seems to me like a homework for bootstraping
?boot, ?lm, ?confint
If not, some code how you tried to solve it yourself and how it did not
worked as expected would be greatly appreciated.
r-help-boun...@r-project.org napsal dne 15.02.2010 05:41:14:
> Consider the SLR
Try this:
Lines <- "-mm Rainfall(mm)
1 1977-0217.4
2 1977-0334.0
3 1977-0426.2
4 1977-0542.6
5 1977-0658.6
6 1977-0723.2
7 1977-0826.8
8 1977-0948.4
9 1977-1047.0
10 1977-1137.2
11 1977-
Johannes Graumann wrote:
> Has anybody solved this?
For the benefit of others: after studying
> ?panel.bwplot
I have to admit that
> bwplot(..., varwidth = TRUE)
solves the issue. It's just not documented at
> ?bwplot
Cheers, Joh
On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 1:56 PM, Johannes Graumann
> Johannes Graumann wrote:
>> Has anybody solved this?
> For the benefit of others: after studying
> > ?panel.bwplot
> I have to admit that
> > bwplot(..., varwidth = TRUE)
> solves the issue. It's just not documented at
I think that you have somehow initialised .Random.seed to be a list. Try
removing it (i.e. 'rm(.Random.seed)') and load the packages again.
On Friday 12 February 2010 21:31, Rosa Manrique wrote:
> My dearest,
> I appreciate very much a little help. I have changed my R 2.9 version
Hi All,
I have recently created an Rcmdr plugin package and it passed all the
checks and was uploaded to CRAN. I then downloaded it from CRAN and
tried running it from my local R program and received this error:
Error in f(libname, pkgname) : could not find function "getRcmdr"
Error in librar
I'm sorry, I've found the right answer:
x <- 0
formatC(x,digits=2, format="f")
[1] "0.00"
The above worked perfectly!
Thanks & Best wishes ;)
Quoting twun...@ix.urz.uni-heidelberg.de:
Hi there,
i'm not getting along with the following problem.
I'd like to print a real number, e.g.
On Sun, 14 Feb 2010, Lam, Tzeng Yih wrote:
Dear R Users,
When using zeroinfl() function to fit a Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial
(ZINB) model to a dataset, the summary() gives an estimate of log(theta)
and its standard error, z-value and Pr(>|z|) for the count component.
Additionally, it als
I discovered R two years ago and thanks to the R-community I managed to
write some scripts to analyze my data stored in mysql databases.
The only problem is that I am the only one using R in the lab. Colleagues
mainly use Matlab (but not with mysql, only with text files) but regularly
Your package (RcmdrPlugin.MAc on CRAN) does not depend on Rcmdr. I
suppose you mean the getRcmdr in Rcmdr, and that will be not available
when your package is loaded in a vanilla session.
My guess is that you intended such a dependence (in the Depends line
in the DESCRIPTION file). It passed
Hi there,
i'm not getting along with the following problem.
I'd like to print a real number, e.g.
x <- 12.3
with exactly two digits after the decimal point, e.g.
I've tried the whole format(), formatC() and prettyNum() functions but
did not have any success with it.
This should work with al
format(x, nsmall = 2)
On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 5:41 PM, wrote:
> Hi there,
> i'm not getting along with the following problem.
> I'd like to print a real number, e.g.
> x <- 12.3
> with exactly two digits after the decimal point, e.g.
> 12.30
> I've tried the whole format(), formatC() and pret
T.Wunder wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm sorry, I've found the right answer:
>> x <- 0
>> formatC(x,digits=2, format="f")
> [1] "0.00"
> The above worked perfectly!
> Thanks & Best wishes ;)
> Tom
That old warhorse, sprintf(), can also be a trusty steed in situations like
PtitBleu wrote:
> Hello,
> I discovered R two years ago and thanks to the R-community I managed to
> write some scripts to analyze my data stored in mysql databases.
> The only problem is that I am the only one using R in the lab. Colleagues
> mainly use Matlab (but not with mysql, only wit
I think I have an answer: SPSS uses absolute deviations from the _mean_ in
Levene's test.
(See calculation in
R uses absolute deviations from the _median_ (R help).
So the difference.
View this message in context
Maybe RInside [1] can help you embed your R script into a C++ application.
[1] http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com/code/rinside.html
On 02/15/2010 11:37 AM, PtitBleu wrote:
I discovered R two years ago and thanks to the R-community I managed to
write some scripts to analyze my
I forgot to reply to Peter Ehler's question: I am using Levene's test in the
"car" package.
View this message in context:
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 10:37 AM, PtitBleu wrote:
> Hello,
> I discovered R two years ago and thanks to the R-community I managed to
> write some scripts to analyze my data stored in mysql databases.
> The only problem is that I am the only one using R in the lab. Colleagues
> mainly use Matla
Dear R Helpers
I have an 'instrument.csv' file with 3 instrument names and 5 rates each i.e.
it has 7 columns and 6 rows (including row names).
instrument1 instrument2 instrument3
12 5 14
On Sun, 14 Feb 2010, Han Qin wrote:
I'm trying to fit a multinominal logistic model using package mlogit. I have
15 independent variables. The code looks like this:
m<-mlogit(score~0|f1+f2+f3+f4+f5+f6+f7+f8+f9+f10+f11+f12+f13+f14+f15, data,
And it gives the following error message
Thanks to all for your advices.
littler is not for xp, isn'it ?
Anyway, I will try to convince my boss to keep R. But I'm not sure that I
will be successful (there is a pressure to have a single language for all
the scripts and even money for that ...).
And for this year I have been registered t
On 02/15/2010 01:03 PM, PtitBleu wrote:
Thanks to all for your advices.
littler is not for xp, isn'it ?
Not currently, I'm cc'ing Dirk and Jeff who will surely tell you why
not, and what you can do to make it happen.
RInside now works happily on windows, and it would not be too hard to
On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 12:03 PM, PtitBleu wrote:
> Thanks to all for your advices.
> littler is not for xp, isn'it ?
Maybe, maybe not, but Rscript definitely is:
You didn't actually mention your
Dear R Helpers
(There is a small correction in my earlier mail. In the 'instrument.csv' file,
I had mentioned only three columns. Actually there are 7 columns. I regret the
error. Rest contents remains the same. Thanks)
I have an 'instrument.csv' file with 7 instrument names and 5 rates each i
On 15.02.2010 06:34, Roslina Zakaria wrote:
Hi r-users,
I hope somebody can help me to understand the error message. Here is my code;
## Newton iteration
newton_gam<- function(z)
{ n<- length(z)
r<- runif(n)
tol<- 1E-6
cdf<- vector(length=n, mode="numeric")
fprime<- vector(length
maybe you just want
Y = ONS^2
On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 12:22 PM, Madhavi Bhave wrote:
> Dear R Helpers
> (There is a small correction in my earlier mail. In the 'instrument.csv'
> file, I had mentioned only three columns. Actually there are 7 columns. I
> regret the error. Rest contents
sorry, meant to type:
B = ONS^2
On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 12:28 PM, Benilton Carvalho
> maybe you just want
> Y = ONS^2
> ?
> b
> On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 12:22 PM, Madhavi Bhave
> wrote:
>> Dear R Helpers
>> (There is a small correction in my earlier mail. In
Dear Sir,
Thanks a lot for your quick solution. But still I will like someone to guide me
the solution as per my requirement. The problem is actually I am not looking
for the square of each term. I have used it to give some example since I didn't
want to confuse the matter. My process is altog
I would need to know of a programmatic way to get a list of all the new
symbols you get when require(9)ing a package/library. I'd like to know
how to do that from within R, or with the C API. Pointers to relevant
documentation are also welcome.
All the best,
Guillaume Yziquel
I've just installed the R version 2.10.1 on my new PC and unfortunately I have
problem to use the function Estimables. I have downloaded gmodels succesfully
but have problems when I activate the package. I get following meassage;
> utils:::menuInstallLocal()
package 'gmodels' successfully u
On 15.02.2010 12:47, Madhavi Bhave wrote:
Dear R Helpers
I have an 'instrument.csv' file with 3 instrument names and 5 rates each i.e.
it has 7 columns and 6 rows (including row names).
instrument1 instrument2 instrument3
12 5
I've dabbled in this a little bit, and the result of my dabbling is
attached. I'll give you fair warning, however. The attached function
can take a long time to run, and if your model has 10 or more
predictors, you may be retired before it finishes running.
In any case, it will models for all po
On 15.02.2010 02:29, nomis24 wrote:
Hi there,
I am new to R and feel so bloody stupid. Abut in spite of a search of
several hrs I could not find an answer to my problem.
I have imported SPSS data to R, and apart from some warnings regarding
duplicate labels, everything looks fine and names li
Based on a n x 2 data matrix i want a kernel estimate of the bivariate
density. However, i also wish to specify wich points the density should be
calculated at.
I can offcourse just write the full kernel density estimate as a R-code, but
surely there must already exist some package for
On 15.02.2010 12:56, MIKG (Marina Kjærgaard) wrote:
I've just installed the R version 2.10.1 on my new PC and unfortunately I have
problem to use the function Estimables. I have downloaded gmodels succesfully
but have problems when I activate the package. I get following meassage;
On 14.02.2010 21:20, Benjamin Cheah wrote:
Hi all,
I've been struggling with trying to specify a diagnoal matrix for linear mixed
effects model. I think I've got nearly everything correct, except the following
message appears:
In lme.formula(fixed = fwave ~ sex + sexXbulbar + visit + age +
Dear R-listers,
I am writing a function that will generate a simple plot for the user . The
size of the window (that contains the plot) may not be what the user wants.
Supposing the user adjusts the window to a size of her/his choice, I would like
to be able to save the new window size and
Keith, we seem to agree, more or less.
I take a simple approach to model fitting: absent any
compelling reason for a particular form (here: cubic),
I consider that form to be speculative, sometimes
reasonably well supported by the data, sometimes not.
For the OP's data, the evidence for a cubic mo
You might want to understand loops a little more; you are modifying
'j' within the loop which does not do whatever you think it should be
doing. You also probably want "B" to be a matrix if you want to store
the results for everything besides the last iteration.
Here is your loop corrected and fo
Hallo Uwe,
family_seq is the object I defined when I read my SPSS data:
family_seq <- read.spss (file="C:\\Documents\\blabla\\fam_seq.sav",
I have the impression (which does'nt help) that something doesn't go right
with importing the data. As I said, all my variables
On 15.02.2010 14:41, nomis24 wrote:
Hallo Uwe,
family_seq is the object I defined when I read my SPSS data:
family_seq<- read.spss (file="C:\\Documents\\blabla\\fam_seq.sav",
What I meant with "What is family_seq?" ist that we do not have that
object and hence c
Hello, would someone please help explain the following inconsistency
in the if/else statement to me?
The format of the if/else #3 below is ok, but if/else #1 is not? (I get
an "unexpected else" type error.) In order for it to work I have to use
if/else #2
Thanks .. maybe there is some reason fo
Dear R users,
I think I have spotted a bug in R, but as I am not sure, I first post it to you.
Here is a minimal working example:
default <- par(no.readonly=TRUE);
par(font=1, adj=0.5, cex=1, cex.lab=1, cex.axis=0.5, font.axis=2, lend=2,
omi=c(0, 0, 0, 0))
you've got jim's solution...
but if all you need to do is what you described in your previous
message, you should be able to accomplish it by:
B = log(ONS[-1,]/ONS[-nrow(ONS),])
On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 1:35 PM, jim holtman wrote:
> You might want to understand loops a little more; you are mo
Nutter, Benjamin wrote:
I've dabbled in this a little bit, and the result of my dabbling is
attached. I'll give you fair warning, however. The attached function
can take a long time to run, and if your model has 10 or more
predictors, you may be retired before it finishes running.
In any case,
Hi Greg,
This is precisely what I want. xaxt/yaxt='n' did the trick. Thanks for
pointing it out.
View this message in context:
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Check back in the archieves. This is a common question. The problem
is basically when input commands at the command line, when you hit the
carriage return it is assuming there is a complete command. 'if' not
followed by an 'else' is assumed to be complete and when you type the
'else' by itself i
On Feb 15, 2010, at 8:08 AM, geir wrote:
Based on a n x 2 data matrix i want a kernel estimate of the bivariate
However, i also wish to specify wich points the density should be
calculated at.
I can offcourse just write the full kernel density estimate as a R-
code, but
Hi Doug,
Could you please provide a reproducible example? It's difficult to
diagnose the problem without one.
On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 2:46 PM, DougNiu wrote:
> Hi there:
> I am new to R and creating a boxplot panel chart to show a test result.
> I have four output variables (OV1,
I, personally, utilize the ifelse(test,statement,statement) function when
possible over the methodology outlined.
Lee P. Adams
Luminant Energy - Fuel and Emissions Strategy
"We must become the change we want to see." -Mahatma Gandhi
-Original Message-
From: r-help-boun...@r-project.or
I tried twice to install package "e1071"as it provides the Hamming distance.
The installation failed twice.
I am running R version 2.9.0 (2009-04-17).
Any suggestion is welcome.
Thank you,
tutti i telefonini TIM!
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
Lauri Nikkinen wrote:
> The answer is:
>> .libPaths()
> [1] "E:/R/R-2.10.1/library"
> stats package is found under
> .../library/
Sorry about the delay Lauri, I don't have the time to skim r-help very
well these days, so your note sort of whizzed by.
However, I'm not sure I get the p
On Mon, 15 Feb 2010, edmond...@lshtm.ac.uk wrote:
Dear R-listers,
I am writing a function that will generate a simple plot for the
user . The size of the window (that contains the plot) may not be
what the user wants.
Supposing the user adjusts the window to a size of her/his choice, I
On 15-Feb-10 09:13, jim holtman wrote:
This is a common question. The problem
is basically when input commands at the command line, when you hit the
carriage return it is assuming there is a complete command.
Within a function, or a block like the 'for' loop, the statement is
not complete until
On 15-Feb-10 09:27, lee.ad...@luminant.com wrote:
I, personally, utilize the ifelse(test,statement,statement) function when
possible over the methodology outlined.
Haven't used that construct before, I'll check it out.
Thanks. And mystery solved.
Dear all,
I'm sitting here just in front of my new p...@work and wonder about the
following question:
* How can I adress multiple CPUs (cores) out of R to speed up the
simulations I run?
* What are the prerequisites to do so?
Maybe anyone could give me a hint where to start read
here is the message I get upon trying to upgrade R from the provided RPM
package for SuSE 11.1 (http://cran.r-project.org):
YaST2 conflicts list - generated 2010-02-15 14:00:50
nothing provides libreadline.so.6()(64bit) needed by
[ ] do not install R-
2010/2/15 :
> Dear all,
> I'm sitting here just in front of my new p...@work and wonder about the
> following question:
> * How can I adress multiple CPUs (cores) out of R to speed up the
> simulations I run?
> *
Esmail wrote:
> Ah .. so the fact that this is inside a block (in this case a function)
> makes a difference .. I see .. well this is certainly different from other
> languages I have worked with, but the explanation is clear.
Yes. I think most people involved have realized that it was a design
Dear Prof Ripley,
Thank you very much for your advice. In fact, I have already tried
'par("din")'. It does not seems to pick up the changes made to the
window. For example, I issued the par command after the plot:
> par("din")
[1] 7.5 7.0
[changed window size]
> par("din")
[1] 7.5 7.0
The res
Sorry, i did indeed mean function - not package.
kde2d lets you determine the grid - you choose "n" and "lims", which gives
you and n x n matrix for which the density is estimated (Seems like the
output is meant for graphical purposes). But i have a matrix consisting of
points (x,y) where i want
On Feb 15, 2010, at 9:49 AM, wrote:
Dear Prof Ripley,
Thank you very much for your advice. In fact, I have already tried
'par("din")'. It does not seems to pick up the changes made to the
window. For example, I issued the par command after the plot:
[1] 7.5 7.0
[changed window si
Hello everyone,
Barry : Thanks for the link to Rscript.
I will check this possibility
(the os was not given in the text, but in subject :-))
Romain : I think my skills at computing are too low for your solution (I
only know a bit of R and of Quick Basic ... nothing with C, C++, ...) and I
also d
On 2010-02-15 7:06, Martin Ivanov wrote:
Dear R users,
I think I have spotted a bug in R, but as I am not sure, I first post it to you.
Here is a minimal working example:
default<- par(no.readonly=TRUE);
par(font=1, adj=0.5, cex=1, cex.lab=1, cex.axis=0.5, font.axis=2, lend=2,
I'm using rlaplace distribution to draw non normal random deviates. I'm using
rmutil package for this. I know rlaplace needs location and dispersion
parameters but I want to pass diag matrix as dispersion parameters and I'm not
getting the correct values. Here is my code snippet:
Hi All:
Even after reading the web pages, it is unclear to me exactly how it is decided
what goes into the base distribution, and more to the point, which list I
should post to if I want to suggest that a functionality now done by a
contributed package be added to the base packages.
Thanks fo
Roy Mendelssohn wrote:
> Hi All:
> Even after reading the web pages, it is unclear to me exactly how it is
> decided what goes into the base distribution, and more to the point, which
> list I should post to if I want to suggest that a functionality now done
> by a contributed package be a
On 2010-02-15 8:26, vaibhav dua wrote:
I'm using rlaplace distribution to draw non normal random deviates. I'm using
rmutil package for this. I know rlaplace needs location and dispersion
parameters but I want to pass diag matrix as dispersion parameters and I'm not
getting the correct va
Benilton Carvalho-2 wrote:
> http://cran.r-project.org/web/views/HighPerformanceComputing.html
Also, of the links at the bottom of that page, I found the journal article:
"State of the Art in Parallel Computing with R"
To be a particularly helpful and easy to read overview of the avail
> I, personally, utilize the ifelse(test,statement,statement) function when
> possible over the methodology outlined.
if + else and ifelse perform quite different tasks, and in general can
not (and should not) be exchanged. In particular, note that for
ifelse, "the class attribute of the result
On Feb 15, 2010, at 11:01 AM, hadley wickham wrote:
I, personally, utilize the ifelse(test,statement,statement)
function when possible over the methodology outlined.
if + else and ifelse perform quite different tasks, and in general can
not (and should not) be exchanged. In particular, note
Hi David,
Thank you for your advice. I have just figured why neither the
suggestion of 'par("din")' or "dev.size()" works for me. Having
specified 'rescale="fixed"' in a preceding windows() command seems to
prevent R from reporting the current window size. See here:
On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 11:24 AM, David Winsemius
> On Feb 15, 2010, at 11:01 AM, hadley wickham wrote:
>>> I, personally, utilize the ifelse(test,statement,statement) function when
>>> possible over the methodology outlined.
>> if + else and ifelse perform quite different tasks, and
Hi Peter,
Thanks for quick reply. Like I said that I'm aware that it needs a vector but I
want to use diagonal matrix.
As you have noted, It could be possible that rlaplace reading dispDiag as a
vector and not matrix like c(3,0,0,0,.20,0,0,0,.1) so I thought to change the
code little bit:
On Feb 15, 2010, at 2:29 AM, Johannes Graumann wrote:
Rolf Turner wrote:
On 15/02/2010, at 9:40 AM, Johannes Graumann wrote
(In response to some advice from David Winsemius):
I am quite certain that this is the most elaborately worded
version of
"RTFM" I have ever come across.
I no
I would like to be removed from the R mailing list
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-g
On Feb 15, 2010, at 10:02 AM, geir wrote:
Sorry, i did indeed mean function - not package.
kde2d lets you determine the grid - you choose "n" and "lims", which
you and n x n matrix for which the density is estimated (Seems like
output is meant for graphical purposes). But i have
Go through the procedure outlined where you signed up. I can't take
you off of the list.
On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 10:39 AM, Audra Taylor wrote:
> I would like to be removed from the R mailing list
> [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
> x=3
> `class<-`(x,'something')#this command prints
[1] 3
[1] "something"
> x=3
> class(x)='something'#this command doesn't print anything
The first of the above two commands print the content of 'x' but the
second doesn't, although both of them set the argument 'x'. I'm
In my version of R, the stats package splinefun code for fitting a
Fritsch and Carlson monotonic spline does not appear to guarantee a
monotonic result. If two adjoining sections both have over/undershoot
the way the resulting adjustment of alpha and beta is performed can give
modified values
This is not so much a user help question, as a bug report (I think!)
Previous versions of R allowed the option --with-iconv=no to used to disable the
use of iconv. That option is no longer documented. However, using that option on
the latest does not generate an error message, but is silently i
On Feb 15, 2010, at 10:59 AM, Tim Heaton wrote:
In my version of R, the stats package splinefun code for fitting a
Fritsch and Carlson monotonic spline does not appear to guarantee a
monotonic result. If two adjoining sections both have over/undershoot
the way the resulting adjustment of a
On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 5:07 PM, blue sky wrote:
>> x=3
>> `class<-`(x,'something')#this command prints
> [1] 3
> attr(,"class")
> [1] "something"
>> x=3
>> class(x)='something'#this command doesn't print anything
> The first of the above two commands print the content of 'x' but the
> second do
I wonder whether binary (rooted) trees with simple
labels (say, integers) can be drawn by some R-package?
Couldn't find one.
Just to make sure (since "trees" can be many things): I mean
those computer-science creatures, with roots and subtrees.
Thanks for your consideration in any case
On Feb 15, 2010, at 1:06 PM, Tim Heaton wrote:
Thanks for the reply but I think you are confusing monotonic and
strictly increasing/decreasing. I also just used the y-value of the
knot as a simple example as that is not the bit where it goes wrong.
will still produce a non-mon
On 2010-02-15 9:38, vaibhav dua wrote:
Hi Peter,
Thanks for quick reply. Like I said that I'm aware that it needs a vector but I
want to use diagonal matrix.
As you have noted, It could be possible that rlaplace reading dispDiag as a
vector and not matrix like c(3,0,0,0,.20,0,0,0,.1) so I tho
I don't find print.list. Could somebody let me know which method is
called when I run command print(a_list), where a_list is a list? Is
'print.default' used for printing a list?
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
blue sky wrote:
I don't find print.list. Could somebody let me know which method is
called when I run command print(a_list), where a_list is a list? Is
'print.default' used for printing a list?
Yes. You can always debug functions to investigate what's going on, too.
See ?debug.
Since you're on Windows, try the 'snow' package... the other suggestions
are highly suggested and recommended as well
thomas.schwan...@mvv.de wrote:
Dear all,
I'm sitting here just in front of my new p...@work and wonder about the
following question:
* How can I adress multipl
Thanks for the reply but I think you are confusing monotonic and
strictly increasing/decreasing. I also just used the y-value of the last
knot as a simple example as that is not the bit where it goes wrong. It
will still produce a non-monotonic spline if you use for example
x <- 1:8
y <- c(-
When I wrap those values in to a matrix will it be still independent ? ( non
zero correlation).
Can I do this for any multivariate distribution which has the univariate
Thank you for the response.
View this message in context:
Dear All
I am quite new to R and would appreciate some help fitting 95% confidence
intervals to a nls function. I have the data
90 5.9
91 8
92 8.4
93 7.7
95 6.6
96 6.8
97 7.1
98 9.7
99 12.3
100 12.8
102 11
103 9.3
104 9.8
Hi Dimitri,
Have you looked at the examples for scale_x_date -
http://had.co.nz/ggplot2/scale_date.html? They show you how to both
set the limits and control the labels.
On Sun, Feb 14, 2010 at 1:34 PM, Dimitri Shvorob
> ... Unfortunately, a problem remains: I cannot label x ti
Here's another way to have different behaviour only for interactive sessions:
if (interactive()) {
winMenuAdd(menuname, NULL, NULL) # etc.
From: Duncan Murdoch
Date: 13/Feb/2010 6:15 a.m.
Subject: Re: [R] Selective load of .First() function just for Rgui.exe
On 12/02/2010 11:
Hi All,
I am interested in creating a function that will take x number of lm
objects and automate the comparison of each model (using anova). Here
is a simple example (the actual function will involve more than what
Im presenting but is irrelevant for the example):
# sample data:
Is anyone else using the 'geepack' package?
From: "Steve Taylor"
Date: 11/Feb/2010 11:28 a.m.
Subject: [R] using step() with package geepack
I'm using the package geepack to fit GEE models.
Does anyone know of methods for add1 and drop1 for a 'geeglm' model object, or
perhaps a method
try this:
MRfit <- function (...) {
models <- list(...)
do.call(anova, models)
I hope it helps.
AC Del Re wrote:
Hi All,
I am interested in creating a function that will take x number of lm
objects and automate the comparison of each model (using anova). Here
is a
Dear Colleagues,
John Mandel ( Chain block designs with two-way elimination of heterogeneity.
Biometrics 10, 251-272 ,1954).
extended the class of chain block designs (Youden & Conner (1953)
to elimination of both row and column (blocks) effects.
These experimental designs can be useful in engin
Thank you, Dimitris.
On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 1:45 PM, Dimitris Rizopoulos
> try this:
> MRfit <- function (...) {
> models <- list(...)
>> do.call(anova, models)
>> }
>> I hope it helps.
>> Best,
>> Dimitris
>> AC Del Re wrote:
>>> Hi All,
At 6:07 PM + 2/15/10, Oliver Kullmann wrote:
I wonder whether binary (rooted) trees with simple
labels (say, integers) can be drawn by some R-package?
Couldn't find one.
Just to make sure (since "trees" can be many things): I mean
those computer-science creatu
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