On Wed, 2010-06-02 at 13:45 +0200, Joris Meys wrote:
> Hi Diederik,
> I can't say immediately why your models fail without seeing the data and
> running a number of tests. You could play around with the other parameters,
> as the problem might be related to the optimization algorithm.
> A dif
On Wed, 2010-06-02 at 20:29 +0200, Jimmy Söderly wrote:
> Dear R users,
> After running Sweave, this is what I get :
> Warning messages:
> 1: glm.fit: algorithm did not converge
> 2: glm.fit: algorithm did not converge
> There is no glm.fit function in my code.
glm calls glm.fit did you call
I want to do an intersection or union on more than two sets.
Is there any command to do this?
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/
dear list!
i have run several glm analysises to estimate a mean rate of dung decay
for independent trials. i would like to compare these results
statistically but can't find any solution. the glm calls are:
dung.glm1<-glm(STATE~DAYS, data=o_cov, family="binomial(link="logit"))
> x <- function(z) Reduce('union', z)
> x(list(1:3, 4:6))
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6
> x(list(1:3, 4:6, 3:7))
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
> x <- function(z) Reduce('intersect', z)
> x(list(1:3, 4:6, 3:7))
> x(list(1:3, 2:6, 3:7))
[1] 3
On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 3:59 AM, amir wrote:
> Hi,
> I want
dear list!
i have run several glm analysises to estimate a mean rate of dung decay
for independent trials. i would like to compare these results
statistically but can't find any solution. the glm calls are:
dung.glm1<-glm(STATE~DAYS, data=o_cov, family="binomial(link="logit"))
Dear All
Pleas help me to increase the memory in R.
In order increase memory, I read the FAQ and follow the instruction as below
Close R, then right-click on your R program icon (the icon on your desktop or
in your programs directory). Select ``Properties'', and then select the
On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 11:11 AM, azam jaafari wrote:
> Dear All
> Pleas help me to increase the memory in R.
> In order increase memory, I read the FAQ and follow the instruction as below
> Close R, then right-click on your R program icon (the icon on your desktop or
> in your programs di
Try a rolling join in data.table, something like this (untested) :
setkey(Data, UnitID, TranDt)# sort by unit then date
previous = transform(Data, TranDt=TranDt-1)
Data[previous,roll=TRUE]# lookup the prevailing date before, if any,
for each row within that row's UnitID
On 06/03/2010 01:27 AM, khush wrote:
Hi all,
I want to draw a arrow (small) of any length along with OsCYP right side i.e
parrallel and antiparallel arrows both
text(os[1], 10.2, pos = 4, "OsCYP", font=1, cex = 1, col = "red")
how can I connect two points with dotted line let
On Wed, 02-Jun-2010 at 02:34PM -0400, Afshartous, David wrote:
|> All,
|> When saving plots to a pdf file via the pdf function, I would like to be
|> able to automatically expand the graphics device to achieve the same result
|> as when one does this manually (e.g., clicking the green expa
Dear list,
I would like to ask you a question. I'm trying to build the time series'
production with the Divisia index. The final step would require to do the
following calculations:
Dear R-help,
I am working on a R package for public health surveillance where the ISO
8601 representation of dates is of importance. Especially, the ISO Week
and ISO Year of a date needs to be extracted. I was quite happy to find
all of this implemented in the "Date" class with appropriate calls t
With a 9000 observations dataset, I have noticed a significant variability
in the silhouette index when I change the default value for samples (5
default value) and sampsize (40+2*clusters number) in CLARA.
Is there somes rules according to the number of cluster and observations to
fix sampl
On Wed, 2 Jun 2010, Misha Spisok wrote:
I can't figure out why using and not using weights in mlogit yields
identical results. My motivation is for the case when an
"observation" or "individual" represents a number of individuals. For
2010/6/3 Michael Höhle :
> Dear R-help,
> I am working on a R package for public health surveillance where the ISO
> 8601 representation of dates is of importance. Especially, the ISO Week
> and ISO Year of a date needs to be extracted. I was quite happy to find
> all of this implemented in the "
On 06/03/2010 08:57 AM, g...@ucalgary.ca wrote:
text() can draw text on a plot.
Do we have a way/function to draw text with a box surround it?
Hi james,
Have a look at boxed.labels and textbox in the plotrix package.
R-help@r-project.org mail
This is what you asked for.
> Prod2007 <- 1:10
> Prod2006 <- Prod2007/1+c(0,diff(Prod2007))
> Prod2005 <- Prod2006+(1+c(0,diff(Prod2006)))
> Prod2004 <- Prod2005+(1+c(0,diff(Prod2005)))
> Prod2006
[1] 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
> Prod2005
[1] 2 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
> Prod2004
Hi all,
I'm trying to use a gam (mgcv package) to analyse some data with a roughly U
shaped curve. My model is very simple with just one explanatory variable:
However I just keep getting the error message
"Error in smooth.construct.tp.smooth.spec(object, dk$data, dk$kno
Hi all,
Is there any way in R to select the order of an ARIMA model
Research Scientist
National Center for Antarctic and Ocean research
Head land Sada
Vasco da Gamma
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 1:24 PM, natalieh wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to use a gam (mgcv package) to analyse some data with a roughly
> U
> shaped curve. My model is very simple with just one explanatory variable:
> m1<-gam(CoT~s(incline))
> However I just keep getting the error m
You can the same as trellis but with the standar graphics library in the
direction you are exploring.
Use par(mfrow=c(5,2)) to display your graphics.
The size and location of the graphics can be managed with the layout()
function, present in the graphics library.
And with mtext and text fu
I think I have figured out the problem. The response variable has one level
with only one observation -- hence when that one observation was in the test
set the training data did not contain any observations from that level and
so did not fit a logistic model for that level causing the somewhat cr
x <- rnorm(100,10,1)
sqrtx <- sqrt(x)
y <- rbinom(100,1,0.5)
works. What's the problem?
But you wrote linear+ square. Don't you mean:
On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 6:34 AM, zhu yao wrote:
> Dear r users
> I have a question in coding continuous variables in logis
Dear colleagues,
I teach statistics using SPSS. I want to use R instead. I hit on one problem
and I need some quick advice. When I want to work with ordinal variables, in
SPSS I can compute the median or create a barchart or compute a spearman
correlation with no problems. In R, if I "read" the
Reduce might work. Not sure about the speed advantages though. It does
simplify code.
Unionall <- function(x) Reduce('union', x)
leaveout <- Unionall(leaves)
On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 9:53 PM, Remko Duursma wrote:
> Dear R-helpers,
> thanks for yesterday's speeding-up tip. Here is my next query
Just installed Fedora 13, and reinstalled the lastest rgl package 0.91.
The problem is that open3d() opens a window, but then halt. Nothing
happens and I have to kill R.
In the previous version of Fedora 12, everything worked fine.
Any tests etc I should/could do?
Håvard Rue
Mailing this twice ain't going to help you. Reading a course on statistics
The test you want to do is answering following hypothesis : The mean
predicted value of a specific model differs when different datasets are used
to fit it. Seems likely to me if the datasets are not almost identical
On Thu, 2010-06-03 at 04:24 -0700, natalieh wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to use a gam (mgcv package) to analyse some data with a roughly U
> shaped curve. My model is very simple with just one explanatory variable:
> m1<-gam(CoT~s(incline))
> However I just keep getting the error message
Help with survey data:
Hello R colleagues,
I hope this is an appropriate place to direct this question. It
relates specifically to the comparability of a 5-point likert to a 4-
point likert scale.
One question in my dataset asks "How much should be done to reduce the
gap between rich and p
I am trying to de-duplicate a large (long) database (approx 1mil records) of
diagnostic tests. Individuals in the database can have up-to 25
observations, but most will have only one. IDs for de-duplication (names,
sex, lab number...) are patchy. In a first step, I am using Andreas B
Dear list,
I would like to ask you a question. I'm trying to build the time series'
production with the Divisia index. The final step would require to do the
following calculations:
see ?factor and ?as.factor. On ordered factors you can technically do a
spearman without problem, apart from the fact that a spearman test by
definition cannot give exact p-values with ties present.
x <- sample(c("a","b","c","d","e"),100,replace=T)
y <- sample(c("a","b","c","d","e"),100,replace=T)
Hi All,
I have been reading about general purpose GPU (graphical processing units)
computing for computational statistics. I know very little about this, but
I read that GPUs currently cannot handle double-precision floating points
and also that they are not necessarily IEEE compliant. Howeve
Thank you Joris,
I'll have a look into the commands you sent me. They look convincing. I hope my
students will also see them in a positive way (although I can force them to
pretend that they have a positive attitude)!
Dr. Iasonas Lamprianou
Assistant Professor (Educational Research and Eval
Megh Dal wrote:
Dear falks, here I have written following function :
fn <- Vectorize(function(x = 1:3, y = 3:6) {
x <- matrix(x, nrow=1)
y <- matrix(y, ncol=1)
dat <- apply(x, 2, function(xx) {
apply(y, 1, function(yy) {
I am a little out of date and am still using S-Plus instead of R. I haven't
been able to find the right place to ask this question, so I thought I would
ask it here and hope that someone can help. I am unable to located the
TukeyHSD() function in S-Plus. I have been able to use the GU
Hello R project
I am a R beginner trying to create a dummy variable to clasificate soil types.
So, I have a column in my database called codtipo (typecode in english) where
soil type is coded as
1.1 to 1.4 arenosol (I have 4 types)
2.1 to 2.3 calcisols
4.1 to 4.4 fluvisols
and so on
To make dum
Thanks for your replies.
I understand you think the best solution is to find the gfortran and
possibly libgfortran packages from the version of my Linux and gcc
distribution which according to a quick check is the following (also this is
a 64 bit linux machine):
gcc (GCC) 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat
Dear R helpers,
Suppose I have a list of data frames. How can I export them (e.g. as a
text file) without losing the columns of the individual data.frames?
I would like to use something like
Hi all,
I wonder if there is any way to calculate a moving average on an
irregular time series, or use the rollapply function in zoo?
I have a set of dates where I want to check if there has been an event
14 days prior to each time point in order to mark these timepoints for
removal, and can't fi
On Jun 3, 2010, at 8:00 AM, Håvard Rue wrote:
> Just installed Fedora 13, and reinstalled the lastest rgl package 0.91.
> The problem is that open3d() opens a window, but then halt. Nothing
> happens and I have to kill R.
> In the previous version of Fedora 12, everything worked fine.
> Any te
P.S. My linux machine has the following info:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.5 (Tikanga)
View this message in context:
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Tukey's pairwise comparisons test is included in the multicomp package.
Also, see the
MMC function in the HH package, available from CSAN.
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
If you set them a problem that has them doing the same sort of thing
five times and compare the time it takes with code pasted from an editor
(eg Tinn-R) and the time it takes via menius, you may have more luck
convincing them.
A command line sequence is harder than menus the first two times but
On Jun 3, 2010, at 9:17 AM, vaneet wrote:
> Thanks for your replies.
> I understand you think the best solution is to find the gfortran and
> possibly libgfortran packages from the version of my Linux and gcc
> distribution which according to a quick check is the following (also this is
> a
How many datapoints do you have? The spline smoothers assume a default of 10
degrees of freedom (i think), so If you have less datapoints than 10 I would
guess that you get this error. Same would be true if you have >10 datapoints
but many replicates of CoT~incline combinations.
Either reduce t
On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 9:27 AM, Gavin Simpson wrote:
> vegan is probably not too useful here as the response is univariate;
> counts of ducks.
If we assume that only one species is counted and of interest for the whole
research. I (probably wrongly) assumed that data for multiple species was
I am tumbling over something that appears to me as a bug. If I run the
following code using ESS in one block (CTRL+C CTRL+R), R (or ESS) just freezes.
Running the same line by line does not cause the error. Running the same from
the R Gui either in steps or in a block does not produce t
Was that the original code that you ran? As there appear to be several mistakes
in the code:
1. In the gipsisoil stuff, there is a ')' too much
2. In the gambisoil stuff both > signs point in the same direction, you
probably want one > and one <
My general suggestion would be to skip the loops
Dear all,
I found one possible solution using a single call to write.table:
# assuming that mylist is a named list of data.frames:
I will guess that your use of cat without a line end leaves ESS waiting for
a prompt.
cat("b", "\n")
would be the way to avoid that.
The way to unfreeze ESS (and emacs more generally) is Ctrl-g
Please put followup ESS questions on the ESS list
On Thu, 2010-06-03 at 17:00 +0200, Joris Meys wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 9:27 AM, Gavin Simpson wrote:
> >
> > vegan is probably not too useful here as the response is univariate;
> > counts of ducks.
> >
> If we assume that only one species is counted and of interest for the whole
> res
I tried downloading the pre-built binaries of R from this website and then
installing the rpms but is seems they depend on so many other packages to be
installed first. I tried simply the R package first:
warning: R-2.11.0-1.el5.x86_64.rpm: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID
can anyone tell me how to import a text file in R? the text file I want to
import is a large file, about 800MB in size. Thanks in advance.
I tried using the following
View this message in context:
The data are measures of energy use (continuous variable) for running on 7
inclines between -90 and +90 degrees (n=7-21).
View this message in context:
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Also would I need to install the R package as root in order for all users to
use it? I'm assuming I would have to, I don't have root access now but I
could possibly obtain it. For now this is simply a test install so if there
is a way to install the R package simply under my user name please let
I am new to R. I am trying to use “DoubleYScale” to overlay one barchart with a
xyplot with two lines. I have two problems. One is that I could not figure out
how to custom line (point and line) with “par.settings” and seems to me that
whatever “par.settings” I used to custom the barcha
That sounds like a good plan.
What went wrong?
You're more likely to get an answer if you tell us what your
problem/question actually is.
On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 7:32 AM, dhanush wrote:
> can anyone tell me how to import a text file in R? the text file I want to
> import is a large file
I'd like to plot in in polar coordinates a line which is given as a
vector of lengths and angles.
I have a dataset with three column like this
x1 x2 Count
1 0 523
1 0 23
0 0 2
0 1 45
0 0 3
1 1 433
I need to create a loop so that when c(x1,x2)=c(1,1), I can add the
corresponding Counts.When c(x1,x2)=c(1,0), can add the corresponding counts and
so on. Can anyone help me
dhanush wrote:
can anyone tell me how to import a text file in R? the text file I want to
import is a large file, about 800MB in size. Thanks in advance.
I tried using the following
And what happened??
Your specification is incomplete, as we don
That's a bit more clear.
> Prod2007=2
> Delta=c(4,3,5)
> Delta <- 1+Delta/100
> Series <- Prod2007+cumsum(Delta)
> Series
[1] 3.04 4.07 5.12
On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 1:21 PM, n.via...@libero.it wrote:
> What I would like to do is for example:
> Suppose that I have the following value
> a)PROD(
Dear R-helpers,
I would like to generate a binary random variable within a stratum's
stratum. Here is a simple example.
## x is the first level strata index, here I have 3 strata.
x=c(rep(1,5), rep(2,5), rep(3,5))
## within x, there is a second strata indexed by t=0 and t=1
Dear R users,
I am trying to draw error bars in a bar plot, I use this code (tried many
others which did not work):
y <-c(39.02, 46.42)
se <- c(7.57,7.35)
plot <- barplot(y, beside=TRUE, col=0, ylim=c(0,47), axis.lty=1,
main="far-red", xlab="latitude", names.a
Dear list,
I have a problem with the cumsum function.
I have a data frame like the following one
variableYear value
EC01 2005 5
EC01 2006 10
AAO12005 2
AAO1 2006 4
what I would like to obtain is
On 03/06/10 15:24, Christoph Scherber wrote:
Dear R helpers,
Suppose I have a list of data frames. How can I export them (e.g. as a
text file) without losing the columns of the individual data.frames?
save(mylist, file="/tmp/foo.RData")
But somehow I cannot get the information contained
On Jun 3, 2010, at 10:38 AM, vaneet wrote:
> I tried downloading the pre-built binaries of R from this website and then
> installing the rpms but is seems they depend on so many other packages to be
> installed first. I tried simply the R package first:
> warning: R-2.11.0-1.el5.x86_64.rpm:
On 03.06.2010 04:19, galen kaufman wrote:
Thank you so much for the response. I tried running the command in the format
you suggested but still could not get the shell command to execute. The
following is the command that I used per your suggestion and the subsequent
error message.
You may be interested in the "gputools" package and associated web site
which discusses some of your questions in the second paragraph.
Hope this helps a little.
On 03/06/10 14:43, Ravi Varadhan wrote:
Hi All,
I have been reading about general purpose GPU (graphical processing units)
On Thu, 3 Jun 2010, Roni Kobrosly wrote:
I'm using a complex survey dataset and my goal is to simply spit out a bunch of
probability-weighted outcome variable means for the different levels of
covariate. So I first define the structure of the study design (I'm using the
This doesn't tell us much either. What does the variable "incline"
represent, and what does the variable "ToC" represent?
I could guess your data looks something like :
ToC Incline
x4 0
x5 30
x6 60
x7 90
x8 -90
... ...
Or incline could be the
I don't have any idea where you came up with superpose.ep - rseek.org
doesn't return any results for a function of that name.
If you check the package information for gplots you'll see that
plotCI() is available to plot error bars.
There's also the errbar() function from hmisc, and probably sever
On 03.06.2010 06:40, RICHARD M. HEIBERGER wrote:
#Error that is returned from above code…..
'C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or
This statement means that the Windows CMD processor does not realize that
'C:\Program Files' is a single word.
?legend perhaps.
Bert Gunter
Genentech Nonclinical Biostatistics
-Original Message-
From: r-help-boun...@r-project.org [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-project.org] On
Behalf Of Peter Ehlers
Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2010 4:14 PM
To: g...@ucalgary.ca
Cc: r-help@r-project.org
Subject: Re: [R
Below. -- Bert
Bert Gunter
Genentech Nonclinical Biostatistics
-Original Message-
From: r-help-boun...@r-project.org [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-project.org] On
Behalf Of Joris Meys
Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2010 5:20 AM
To: zhu yao
Cc: R-help
Subject: Re: [R] Continous variables with imp
You could try stepping through the open3d function to see where it
hangs: I assume in rgl.open()? You should probably also remove all
installed packages and re-install and re-compile them.
On 03/06/10 14:00, HÃ¥vard Rue wrote:
> Just installed Fedora 13, and reinstalled the lastest rgl package
One option:
t <- data.frame(x1=c(1,1,0,0,0,1), x2=c(0,0,0,1,0,1),
t.sum <- function(df, x1, x2) sum(df[df$x1==x1 & df$x2==x2,]$Count)
t.sum(t, 1, 0)
# [1] 546
t.sum(t, 0, 0)
# [1] 5
Hope this helps a little.
On 03/06/10 16:18, Geeti Khan wrote:
I have a
Hi Carrie,
Here are two options:
# Option 1
d <- data.frame(x, t)
y <- with(d, ifelse(t == 0, rbinom(2, 1, 0.2), rbinom(3, 1, 0.8)))
# Option 2 -- more general case, e.g. you do not know
# how many 0's and 1's you have within each strata
spd <- with(d, split(d, x))
do.call(c, lapply(spd, fun
Dear Simon,
These two questions already are comparable (using a strict sense of
that word). What is your goal in trying to put them both on the same
scale? Even if both were measured 1-5, it would be unreasonable to
say that a 3 on one question meant the same as a 3 on the other
question because
Hi Geeti,
If d is your data.frame, the following is an option:
as.data.frame.table(with(d, tapply(Count, list(x1, x2), sum)))
On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 11:18 AM, Geeti Khan <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a dataset with three column like this
> x1 x2 Count
> 1 0 523
> 1 0 23
> 0 0 2
> 0 1
Hi Rosario,
It saying that because you could have not loaded that function in your R
session. It availbale at [1]. Go there, copy and paste it in your session.
You should be ready to go after doing this.
[1] http://egret.psychol.cam.ac.uk/statistics/R/graphs1.html
On Thu, Jun 3, 201
You're right, it is the same. using I() won't work for the same reason sqrt
don't, so :
> x2 <- x^2
> lrm(y~x+x2)
Thx for the correction.
On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 6:14 PM, Bert Gunter wrote:
> Below. -- Bert
> Bert Gunter
> Genentech Nonclinical Biostatistics
> ---
It looks like superpose.eb is someone's function and not in a package.
--- On Thu, 6/3/10, Rosario Garcia Gil wrote:
> From: Rosario Garcia Gil
> Subject: [R] (no subject)
> To: "r-help@r-project.org"
> Received: Thursday, June 3
Maybe something like the following will get you started:
g <- graph.data.frame(id, directed=FALSE)
neighborhood(g, +Inf)
There is perhaps a more efficient way, but I hope this helps a little.
On 03/06/10 14:14, Epi-schnier wrote:
I am trying to de-dupli
See below.
On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 5:35 PM, Gavin Simpson wrote:
> On Thu, 2010-06-03 at 17:00 +0200, Joris Meys wrote:
> > On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 9:27 AM, Gavin Simpson >wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > vegan is probably not too useful here as the response is univariate;
> > > counts of ducks.
> > >
> >
Correction : That should give some clarity on the question whether it is the
optimization of GAMLSS that goes wrong, or whether the problem is inherent
to the data.
On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 7:00 PM, Joris Meys wrote:
> See below.
> On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 5:35 PM, Gavin Simpson wrote:
>> On Thu
Thanks for suggestions.
I installed from Fedora repos as `GL' related libraries, and restarted,
and then restarted. The it worked perfect again. Weird behaviour
considering I did a clean install, and no complains when compiling
'rgl'. I cannot explain it.
On Thu, 2010-06-03 a
hey thanks
I did solve it already, it had more mistakes as you see :S
Arantzazu Blanco Bernardeau
Dpto de Química Agrícola, Geología y Edafología
Universidad de Murcia-Campus de Espinardo
> Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2010 14:40:30 +
> From: bt_jan...@yahoo.de
> Subject: AW: [R] Creating du
What does the text look like?
--- On Thu, 6/3/10, dhanush wrote:
> From: dhanush
> Subject: [R] import text file into R
> To: r-help@r-project.org
> Received: Thursday, June 3, 2010, 7:32 AM
> can anyone tell me how to import a text file in R? the text
> file I want to
> import is a large
I am writing a program that returns the a vector of the most recent R files in
a given dir.
The files are named like "f1.R", "f2.R", and sometimes "f3a.R". I want to use
the resulting
vector to easily source() all the most recent file versions of a given dir.
Here's what I've cooked up till
Do **NOT** use dummy variables in R. R's modeling functions takes care of
this themselves using factors. You say you are a beginner. OK, so begin
**properly** -- by reading An Introduction to R. Chapter 11 on Statistical
Models in R was written precisely to help people like you learn what to do
Would somebody please help me break this row:
"Main Group\t1000\tMP Test\tMP Test, 1\tAudio (1, f1-qaddara.aiff)\tl
(target is right word)\tl\tPressed\tl (target is right
into multiple columns along the \t separator?
When I try the strsplit (x,"\t") command I get:
It looks like polar.plot does not handle negative lengths, you can preprocess
the data and just add 180 degrees to the angles corresponding to negative
lengths and then use their absolute values.
The radial.lim is not ignored, based on the documentation the range is then
made pretty (and 100 is
See ?split and ?unsplit.
Data <- read.table(textConnection("variableYear value
EC01 2005 5
EC01 2006 10
AAO12005 2
AAO1 2006 4"),header=T)
Datalist <-split(Data,Data$variable)
resultlist <- lapply(Datali
Actually, this is clever. I modified your advice and vectorized this as:
1/ (1 + exp(b_vector - t(matrix(theta, nrow= nrow(dat) , ncol= ncol(dat)
Instead of using the apply() function as I did before. In terms of speed, this
new solution is immensely faster, as you also noted. Now, whether
On Thu, 3 Jun 2010, vaneet wrote:
Is there any way I can get an RPM that has all the necessary packages built
in to install and run R? Or do I have to find all these packages that are
needed to install these 'R' rpms for which many are not found on the
FedoraProject website (libgfortran, gcc-for
> I need to remove all but one of each [row in a matrix], which
> must be chosen at random.
This request (included in full at the bottom), has been unanswered for a
while, but I had the same problem and ended up writing a function to
solve it. I call it "duplicated.random()" and it does exactly
On 06/03/2010 11:32 AM, Joris Meys wrote:
You're right, it is the same. using I() won't work for the same reason sqrt
don't, so :
x2<- x^2
Thx for the correction.
On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 6:14 PM, Bert Gunter wrote:
Below. -- Bert
Bert Gunter
Genentech Nonclinical
You can also use ddply from the plyr package:
Data <- read.table(textConnection("variable Year value
EC01 2005 5
EC01 2006 10
AAO1 2005 2
AAO1 2006 4"),header=T)
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