 types of lines

2010-08-12 Thread Denis Chabot
Hi, I know how to read fixed width format data with read.fwf, but suddenly I need to read in a large number of old fwf files with 2 types of lines. Lines that begin with "3" in first column carry one set of variables, and lines that begin with "4" carry another set, like this: … 3A00206546L070

Re: [R] multicore mclapply error

2010-08-12 Thread Thomas Lumley
On Thu, 12 Aug 2010, Jarrett Byrnes wrote: I'm running r 2. on a mac running 10.6.4 and a dual-core macbook pro. I'm having a funny time with multicore. When I run it with 2 cores, mclapply, R borks with the following error. The process has forked and you cannot use this CoreFoundation func

[R] rpart package

2010-08-12 Thread Olga Shaganova
Hi, I am a brand new user and may be my question is too simple. I have R on our (not Unix) server. I am trying to build a decision tree and the error message says "couldn't find function rpart". Does it mean I have to ask our server guy to install an additional package? Thank you, Olga [

Re: [R] Creating vectors

2010-08-12 Thread clips10
I think your code will work but only for the two columns I gave. I used those as an example but my actual data is 200 in length with two columns and I need code that will give a label to each unique pair but still have the original length for instance, one that will turn something such as

Re: [R] Creating vectors

2010-08-12 Thread JesperHybel
You can use following scriptI think #create a vector of random numbers on which to test script v<-sample(1:3,size=90,replace=TRUE) #creates two matrixes out of vector v which can be assigned to M to test script M2<-matrix(v,ncol=2) M3<-matrix(v,ncol=3) M<- #Assign you're matrix or a te

Re: [R] multicore mclapply error

2010-08-12 Thread Jarrett Byrnes
Ah. Indeed, this is from the glmulti. I had not realized there would be problems using Java. Is there a way around this to still use a multicore approach? For what other packages that use multiple cores will this not be a problem? -Jarrett On Aug 12, 2010, at 11:02 AM, Thomas Lumley wrote:

Re: [R] rpart package

2010-08-12 Thread Erik Iverson
Olga Shaganova wrote: Hi, I am a brand new user and may be my question is too simple. I have R on our (not Unix) server. I am trying to build a decision tree and the error message says "couldn't find function rpart". Does it mean I have to ask our server guy to install an additional package?

Re: [R] drawing dot plots with size, shape affecting dot characteristics

2010-08-12 Thread Hadley Wickham
On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 10:14 PM, Brian Tsai wrote: > Hi all, > > I'm interested in doing a dot plot where *both* the size and color (more > specifically, shade of grey) change with the associated value. > > I've found examples online for ggplot2 where you can scale the size of the > dot with a va

[R] Error in rowSums

2010-08-12 Thread Amit Patel
Hi I am trying to calculate the row sums of a matrix i have created The matrix ( FeaturePresenceMatrix) has been created by 1) Read csv 2) Removing unnecesarry data using [-1:4,] command 3) replacing all the NA values with as.numeric(0) and all others with as.numeric (1) When I carry out the

Re: [R] Error in rowSums

2010-08-12 Thread Erik Iverson
Amit Patel wrote: Hi I am trying to calculate the row sums of a matrix i have created The matrix ( FeaturePresenceMatrix) has been created by 1) Read csv 2) Removing unnecesarry data using [-1:4,] command 3) replacing all the NA values with as.numeric(0) and all others with as.numeric (1)

Re: [R] Error in rowSums

2010-08-12 Thread TGS
Yes, please do as Erik said in the future but here's one way to do it. (A <- matrix(data = rnorm(n = 9, mean = 0, sd = 1), nrow = 3, ncol = 3, byrow = FALSE, dimnames = NULL)) matrix(rowSums(A)) On Aug 12, 2010, at 11:28 AM, Amit Patel wrote: Hi I am trying to calculate the row sums of a matr

Re: [R] Error in rowSums

2010-08-12 Thread Peter Ehlers
Another suggestion: compare -1:4 with -(1:4) -Peter Ehlers On 2010-08-12 12:28, Amit Patel wrote: Hi I am trying to calculate the row sums of a matrix i have created The matrix ( FeaturePresenceMatrix) has been created by 1) Read csv 2) Removing unnecesarry data using [-1:4,] command

Re: [R] shrout & fleiss ICC´s with varying numbers o f judges

2010-08-12 Thread aleahmad
hi Peter, There's no single function for ICC with variable number of judges. To estimate the variances in that case you need hierarchical linear modeling. I posted code for this at Stackoverflow in answer to your question there: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3205176/ Stats questions get

[R] conditional selection of dataframe rows

2010-08-12 Thread Toby Gass
Dear helpeRs, I have a dataframe (14947 x 27) containing measurements collected every 5 seconds at several different sampling locations. If one measurement at a given location is less than zero on a given day, I would like to delete all measurements from that location on that day. Here is a t

[R] x-axis label print in 45 degree

2010-08-12 Thread array chip
Hi how can print x-axis labels in 45 degree in boxplot() (or plot in general)? I can use las=2 to print in 90 degree, but it looks ugly. Is there a simple option to do 45 degree easily? Thanks John __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.

Re: [R] x-axis label print in 45 degree

2010-08-12 Thread Marc Schwartz
On Aug 12, 2010, at 2:14 PM, array chip wrote: > Hi how can print x-axis labels in 45 degree in boxplot() (or plot in > general)? I > can use las=2 to print in 90 degree, but it looks ugly. Is there a simple > option > to do 45 degree easily? > > Thanks > > John John, See R FAQ 7.27 How c

Re: [R] conditional selection of dataframe rows

2010-08-12 Thread David Winsemius
On Aug 12, 2010, at 3:11 PM, Toby Gass wrote: Dear helpeRs, I have a dataframe (14947 x 27) containing measurements collected every 5 seconds at several different sampling locations. If one measurement at a given location is less than zero on a given day, I would like to delete all measuremen

Re: [R] conditional selection of dataframe rows

2010-08-12 Thread Henrique Dallazuanna
Try this: subset(toy, !rowSums(mapply(is.element, toy[c('CH', 'DAY')], subset(toy, SLOPE < 0, CH:DAY))) > 1 | SLOPE < 0) On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 4:11 PM, Toby Gass wrote: > Dear helpeRs, > > I have a dataframe (14947 x 27) containing measurements collected > every 5 seconds at several differen

Re: [R] conditional selection of dataframe rows

2010-08-12 Thread Marc Schwartz
On Aug 12, 2010, at 2:11 PM, Toby Gass wrote: > Dear helpeRs, > > I have a dataframe (14947 x 27) containing measurements collected > every 5 seconds at several different sampling locations. If one > measurement at a given location is less than zero on a given day, I > would like to delete al

Re: [R] conditional selection of dataframe rows

2010-08-12 Thread Marc Schwartz
On Aug 12, 2010, at 2:24 PM, Marc Schwartz wrote: > On Aug 12, 2010, at 2:11 PM, Toby Gass wrote: > >> Dear helpeRs, >> >> I have a dataframe (14947 x 27) containing measurements collected >> every 5 seconds at several different sampling locations. If one >> measurement at a given location is

Re: [R] x-axis label print in 45 degree

2010-08-12 Thread David Winsemius
On Aug 12, 2010, at 3:17 PM, Marc Schwartz wrote: On Aug 12, 2010, at 2:14 PM, array chip wrote: Hi how can print x-axis labels in 45 degree in boxplot() (or plot in general)? I can use las=2 to print in 90 degree, but it looks ugly. Is there a simple option to do 45 degree easily? Thank

Re: [R] rpart package

2010-08-12 Thread Boris Reiss
Hi Olga, not directly related to your question. We have also a server installation and subsequently our IT department determines which version and packages I can use on R. A few days ago I have switched to R-portable. Works without any problems from my USB stick on any locked-for-installation W

[R] Plotting one dot in a graph

2010-08-12 Thread TGS
I'd like to plot a point at the intersection of these two curves. Thanks x <- seq(.2, .3, by = .01) f <- function(x){ x*cos(x)-2*x**2+3*x-1 } plot(x,f(x), type = "l") abline(h = 0) __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailm

Re: [R] x-axis label print in 45 degree

2010-08-12 Thread array chip
Than you Marc. John - Original Message From: Marc Schwartz To: array chip Cc: r-help@r-project.org Sent: Thu, August 12, 2010 12:17:12 PM Subject: Re: [R] x-axis label print in 45 degree On Aug 12, 2010, at 2:14 PM, array chip wrote: > Hi how can print x-axis labels in 45 degree in

Re: [R] x-axis label print in 45 degree

2010-08-12 Thread array chip
I searched with "print x-axis label in 45 degree" which didn't return useful links. Apparently I used poor search keywords. - Original Message From: David Winsemius To: Marc Schwartz Cc: array chip ; r-help@r-project.org Sent: Thu, August 12, 2010 12:34:16 PM Subject: Re: [R] x-ax

Re: [R] Plotting one dot in a graph

2010-08-12 Thread TGS
Yes, I'm playing around with other things but the "points()" function is what I was looking for. Thanks On Aug 12, 2010, at 12:47 PM, David Winsemius wrote: On Aug 12, 2010, at 3:43 PM, TGS wrote: > I'd like to plot a point at the intersection of these two curves. Thanks > > x <- seq(.2, .3,

Re: [R] Plotting one dot in a graph

2010-08-12 Thread TGS
Actually I spoke too soon David. I'm looking for a function that will either tell me which point is the intersection so that I'd be able to plot a point there. Or, if I have to solve for the roots in the ways which were demonstrated yesterday, then would I be able to specify what the horizontal

Re: [R] help usin scan on large matrix (caveats to what has been discussed before)

2010-08-12 Thread Martin Tomko
I did. Did not work. Did you try your code? The matrix did not result into integer numbers as expected. MY approach resulted in a correct scan result, at least. M. > Martin Tomko wrote: >> Hi Peter, >> apologies, too fast copying and pasting. >> So, here is the explanation: >> f<-"C:/test/mytab.tx

Re: [R] Plotting one dot in a graph

2010-08-12 Thread David Winsemius
On Aug 12, 2010, at 3:54 PM, TGS wrote: Actually I spoke too soon David. I'm looking for a function that will either tell me which point is the intersection so that I'd be able to plot a point there. Or, if I have to solve for the roots in the ways which were demonstrated yesterday, then

Re: [R] reading fixed width format data with 2 types of lines

2010-08-12 Thread Tim Gruene
I don't know if it's elegant enough for you, but you could split the file into two files with 'grep "^3" file > file_3' and 'grep "^4" file > file_4' and then read them in separately. Tim On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 01:57:19PM -0400, Denis Chabot wrote: > Hi, > > I know how to read fixed width forma

Re: [R] Plotting one dot in a graph

2010-08-12 Thread TGS
I was meaning something like the following: x <- seq(.2, .3, by = .01) f <- function(x){ x*cos(x)-2*x**2+3*x-1 } plot(x,f(x), type = "l") abline(h = -.1) But I'm guessing "uniroot" will do this?---I haven't looked far into the uniroot function to see if it will solve this. On Aug 12, 20

Re: [R] conditional selection of dataframe rows

2010-08-12 Thread Toby Gass
Thank you all for the quick responses. So far as I've checked, Marc's solution works perfectly and is quite speedy. I'm still trying to figure out what it is doing. :) Henrique's solution seems to need some columns somewhere. David's solution does not find all the other measurements, possibl

Re: [R] build.pl in building library with Rtools211

2010-08-12 Thread Uwe Ligges
What did you try? R CMD build (build all lower case) does work for me Uwe Ligges On 09.08.2010 22:30, Hintzen, Niels wrote: Dear all, As I couldn't find any thread on the internet I hope the help-list might help me out. I've tried to update Rtools from R210 used in combination with R2.9.1

[R] Scatterplot - Overlap Frequency

2010-08-12 Thread Mestat
Hi listers... I am working o a scatterplot where I would like to plot the variables according with another frequency variable. Another friend here proposed this code... x <- rnorm(10) y <- rnorm(10) ind <- c(1,0,1,0,1,0,1,1,0,0) plot(x, y, col = ind + 1, pch = 16) # 1 is black, 2 is red But in

[R] how to eliminate an element of a list

2010-08-12 Thread André de Boer
Hi, I want to eliminate an element of a list: list <- seq(1,5,1) s <- sample(list,1) lets say s=3 Now I want to remove 3 from the list: list2 = {1,2,4,5} Can someone give me a tip? Thanks, André [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ R-hel

Re: [R] how to eliminate an element of a list

2010-08-12 Thread Henrique Dallazuanna
Try this: setdiff(list, s) On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 5:32 PM, André de Boer wrote: > Hi, > > I want to eliminate an element of a list: > > list <- seq(1,5,1) > s <- sample(list,1) > > lets say s=3 > Now I want to remove 3 from the list: list2 = {1,2,4,5} > > Can someone give me a tip? > > Thanks,

Re: [R] conditional selection of dataframe rows

2010-08-12 Thread David Winsemius
On Aug 12, 2010, at 4:06 PM, Toby Gass wrote: Thank you all for the quick responses. So far as I've checked, Marc's solution works perfectly and is quite speedy. I'm still trying to figure out what it is doing. :) Henrique's solution seems to need some columns somewhere. David's solution do

Re: [R] Scatterplot - Overlap Frequency

2010-08-12 Thread Wu Gong
Hi Marcio, Your friend has given the answer. x <- rnorm(10) y <- rnorm(10) ind <- c(3,0,1,0,3,0,2,2,0,0) plot(x, y, col = grey(0:max(ind)/max(ind))[ind], pch = 16) Mestat wrote: > > I am working o a scatterplot where I would like to plot the variables > according with another frequency var

Re: [R] Plotting one dot in a graph

2010-08-12 Thread TGS
# just to clean it up for my own understanding, the "difference" approach as you had suggested would be x <- seq(.2, .3, by = .1) f1 <- function(x){ x*cos(x)-2*x**2+3*x-1 } plot(x,f1(x), type = "l") abline(h = -.1) abline(v = x[which.min(abs(diff((f1(x) - (-.1))**2)))], lty = 'dotted'

Re: [R] reading fixed width format data with 2 types of lines

2010-08-12 Thread Charles C. Berry
On Thu, 12 Aug 2010, Tim Gruene wrote: I don't know if it's elegant enough for you, but you could split the file into two files with 'grep "^3" file > file_3' and 'grep "^4" file > file_4' and then read them in separately. along the same lines, but all in R (untested) original.lines <- readL

[R] send and receiving objects with Rmpi

2010-08-12 Thread Remi Gagne
Hi all, I'm having difficulties passing data from the master to the children. I haven't seen any complete tutorial, all the tutorial broadcast data where I would like to send parts of my big tablechip list. Everytime I run this, the last line always jams. I even tried to reduce the number of r

Re: [R] storing the results of an apply call

2010-08-12 Thread Greg Snow
> -Original Message- > From: r-help-boun...@r-project.org [mailto:r-help-boun...@r- > project.org] On Behalf Of Joshua Wiley > Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2010 6:31 PM > To: Lorenzo Cattarino > Cc: r-help@r-project.org > Subject: Re: [R] storing the results of an apply call > > What foll

Re: [R] conditional selection of dataframe rows

2010-08-12 Thread Marc Schwartz
On Aug 12, 2010, at 3:06 PM, Toby Gass wrote: > Thank you all for the quick responses. So far as I've checked, > Marc's solution works perfectly and is quite speedy. I'm still > trying to figure out what it is doing. :) > > Henrique's solution seems to need some columns somewhere. David's

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