Instead of an answer, may I add question
c) can someone state that it is impossible to generate static HTML
help pages under Windows?
At 21:40 22.12.2009, Steve Rowley wrote:
I upgraded to R2.10.1pat and discovered, along with everybody else,
that static HTML pages are no longer the default.
Hi everyone,
Can anyone please tell whether there is a difference between the code for using
svm in regression and code for using svm in classification?
This is my code for regression, should I change it to do classification?:
train <- read.table("trainingset.txt",sep=";")
test <- read.
I have a 5-row matrix called âdataâ. There are headers.
it look like this :
Row 1 Row2Row3Row4Row5
Line1 â¦â¦â¦â¦
Line2 â¦â¦â¦â¦
Line3 â¦â¦â¦â¦
Hi everyone. And, Merry Xmas !
I have a 5-row matrix called âdataâ. There are headers.
it look like this :
Row 1 Row2Row3Row4Row5
Line1 â¦â¦â¦â¦
Line2 â¦â¦â¦â¦
Line3 â¦â¦
On Dec 27, 2009, at 9:15 AM, Edouard Tallent wrote:
Hi everyone. And, Merry Xmas !
I have a 5-row matrix called “data”. There are headers.
it look like this :
Row 1 Row2Row3Row4Row5
Line1 …………
Line2 ………
I've been searching for a method for identify outliers for quite some
time now. The complication is that I cannot assume that my data is
normally distributed nor symmetrical (i.e. some distributions might
have one longer tail) so I have not been able to find any good tests.
The Walsh's Test
Hi all,
I have made a loop function which prints outputs. For example:
for (i in 1:5)
+ print(i)
[1] 1
[1] 2
[1] 3
[1] 4
[1] 5
However, I would like the output to given as a list or a vector, e..g
c(1,2,3,4,5). Is it possible to do this?
(The function I am using outputs many 1000s of results
John wrote:
I've been searching for a method for identify outliers for quite some
time now. The complication is that I cannot assume that my data is
normally distributed nor symmetrical (i.e. some distributions might
have one longer tail) so I have not been able to find any good tests.
In The following code, the table handler is executed twice when the
button is pressed (from the 2nd pressing on).
I want it to be executed only once. Does someone know, why this
happens and how I can change it?
w <- gwindow()
b <- gbutton("press", cont=w)
tbl <- gtable(1:10
On Dec 27, 2009, at 11:17 AM, Cat Morning wrote:
Hi all,
I have made a loop function which prints outputs. For example:
for (i in 1:5)
+ print(i)
[1] 1
[1] 2
[1] 3
[1] 4
[1] 5
However, I would like the output to given as a list or a vector,
e..g c(1,2,3,4,5). Is it possible to do this?
On Dec 27, 2009, at 11:29 AM, Mark Heckmann wrote:
In The following code, the table handler is executed twice when the
button is pressed (from the 2nd pressing on).
Can't reproduce. On a Mac 10.5.8, R 2.10.1, running the 64 bit GUI,
after choosing the gWidgetstcltk option for GUI toolkit w
Could someone help me understand this
Basically I want to know the position of certain numbers in large output
data sets. First consider the following simple example where we get the
postions of ones (1) in the vector q.
> q <- c(5,1,1,3,1,1,1,1)
> q
[1] 5 1 1 3 1 1 1 1
> for (i in 1:length(q)) i
On Dec 27, 2009, at 12:11 PM, Anders Falk wrote:
Could someone help me understand this
Basically I want to know the position of certain numbers in large
data sets. First consider the following simple example where we get
postions of ones (1) in the vector q.
q <- c(5,1,1,3,1,
On Dec 27, 2009, at 12:12 PM, Mark Heckmann wrote:
Hi David,
forgot to mention I use the RGtk2 GUI toolkit.
Under tcl I do not get this results neither. Under RGtk2 I do (Mac
OS 10.6.1, R 2.10.0 32-bit).
Any ideas?
I don't have anything constructive to off
David Winsemius wrote:
On Dec 27, 2009, at 11:17 AM, Cat Morning wrote:
Hi all,
I have made a loop function which prints outputs. For example:
for (i in 1:5)
+ print(i)
[1] 1
[1] 2
[1] 3
[1] 4
[1] 5
However, I would like the output to given as a list or a vector, e..g
c(1,2,3,4,5). Is i
David Winsemius wrote:
On Dec 27, 2009, at 12:11 PM, Anders Falk wrote:
Could someone help me understand this
Basically I want to know the position of certain numbers in large output
data sets. First consider the following simple example where we get the
postions of ones (1) in the vector q
An alternative approach (clumsy but probably not as clumsy as a loop) would be
to create a sixth column as a factor and aggregate on that. Simple-minded
example :
mydata <- data.frame(matrix(rnorm(100),nrow=20))
mydata[,6] <- c(rep("a",5),
try this:
> mydata <- matrix(runif(5000),ncol=5)
> indices <- list(c(173, 193),
+ c(434, 455),
+ c(699, 724),
+ c(955, 977))
> result <- lapply(indices, function(.indx){
+ mean(mydata[.indx[1]:.indx[2], 5])
+ })
> result
[1] 0.5364535
Heinz Tuechler wrote:
Instead of an answer, may I add question
c) can someone state that it is impossible to generate static HTML help
pages under Windows?
No, it is not impossible, see my answers below.
At 21:40 22.12.2009, Steve Rowley wrote:
I upgraded to R2.10.1pat and discovered, a
Hi useRs,
I ran into an inconsistent output problem again. Here is the simplify
I've got a matrix as follows
> x
V1V2 V3
[1,] 1 2 3
[2,] 4 5 6
[3,] 7 8 9
Associated with the matrix is a scaling factor, sca, derived from, say
the mea
Slightly (but not completely) irrelevant comment. The next version of
the R rpm packaged by Fedora WILL include static web pages by default
(so I'm told by Tom [Spot] Callaway). This also goes for the R
packages that they package as RPMs.
This is irrelevant for Windows users of course, but other
If "out" is what you want to achieve, why don't you multiply "sca" (called
"m" below) with the transpose of "x" and then transpose the resulting
x*m #returns what you don't want
t(t(x)*m) #returns what you want
Begging the list's indulgence, an extremely dumb beginner's question. I've got
24 months' worth of numbers - ranging from 2 events per month, to 66 events per
month. I want to take a stab at making a reasonable guess as to what the next
year's data would be, approximately, i.e., based on the
See ?ets in the forecast package.
On Sun, Dec 27, 2009 at 2:51 PM, Facetious Nickname
> Begging the list's indulgence, an extremely dumb beginner's question. I've
> got 24 months' worth of numbers - ranging from 2 events per month, to 66
> events per month. I want to take a stab at
Try this,
x <- matrix(1:9, ncol=3, byrow=T)
sca <- c(2.5, 1.7, 3.6)
x %*% diag(1/sca)
2009/12/27 Muhammad Rahiz :
> Hi useRs,
> I ran into an inconsistent output problem again. Here is the simplify
> illustration
> I've got a matrix as follows
>> x
> V1 V2
Thank you both for your excellent help.
Best Regards, Anders Falk
> David Winsemius wrote:
>> On Dec 27, 2009, at 12:11 PM, Anders Falk wrote:
>>> Could someone help me understand this
>>> Basically I want to know the position of certain numbers in large
>>> output
>>> data sets. F
>Heinz Tuechler wrote:
>> At 21:40 22.12.2009, Steve Rowley wrote:
>>> (a) how to build the static HTML help pages of all currently
>>> installed packages under Windows, [...]
>At least two ways:
>Way 1: reinstall all those packages from sources using
> R CMD INSTALL --html
>Way 2: go t
Well, I guess it will be extremely difficult to persuade your teacher
to use the sem package in R. AFAIK, AMOS and LISREL have become the
golden standard for SEM in China, and SEM has become a golden model
for analysis in social science and psychology. I have been a cynic to
SEM for a long time, be
Dear John P. Burkett
I would appreciate you to send me some scripts to run DEA with 20 similar DMU
Best regards
Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico
que ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistem
a Nacional de Salu
Hi David,
forgot to mention I use the RGtk2 GUI toolkit.
Under tcl I do not get this results neither. Under RGtk2 I do (Mac OS
10.6.1, R 2.10.0 32-bit).
Any ideas?
Am 27.12.2009 um 18:05 schrieb David Winsemius:
> On Dec 27, 2009, at 11:29 AM, Mar
Good evening,
I would like to put the histograms of several matrices on the same graph,
together on a unified histogram (instead of having one bar per value on the
x-axis, have multiple bars: one representing each matrix, with different
colored bars for example to distinguish between the matrices)
I want to assign a default handler to a toolbar button and change the
handler later.
The addhandlerclicked() method does not apply to a gAction Object, I
defHandler <- function(h, ...) print("default")
w <- gwindow()
aTest <- gaction(label="Test", icon="
I'm currently beginning to use R for financial analysis (mainly Basel II
benchmarks) and I would like to know if any R-User can give me some initial
directions on packages and tutorials which I can use to calculate capital
requirements, default probabilities, and related stuff.
Thanks in a
You may want to check out the R-sig-finance list and search through the
postings here:
There's quite a few packages in the CRAN taskviews as well:
Ricardo Gonçalves Silva wrote:
Hi Yael,
Have you tried to find it on google "R graph gallery" ?
On Sun, Dec 27, 2009 at 2:45 PM, Yael Yohai wrote:
> Good evening,
> I would like to put the histograms of several matrices on the same graph,
> together on a unified histogram (instead of having one bar per value
I'm installing R 2.10.1 under Linux but I don't know why my
installation does not support png/cairo/jpeg:
> capabilities()
jpeg png tifftcltk X11 aqua http/ftp sockets
libxml fifo cledit
Here is one way of doing it using the basic graphics:
# crate some data
x1 <- rnorm(1,0,1)
x2 <- rnorm(1,1,2)
# get data from histograms
bin.size <- seq(-10,10,0.1) # bin size - may sure it spans the range
h1 <- hist(x1, plot=FALSE, breaks=bin.size)
h2 <- hist(x2, plot=FALSE, breaks=bin.
I tried Amazon EC2 with R recently and wrote an entry about it to a blog
I collaborate with:
(Unfortunately, it is in Spanish...)
Best regards,
Carlos J. Gil Bellosta
Blair Christian wrote:
sweep(x, 2, m, FUN='/')
On Sun, Dec 27, 2009 at 2:26 PM, Muhammad Rahiz <> wrote:
> Hi useRs,
> I ran into an inconsistent output problem again. Here is the simplify
> illustration
> I've got a matrix as follows
> > x
> V1V2 V3
> [1,] 1 2
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
New packages
* batch (1.0-0)
Thomas Hoffmann
Functions to allow you to easily pass command-line arguments into R
(primary use is linux), and functions to aid in submitting your R
code in parallel
i think rick's questions are more related to basel II instead of R and don't
think there is such a R package.
per my limited knowledge, there are many ways to calculate PD, EAD, and LGD,
either on portfolio level or on account level. So it really depends on how
you are going to estimate them. On th
Hi R-people,
I have done spatial and geostatistics for some time and now I am interested in
concentration indexes. There is one index named Lacunarity. Is there any
extension like that in R?
Thank you all,
José Bustos
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
Mark Heckmann> writes:
> I want to assign a default handler to a toolbar button and change the
> handler later.
> The addhandlerclicked() method does not apply to a gAction Object, I
> think...
> defHandler <- function(h, ...) print("default")
> w <- gwindow()
Mark Heckmann> writes:
> In The following code, the table handler is executed twice when the
> button is pressed (from the 2nd pressing on).
> I want it to be executed only once. Does someone know, why this
> happens and how I can change it?
.. snip ..
> Thanks!
> Mark
Mark Heckmann> writes:
> Hi all,
> I have a gtable and a ggraphic widget.
> I want to drag an element from the table onto the graphic.
> When the drag object is released over the ggraphic widget, I want the
> mouse coordinates inside the ggraphic to be returned.
> Right now I do no
I don't know the situation of psychology. In sociology, SEM is
regarded is advanced statistical technique, but I am not quite sure if
it is golden model. Actually, SEM is not so common in journal papers.
It is not about R. Sorry for being off-topic.
2009/12/28 Yihui Xie :
> Well, I guess it
Dear R helpers,
I have following input files. (Actually they are more than 10 rates but here i
am considering only 2 rates to write my problem)
min1 max1 min2 max2 min3 max3
1.051.30 1.30 1.65 1
On 12/28/2009 06:45 AM, Yael Yohai wrote:
Good evening,
I would like to put the histograms of several matrices on the same graph,
together on a unified histogram (instead of having one bar per value on the
x-axis, have multiple bars: one representing each matrix, with different
colored bars for
Dear R helpers,
I have following input files. (Actually they are more than 10 rates but here i
am considering only 2 rates to write my problem)
min1 max1 min2 max2 min3 max3
1.051.30 1.30 1.65 1
I want to use a moving average estimation in my analysis.
When refering to this "moving average", I mean a MA in a technical analysis
definition, and not to the definition in Time Series Analysis.
Actually, it is an AR estimation in TSA.
So I use the function "filter" to compute it.
Dear R users,
I would like to estimate a MS-VAR where the probabilities of regime
shifts are dependent of an exogenous variable. Is it possible to do
this using R?
Henrique C. de Andrade
Doutorando em Economia Aplicada
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Saji Ren wrote:
> ...
>> MA2 = filter(x,c(rep(1/2,2),0),sides = 1)
>> MA2
> [1] NA NA 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5
> But what I want is:
> [1] NA NA 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5
> And I think the command I used to get MA2 should give a result as what I
> want, but it just does
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