Hi again.
I have made an example of my data:
z <- c(12,23,23,42,12,1,1,32,5,45,65,76,32,21,23,43)
data <- unique(cbind(x,y,z))
contour(x,y,z, col="red", xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1), labcex=0.7, cex="12")
-which gives an e
Hello everyone.
I have been dealing with this for a while. I have built a spatial prediction
model for densities of mosquitoes on a field, based om empirical data. I
need to plot the field area with the predicted densities in a heatmap,
contour or likewise, and compare it visually with i.e. a loe
On 06/29/2010 01:04 AM, Simon Kiss wrote:
Dear colleagues,
I have extracted the dates of several news stories from a newspaper data
base to chart coverage trends of an issue over time. They are in a data
frame that looks just like one generated by the reproducible code below.
I can already genera
Dear all,
In a greenhouse experiment we tested performance of 4 different species
(B,H,P,R) under 3 different water levels in 10 replications. As response
variable e.g. the number of emerging sprouts were measured on three dates. A
simple Anova considering every measurement date separately shows
On 29-Jun-10 08:53:48, Kirkeby wrote:
> Hi again.
> I have made an example of my data:
> x<-c(1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4)
> y<-c(1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4)
> z <- c(12,23,23,42,12,1,1,32,5,45,65,76,32,21,23,43)
> data <- unique(cbind(x,y,z))
> contour(x,y,z, col="red", xlim=c(0,1)
Hi the list,
I would like to put a link in a .Rd file to a PDF document (not a vignette,
just a
regular PDF). I put my PDF in the folder inst/doc/toto.pdf. In the bible
Cross-references", I read that \link can point to PDF file, but I did not
manage to do
it. How shall I do that ?
Dear colleagues, particularly academic ones,
So I'm creating a Microsoft Word template for myself so that every
time I teach a new course, I don't have to enter in the dates manually
for each class session.
I'd like to use an R script that can generate an irregular series of
dates starting f
Thanks a lot.
?HTH :)
2010/6/28 Jannis
> Try adding
> par(new=TRUE)
> after plotting the first plot and then just plot the second one. You have
> to make sure that both use the same y axis but I will leave it to you to
> find out how ;-) (I would fix the y limits of both plots
cgenolin wrote:
Hi the list,
I would like to put a link in a .Rd file to a PDF document (not a vignette,
just a
regular PDF). I put my PDF in the folder inst/doc/toto.pdf. In the bible
Cross-references", I read that \link can point to PDF file, but I did not
manage to do
it. How shall I do
Previously in R 2.9.2 I used the following to convert from an improperly
formatted NA string into one that is a bit more consistent.
gsub("N\A", "NA", "N\A", fixed=TRUE)
This worked in R 2.9.2, but now in R 2.11.1 it doesn't seem to work an throws
the following error.
Error: '\A' is an unr
Thanks, Duncan.
And where am I suppose to put the file toto.pdf ?
In "/myPack/doc/" or in "myPack/inst/doc/"
View this message in context:
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
suppose I have a factor 'x':
> x <- as.factor(c(rep("a",3),"b","d"))
> table(x)
a b d
3 1 1
But this is not what I want because
I need to include the fact that the count of "c" is zero.
I can't just change the levels of x:
> levels(x) <- c("a","b","c","d")
> table(x)
a b c d
3 1 1
On Tue, 2010-06-29 at 11:59 +0100, Robin Hankin wrote:
> Hi
> suppose I have a factor 'x':
> > x <- as.factor(c(rep("a",3),"b","d"))
> > table(x)
> x
> a b d
> 3 1 1
> >
> >
> But this is not what I want because
> I need to include the fact that the count of "c" is zero.
> I can't j
You could try
x<- factor(c(rep("a",3),"b","d"), levels=letters[1:4])
# x
# a b c d
# 3 1 0 1
Hope this helps
On 29/06/10 11:59, Robin Hankin wrote:
suppose I have a factor 'x':
> x <- as.factor(c(rep("a",3),"b","d"))
> table(x)
a b d
3 1 1
But this is not what I wa
On 29/06/2010 6:55 AM, cgenolin wrote:
Thanks, Duncan.
And where am I suppose to put the file toto.pdf ?
In "/myPack/doc/" or in "myPack/inst/doc/"
The latter. When your package is installed, it will be installed to
Duncan Murdoch
On 29/06/2010 6:47 AM, Jason Rupert wrote:
Previously in R 2.9.2 I used the following to convert from an improperly formatted NA string into one that is a bit more consistent.
gsub("N\A", "NA", "N\A", fixed=TRUE)
This worked in R 2.9.2, but now in R 2.11.1 it doesn't seem to work an throws
Following is the error I am getting:
Error in svm.default(train, cl) :
Need numeric dependent variable for regression.
My dataset looks like this in both training and testing:
On 29.06.2010 12:47, Jason Rupert wrote:
Previously in R 2.9.2 I used the following to convert from an improperly
formatted NA string into one that is a bit more consistent.
gsub("N\A", "NA", "N\A", fixed=TRUE)
This worked in R 2.9.2, but now in R 2.11.1 it doesn't seem to work an throws
Just use factor(), not levels(); you can pass a factor to factor() too.
> x <- factor(c(rep("a",3),"b","d"), levels = letters[1:5])
> table(x)
a b c d e
3 1 0 1 0
On 29 June 2010 20:59, Robin Hankin wrote:
> Hi
> suppose I have a factor 'x':
>> x <- as.factor(c(rep("a",3),
When I replied to this message I just hit the reply button. I am
resending it using reply to all, in case it did not go to the list.
Dear Ilona,
Looking at the estimation results you have, I think your regression
equations are correctly specified. Just thinking aloud, I do not think
the results a
thanks everyone.
I think the motto should be "always specify the levels of a factor when
you create it
if you possibly can".
best wishes
On 06/29/2010 12:39 PM, Felix Andrews wrote:
Just use factor(), not levels(); you can pass a factor to factor() too.
x<- factor(c(rep("a",3
On Jun 28, 2010, at 10:58 AM, Martin Spindler wrote:
currently I am estimating an ordered probit model with the function
(MASS package).
Is there a simple way to obtain values for the prediction of the index
function ($X*\hat{\beta}$)?
(E..g. in the GLM function there is th
[I replied to Gabor only, I think i may be interesting to cc the list, for
the record.]
-- Forwarded message --
From: bruno Piguet
Date: 2010/6/29
Subject: Re: [R] Fast and simple tool for re-sampling of asynchronous time
series ?
To: Gabor Grothendieck
2010/6/25 Gabor Grothend
> dt = data.table(d,key="grp1,grp2")
> system.time(ans1 <- dt[ , list(mean(x),mean(y)) , by=list(grp1,grp2)])
user system elapsed
3.890.003.91# your 7.064 is 12.23 for me though, so this
3.9 should be faster for you
However, Rprof() shows that 3.9 is mostly dispatch of mea
On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 8:02 AM, Matthew Dowle wrote:
>> dt = data.table(d,key="grp1,grp2")
>> system.time(ans1 <- dt[ , list(mean(x),mean(y)) , by=list(grp1,grp2)])
> user system elapsed
> 3.89 0.00 3.91 # your 7.064 is 12.23 for me though, so this
> 3.9 should be faster for y
I think you may be misinterpreting the t-test.
In model 1, consider the speciesH coefficient. A test that speciesH = 0,
essentially asks: Is speciesH the same as speciesB? The test statistic for
this hypothesis is the t-value reported in the table. (t-value= -4.2,
In mo
Dear all,
I've recently purchased a new 64bit system with an intel i7 quadcore
processor. As I understood (maybe wrongly) that to date the 32bit
version of R is more stable than the 64bit, I installed the 32bit
version and am happily using it ever since. Now I'm running a whole
lot of models, whic
On 29.06.2010 15:30, Joris Meys wrote:
Dear all,
I've recently purchased a new 64bit system with an intel i7 quadcore
processor. As I understood (maybe wrongly) that to date the 32bit
version of R is more stable than the 64bit, I installed the 32bit
version and am happily using it ever since.
On Tue, 2010-06-29 at 09:09 +, Ilona Leyer wrote:
> Dear all,
> In a greenhouse experiment we tested performance of 4 different species
> (B,H,P,R) under 3 different water levels in 10 replications. As response
> variable e.g. the number of emerging sprouts were measured on three dates. A
*slaps forehead*
Thanks. So out it goes, that hyperthreading. Who invented
hyperthreading on a quad-core anyway?
2010/6/29 Uwe Ligges :
> On 29.06.2010 15:30, Joris Meys wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I've recently purchased a new 64bit system with an intel i7 quadcore
>> processo
I suspect that it was Intel's marketing department, after a few beers at the
local bar...
On Jun 29, 2010, at 9:09 AM, Joris Meys wrote:
> *slaps forehead*
> Thanks. So out it goes, that hyperthreading. Who invented
> hyperthreading on a quad-core anyway?
> Cheers
> Jo
Hi there,
I am a Chinese R user. I hope to display Chinese character in a plot,
and than save it in PostScript format. I have read the article titled
"Non-Standard Fonts in PostScript and PDF Graphics", especially the
section about CJK fonts. I also tried the code:
> pdf("chinese.pdf", width=3, h
Dear List
I am a little unsure how to structure my model and was after some advice. I am
a little unsure if this question is appropriate for this list, if it is not
please just delete and accept my apologise.
I have 10 factors that are categorical variables and 5 levels of response
Dear List,
I am a little unsure how to structure my model and was after some advice. I am
a little unsure if this question is appropriate for this list, if it is not
please just delete and accept my apologise.
I have 10 factors that are categorical variables and 5 levels of response
Dear R Experts,
I have a vector of dates in character format like this:
I would like to delete the last part of the character string (i.e. the
"day" part), so the vector looks like this:
On Jun 29, 2010, at 8:36 AM, Thomas Jensen wrote:
> Dear R Experts,
> I have a vector of dates in character format like this:
> date
> "2000-01-01"
> "2000-01-23"
> "2001-03-12"
> ...
> ...
> ...
> "2009-12-31"
> I would like to delete the last part of the character string (i.e. the "day"
If the vector elements are (still) strings, you could simply try
x<- c("2000-01-01", "2000-01-23", "2001-03-12", "2009-12-31")
substring(x, 1, 7)
# [1] "2000-01" "2000-01" "2001-03" "2009-12"
Hope this helps a little.
On 29/06/10 14:36, Thomas Jensen wrote:
Dear R Experts,
I have a
On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 7:16 AM, Aadhithya wrote:
> Following is the error I am getting:
> Error in svm.default(train, cl) :
> Need numeric dependent variable for regression.
Here's a problem that you may not even know you had yet.
By the looks of your code, it seems as if you want to do
Dear R-users,
please consider the following minimal example:
df.data1 <-
cbind.data.frame(A = rnorm(18),
> On 29/06/2010 6:55 AM, cgenolin wrote:
>> Thanks, Duncan.
>> And where am I suppose to put the file toto.pdf ?
>> In "/myPack/doc/" or in "myPack/inst/doc/"
> The latter. When your package is installed, it will be installed to
> myPack/doc.
> Duncan Murdoch
> ___
On Jun 29, 2010, at 10:08 AM, Ottorino-Luca Pantani wrote:
> Dear R-users,
> please consider the following minimal example:
> \documentclass[a4paper,titlepage,onecolumn,12pt]{article}
> \usepackage[italian]{babel}
> \usepackage{amssymb}
> \usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc}
> \usepackage[pdftex]{graph
> Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2010 17:53:56 +0200
> From: "Adolf STIPS"
> Hi,
> I'm using the "ncdf" library for creating ncdf files.
> But I need to create about 100 variables per file (e.g. single rivers),
> So I do not like to create each variable separately.
> Unfortunately I found no way to make
On 29/06/2010 17:36, Marc Schwartz wrote:
On Jun 29, 2010, at 10:08 AM, Ottorino-Luca Pantani wrote:
paste("$\\pm$", 1.34, sep="")
[1] "$\\pm$1.34"
I believe you then need to tweak the sanitize.text.function argument in
print.xtable() to properly handle the backsl
When I use this I am getting following warning at the time of opening R from
that shortcut :
"-max-mem-size=2048MB:too large and taken as 2047M"
Why I am getting this? I have 3GB ram installed and using within Vista.
View this message in context:
I am not entirely sure, but the actual amount of RAM is less than the
GB specified by the specs. Are you directing R to a max memory
size... If so it is too large.
On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 11:32 AM, Bogaso wrote:
> When I use this I am getting following warning at the time of opening R from
dbs is an existing dataframe. I fit a lm and looked at influential
observations. I want now to delete the influential observations from dbs,
fit another lm, and see how different the results are. What is the syntax to
remove the influential observations from dbs?
fit <- lm(NI ~ PG + log(TG), data
Did you forget to add the "fixed = TRUE" parameter to your gsub call in your
> gsub("N\\A", "NA", "N\\A")
[1] "N\\A"
> gsub("N\\A","NA","N\\A",fixed=TRUE)
[1] "NA"
I only mention it because there is already sufficient confusion that the
typo may totally bewilder people.
-- Bert
Hello, everyone!
I have a very simple task - I have a data frame (see MyData below) and
I need to stack the data (see result below).
I wrote the syntax below - it's very basic and it does what I need.
But I am sure what I am trying to do is a very typical task and there
must be a much shorter/more
On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 12:22 PM, Dimitri Liakhovitski
> Hello, everyone!
> I have a very simple task - I have a data frame (see MyData below) and
> I need to stack the data (see result below).
> I wrote the syntax below - it's very basic and it does what I need.
> But I am sure what I am t
On Jun 29, 2010, at 1:10 PM, GL wrote:
dbs is an existing dataframe. I fit a lm and looked at influential
observations. I want now to delete the influential observations from
fit another lm, and see how different the results are. What is the
syntax to
remove the influential observati
Dear R-users,
I have created a map with plot location using longitude/latitude coordinates
with the PlotOnStaticMap() function of the RgoogleMaps package. Everything
works fine until I try to put a polygon on the map. The polygon() function
doesnt work and I need to use the special function Plo
I have a correlation matrix of 1000 x 1000 genes. I have grouped (20 groups)
genes based on function and each gene has a index. I would like to reorder the
correlation matrix based on the group index. Could you please suggest me how to
do that?
Thanks in advance.
Kind regards,
Try this:
reshape(MyData, direction = 'long', varying = list(c('jan', 'feb')), idvar =
On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 2:22 PM, Dimitri Liakhovitski <
dimitri.liakhovit...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello, everyone!
> I have a very simple task - I have a data frame (see MyData below) and
> I need to stack
dbs_influential_obs <- which(apply(fit.influential.observations$is.inf, 1,
dbs_sans_influential_obs <- dbs1[-dbs_influential_obs,]
View this message in context:
Sent from
the date were created with chron with this argument
format=c(dates="Y/m/d", times="H:M:S"))
so I have the dates being displayed as
(10/06/22 12:00:00)
I would like to have them displayed as
"2010-06-22 12:00:00" or "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
and then I can convert these for mergeing with another dat
I think it's actually even a bit worse than what Duncan said, which was:
"You need to double the backslashes to enter them in an R string. So
gsub("N\\A", "NA", original, fixed=TRUE)
should work if original contains a single backslash, and
gsub("NA", "NA", original, fix
Stephen -
format(as.POSIXct(x),"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
[1] "2009-08-07 17:00:00" "2009-08-07 17:15:00" "2009-08-07 17:29:59"
[4] "2009-08-07 17:45:00" "2009-08-07 18:00:00"
- Phil Spector
Statistical Computing Facil
Thank you very much for your swift reply. I have not used POSIXct
much, but I do remember having issues with time zones in POSIXx.
Should I be aware of this, or is this not a problem. I have set the
data recorders to stay one time and one time zone and never change, so
that I don't have to
Hi Phani,
something like this looks promising:
MAPE.for.Holt <- function (x,series,bignum=10e6) {
foo <-
if ( class(f
On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 2:01 PM, stephen sefick wrote:
> the date were created with chron with this argument
> format=c(dates="Y/m/d", times="H:M:S"))
> so I have the dates being displayed as
> (10/06/22 12:00:00)
> I would like to have them displayed as
> "2010-06-22 12:00:00" or "%Y-%m
HI, Dear community,
How to distinguish bi-mode distribution from mono-mode distribution? I have
only the histograms of 3500 data set.
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 2:22 PM, Gabor Grothendieck
> On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 2:01 PM, stephen sefick wrote:
>> the date were created with chron with this argument
>> format=c(dates="Y/m/d", times="H:M:S"))
>> so I have the dates being displayed as
>> (10/06/22 12:00:00)
>> I w
Thank you both! If I don't want to deal with a Time Zone potentailly
converting some of the dates, which would be your suggestions. Or,
are they all the same way to skin a cat. Again thank you for your
wonderful help.
kindest regards,
Stephen Sefick
On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 1:39 PM, Gabor Grot
Hello, I have to construct 5 new columns in a data frame depending on
the value of another of the columns in the data frame. The only way I
could figure out to do this was to subset the data frame five times, do
the variable construction, and then rbind the subsets back together.
Here's part of the
> -Original Message-
> From: r-help-boun...@r-project.org [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-
> project.org] On Behalf Of Bert Gunter
> Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2010 11:08 AM
> To: 'Jason Rupert'; 'Duncan Murdoch'
> Cc: r-help@r-project.org
> Subject: Re: [R] gsub issue in R 2.11.1, but not present in
The time zone independent solution, i.e. paste(as.Date(x), format(x -
is the safer although format(as.POSIXlt(x, tz = "GMT")) seems to work too.
On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 2:44 PM, stephen sefick wrote:
> Thank you both! If I don't want to deal with a Time Zone potentailly
> converting
I'm sure there's an easier way, but it's going to be easiest to get a
useful response if we have a reproducible, minimal example, as the
posting guide requests. ?tapply is probably involved.
Stuart Luppescu wrote:
Hello, I have to construct 5 new columns in a data frame depending on
the value
Also the paste solution can be abbreviated to just:
paste(as.Date(x), x - floor(x))
On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 2:57 PM, Gabor Grothendieck
> The time zone independent solution, i.e. paste(as.Date(x), format(x -
> floor(x))),
> is the safer although format(as.POSIXlt(x, tz = "GMT")) seems
A fairly simple way is to generate one series with all the Tuesdays, then
another with all the Thursdays, combine and sort.
> sort( c( seq.Date( as.Date('2010-6-29'), by='week', length.out=10),
+ seq.Date( as.Date('2010-7-1'), by='week', length.out=10) )
+ )
[1] "2010-06-29" "2010-07-01" "2010-
It is hard to know exactly what you want without a description of your data or
what you want the final plot to look like. But you can do the equivalent of
plot followed by multiple calls to points by using a loop, apply functions, the
lattice package or the ggplots2 package (I'm guessing the la
Dear R People:
I have two data frames, a.df and b.df as seen here:
> a.df[1:10,]
1 4/16/2009 F 23686 45 RASH ON BODY
2 4/16/2009 F 13840 35 CANT URINATE
3 4/16/2009 M 12895 30 BLURRED
On Tue, 2010-06-29 at 13:59 -0500, Erik Iverson wrote:
> I'm sure there's an easier way, but it's going to be easiest to get a
> useful response if we have a reproducible, minimal example, as the
> posting guide requests. ?tapply is probably involved.
A minimal example of data? How about this:
On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 6:22 AM, Simon Kiss wrote:
> Dear colleagues, particularly academic ones,
> So I'm creating a Microsoft Word template for myself so that every time I
> teach a new course, I don't have to enter in the dates manually for each
> class session.
> I'd like to use an R script th
On Jun 29, 2010, at 2:54 PM, Stuart Luppescu wrote:
Hello, I have to construct 5 new columns in a data frame depending on
the value of another of the columns in the data frame. The only way I
could figure out to do this was to subset the data frame five times,
the variable construction, a
Thank you very much for a reference to "reshape".
I found that melt(MyData) - and then resorting - gives me exactly what I want!
On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 1:46 PM, Henrique Dallazuanna wrote:
> Try this:
> reshape(MyData, direction = 'long', varying = list(c('jan', 'feb')), idvar =
> 2:3
On 29.06.2010 19:19, Bert Gunter wrote:
Did you forget to add the "fixed = TRUE" parameter to your gsub call in your
Yes, thanks.
gsub("N\\A", "NA", "N\\A")
[1] "N\\A"
[1] "NA"
I only mention it because there is already sufficie
hope it helps
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
Hello Steve
Thanks for quick responses its really helping me out .Ya I made the
necessary changes you had mentioned. I was not sure of that 'type' argument
where u had told me to set it to SVM . Do you mean I have to give that
argument in this line "cl <- c(c(rep("ALL",10), rep("AML",10)));" a
Hi, folks,
I am sorry that I did not state the problem correctly yesterday.
Please let me address the problem by the following codes:
Hi Steve
I had done one more thing I had taken the transpose of both my test and
train files as given below:
model<- svm(t(train),cl);
pred <- predict(model,t(test));
And the result I had got is :
pred ALL AML
ALL 10 0
AML 0 10
why is there a difference in th
On Fri, 25-Jun-2010 at 10:09AM +0530, suman dhara wrote:
|> Sir,
|> I want to apply mclapply() function for my analysis. So, I have to install
|> multicore package. But I can not install the package.
|> >install.packages("multicore")
|> It gives that package multicore is not available.
use 'merge'
> a.df
1 4/16/2009 F 23686 45 RASH ON BODY
2 4/16/2009 F 13840 35 CANT URINATE
3 4/16/2009 M 12895 30 BLURRED VISION
4 4/16/2009 M 18375 33 UNABLE TO VOID
Use the merge function, look at the by.x and by.y arguments, also look at the
all.x and all.y arguments as well as the suffixes argument. You may need to
delete some columns after the merge (or replace missing values in one column
with those in the same location from the next column, see the if
Dear list users,
The problem occurs when library(RPostgreSQL) is issued on R. This issue
has previously appeared on R mailing list without any robust solution.
The error message issued by R:
Loading required package: RPostgreSQL
Loading required package: DBI
Error in inDL(x, as.logical(local)
On 06/29/2010 03:35 PM, João Gonçalves wrote:
> Error: package 'RPostgreSQL' could not be loaded
> exists which makes RPostgreSQL loading to fail. The message appears for
> any of the following DLLs (that actually exist on
> X:/PostgreSQL_installation_directory/bin):
> To "solve" this problem the
On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 11:35:44PM +0100, João Gonçalves wrote:
> Dear list users,
> The problem occurs when library(RPostgreSQL) is issued on R. This issue
> has previously appeared on R mailing list without any robust solution.
> The error message issued by R:
> Loading required package:
Dear list,
I wanna select the significant variables relative to bird distribution,
using stepwise method.
However, the result is always the best-fit model.
Please kindly suggest if it is possible to show the selection process.
Thank you
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
On 6/30/2010 2:17 AM, Jinsong Zhao wrote:
Hi there,
I am a Chinese R user. I hope to display Chinese character in a plot,
and than save it in PostScript format. I have read the article titled
"Non-Standard Fonts in PostScript and PDF Graphics", especially the
section about CJK fonts. I also
Thank you for the fast replies.
I've set the PATH env var to include the PostgreSQL bin diectory and
it's working fine.
On 29-06-2010 23:44, Joe Conway wrote:
On 06/29/2010 03:35 PM, João Gonçalves wrote:
Error: package 'RPostgreSQL' could not be loaded
exists which makes RPost
Hi All,
this is my first mail here.
I'm trying to plot a multiline chart grouping values with no success. I have
read a lot in the official Wiki and also searched via Google, but I did not
find anything.
I'm importing some data from a cvs file. Here is a sample:
On Jun 29, 2010, at 8:42 PM, Pablo Cerdeira wrote:
Hi All,
this is my first mail here.
I'm trying to plot a multiline chart grouping values with no
success. I have
read a lot in the official Wiki and also searched via Google, but I
did not
find anything.
I'm importing some data from a c
Pablo Cerdeira wrote:
Hi All,
this is my first mail here.
I'm trying to plot a multiline chart grouping values with no success. I have
read a lot in the official Wiki and also searched via Google, but I did not
find anything.
I know how to do it in Excel, using a Pivot Table. But I'm trying
> require(lattice)
Loading required package: lattice
> xyplot(CASES ~ YEAR | AREA, data = t, type = "b")
> xyplot(CASES ~ YEAR, data = t, type = "b", groups = AREA)
-Original Message-
From: r-help-boun...@r-project.org [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-project.org] On
Behalf Of Pablo Cerdeira
> Hello Steve
> Thanks for quick responses its really helping me out .Ya I made the
> necessary changes you had mentioned. I was not sure of that 'type' argument
> where u had told me to set it to SVM . Do you mean I have to give that
> argument in this line "cl <- c(c(rep("ALL",10), rep("AML",10
If you can deal with alphabetic order, the following seems to work:
v <- aggregate(third ~ first, data = data, FUN = sum)
v$second <- levels(data$second)
v[, c(1, 3, 2)]
first second third
1 b Brazil 2
2 c China15
3 e England13
4 f France 8
5 j Jap
I have two sets of dates, and one set of data:
reference_dates=seq.dates("01/01/92", "12/31/92", by = "months")
data_dates=seq.dates("01/15/91", "12/15/93", by = "months")
Monday, June 28, 2010, 4:40:11 PM, you wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 7:30 PM, wrote:
>> Hi everybody,
>> I'm working on the very
>> messy data, I have tried to clean it up in SAS and
>> SAS/IML but there is not enough info on how to handle certain things
>> in SAS so I have turned to R. Th
On Jun 29, 2010, at 3:05 PM, Yi wrote:
Hi, folks,
I am sorry that I did not state the problem correctly yesterday.
Please let me address the problem by the following codes:
Hello Steve
Thanks for quick responses its really helping me out .Ya I made the
necessary changes you had mentioned. I was not sure of that 'type' argument
where u had told me to set it to SVM . Do you mean I have to give that
argument in this line "cl <- c(c(rep("ALL",10), rep("AML",10)));" a
cast(data, first+second~ ., sum)
Nikhil Kaza
Asst. Professor,
City and Regional Planning
University of North Carolina
On Jun 29, 2010, at 3:05 PM, Yi wrote:
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