In that case, I'd recommend reading a good book on time series analysis.
"Forecasting: Methods and Applications" by Makridakis, Wheelwright and
Hyndman is very accessible. Alternatively, there are probably tons of
webpages on ARIMA, so google around.
testuser schrieb:
kensuguro gmail.com> writes:
> so basically, it's impossible to do with just seq() and rep().. Doesn't seem
> like a good question for chapter 1...
> Also, problem 1.13 is even more crazy.. it asks you to build the fibonacci
> sequence. Now I'm a programmer, and so went way ahead in t
Has anyone written a conversion from rpart tree class to phylo or hclust
trees? The plot.phylo method allows much more readable layouts.
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R-help@r-project.org mailing list
Yep this worked. I encountered this problem only after installing the ODBC
connector plugin. Not sure if there's any correlation. I installed the
MySQL 5.1.33 binary from
and that will fixed 'RMySQL was compiled with MySQL 5.0.67 but loading My
Thank you very much! I'll give LaTeX a go (haven't used it in a while). Is
there a recommended distribution of LaTeX for Windows?
On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 1:50 PM, Max Kuhn wrote:
> That isn't hard to do with Sweave.
> Within you if branch, you can have your code write out any mar
I am wishing to write my own random distribution simulation function using C
programmin language(for speed) via R. I am familiar with R programming but
somewhat new to C programming. I was trying to understand "Writing R
extensions" -guide and its part 6.16, but I found it hard to
Hello everyone,
My progress has stalled on finding a way of creating a somewhat complicated
variable to add to my existing dataframe and I am hoping one of you could help
me out. The dataframe below contains only a fraction of the data of my complete
dataframe, but all of the variables. What I
I just installed R on Redhat Linux at work for the first time and have two
1. I tried to install R to have png and cairo capabilities and was
unsuccessful. Before running make, I ran ./configure --with-libpng=yes
--with-x=no --with-cairo=yes --with-readline-yes . R installed fine, but
Hi all,
I'm looking for the algorithm to calculate maximum intrinsic and parameter
effects curvature of Bates & Watts (1980). I have Bates & Watts (1980) original
article, Bates et al (1983) article, Seber & Wild (1989) and Ratkowsky (1983)
books. Those sources show steps and algorithm to get
On Fri, 5 Mar 2010, Hosack, Michael wrote:
Hello everyone,
My progress has stalled on finding a way of creating a somewhat complicated
variable to add to my existing dataframe and I am hoping one of you could help
me out. The dataframe below contains only a fraction of the data of my complete
I would like to write a function which has the following syntax:
myfn <- function(formula, ftime, fstatus, data) {
# step 1: obtain terms in `formula' from dataframe `data'
# step 2: obtain ftime from `data'
# step 3: obtain fstatus from `data'
# step 4: do model estimation
# step 5: return
On Mar 5, 2010, at 4:46 PM, David Winsemius wrote:
On Mar 5, 2010, at 4:23 PM, Hosack, Michael wrote:
Hello everyone,
My progress has stalled on finding a way of creating a somewhat
complicated variable to add to my existing dataframe and I am
hoping one of you could help me out. The da
On Fri, 5 Mar 2010, Ravi Varadhan wrote:
I would like to write a function which has the following syntax:
myfn <- function(formula, ftime, fstatus, data) {
# step 1: obtain terms in `formula' from dataframe `data'
# step 2: obtain ftime from `data'
# step 3: obtain fstatus from `data'
# s
Can someone get me going in the right direction with this test question? We
have went as far as t.test in our class, but not to power or anova yet. I
have pasted the question and a summary of the dataset "gpa".
5. Given that all the GPA data in this dataset is comprised of means, would
you expect
I have this coding to help me work out the bootstrap standard errord for the
following array/matrix
dat <-
nrow = 5, ncol=5, byrow=TRUE)
the function is:
mybootstrap <- function(dat, nr, nc, m)
# dat is a two dimentiona
Dear all,
I am a statistician doing research in QSAR, building regression models where
the dependent variable is a numerical expression of some chemical activity and
input variables are chemical descriptors, e.g. molecular weight, number of
carbon atoms, etc.
I am building regression models a
Contact your instructor, and let them know that you are
having problems with an assignment. Most instructors have
office hours, where you can discuss problems like this.
- Phil Spector
Statistical Computing Facilit
I'm new to R and I've run into a problem that I'm not really sure how to
express properly in the language. I've got a data table that I've read from
a file containing some simple information about the performance of 4
algorithms. The columns are the name of the algorithm, the problem instanc
Look in the sources of runif for the C code?
On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 3:54 PM, TheSavageSam wrote:
> I am wishing to write my own random distribution simulation function using C
> programmin language(for speed) via R. I am familiar with R programming but
> somewhat new to C programming. I was try
I am trying to plot an interaction in a multilevel model. Here is some
sample data. In the following example, it is longitudinal (i.e., repeated
measures), so the outcome, score (at each of the three time points), is
nested within the individual. I am interested in the interaction between
(1) - nlme, lattice, stats
(2) - a usable large-file/out of memory regression package that abstracts
"all" the details of connections & etc from the user, accept perhaps the
initial function call, so I don't have to actually know anything about the
file I'm opening, how big it is, how many lines of
I have been attempting to run this script and am getting some strange
results. The script connects to a database and retrieves a series of
tables, using sequential sql statements. I have tested all of the sql
statements in the PostGreSQL terminal and they all return the desired
results. I
-Original Message-
From: baptiste auguie [mailto:baptiste.aug...@googlemail.com]
Sent: Friday, March 05, 2010 1:08 AM
To: kensuguro
Cc: r-help@r-project.org
Subject: Re: [R] how to make this sequence: 1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1
c(x <- 1:5, rev(x[-length(x)]))
On 5 March 2010
Hi. I have repeated measures data of the form where each observation
is a trial, and trials are grouped by subject, and variables encode
whatever level of a factor was present during that trial, and the
dependent variable is response time (RT). I want to transpose the
data to a form suitabl
I'm trying to find a way for converting multiple lines of text into a
table. I'm not sure if there's a way where you can use read.delim()
to read in multiple lines of text and create the following data frame
with something akin to rehape()?. Apologies if there is an obvious
way to do this.
A: 1
Frank -
I think you need to create a composite time variable
to do what you want to do:
exp1.r5$key = with(exp1.r5,paste(CannonAngle,CannonOriB,
exp1.r5.use = subset(exp1.r5,select=-c(CannonAngle,CannonOriB,
TheSavageSam wrote:
> I am wishing to write my own random distribution simulation function using
> C programmin language(for speed) via R. I am familiar with R programming
> but somewhat new to C programming. I was trying to understand "Writing R
> extensions" -guide and its part 6.16, but I f
Maybe something like this:
dd = read.table(filename)
A. B. C.
1 1 2 10.0
2 34 20 6.7
3 2 78 35.0
- Phil Spector
Statistical Computing Facility
I'm trying to obtain the robust standard errors for a multinomial ordered logit
mod6 <- lrm(wdlshea ~ initdesch + concap + capasst + qualrat +
The model is fine but when I try to get the RSE I get an error.
coeftest(mod6, vcov = vcovHAC(mod6))
Error in match.arg(
On Mar 5, 2010, at 11:54 PM, Patrick Shea wrote:
I'm trying to obtain the robust standard errors for a multinomial
ordered logit model:
mod6 <- lrm(wdlshea ~ initdesch + concap + capasst + qualrat +
The model is fine but when I try to get the RSE I get an error.
On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 12:45 PM, Seth W Bigelow wrote:
> I'm stumped after an hour or so reading about subscripts in panel.xyplot.
> Apparently the panel function is executed for each subset of data in the
> main dataset (specified by the conditioning variable, 'site' in my
> example), and the 'su
My input
"ID" "Label" "*Stype*" "Ntype" "Stype_No""*log*"
"S1" "xxx" "A/A" 1 6 2.8
"S1" "xxx" "A/G" 2 2 3
"S1" "xxx" "G/G" 3 1 4
"S2" "yyy" "A/A" 1 1 6.8
"S2" "yyy" "A/G" 2 2 7
"S2" "yyy" "G/G" 3 6
In the stats literature these are more often called permutation tests. Looking
up that term should give you some results (if not, I have some references, but
they are at work and I am not, I could probably get them for you on Monday if
you have not found anything before then).
Gregory (Gre
On Sat, 6 Mar 2010, David Winsemius wrote:
On Mar 5, 2010, at 11:54 PM, Patrick Shea wrote:
I'm trying to obtain the robust standard errors for a multinomial ordered
logit model:
mod6 <- lrm(wdlshea ~ initdesch + concap + capasst + qualrat +
The model is fine but w
On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 12:35 PM, DougNiu wrote:
> I need to create a line and bar panel chart with two different axes. I tried
> in lattice but couldn't get it worked. Here is my code:
> data(barley)
> barchart(yield ~ variety | site, data = barley,
> groups = year, layout = c(1,6
On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 1:22 PM, Waichler, Scott R
> I'm making some 3D plots with contour3d from misc3d and wireframe from
> lattice. I want to view them from below; i.e. the negative z-axis. I can't
> figure out how to do so. I would like my point of view looking up from
> below, wit
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