[R] Most used R editors

2009-06-02 Thread Martial Sankar
Hi, I am a little lonely as R users in my group. So, I would like to know which editor is the most used in the R community. This post is some kind of survey. Personally, I use Emacs with ESS, It permits to : - open more than one R session - split the emacs editor as many part as you want. -

Re: [R] creating list with 200 identical objects

2009-06-02 Thread Rainer M Krug
Thanks a lot Wacek for this clear description of the problem - I was not aware, that it is that complex. I definitely did not consider the initialize() function in writing my code. But as I only want to allocate the space for the objects, it does not matter here. But when I write a simulation and

Re: [R] R Solves Shakespeare Authorship Question

2009-06-02 Thread Wacek Kusnierczyk
Stavros Macrakis wrote: > I don't know why this paper is getting our attention here -- it is just an > undergraduate student term paper for a computer science course on statistics > and data mining. > "Those of you who track applications of R may be interested" vQ > -s > > On Mon

Re: [R] Most used R editors

2009-06-02 Thread Ronggui Huang
I personally use ESS now. I think it is great for programming. I used kate under KDE once, and it worked fine. I quite like kate though I am not a fan of KDE. Ronggui 2009/6/2 Martial Sankar : > > Hi, > > I am a little lonely as R users in my group. So, I would like to know which > editor is the

Re: [R] Bug in hist() when working with Dates ?

2009-06-02 Thread Martin Maechler
> "SN" == S Nunes > on Mon, 1 Jun 2009 16:45:54 +0100 writes: SN> Hi, It seems that hist() has a buggy behavior when SN> breaking over "days". The bug can be reproduced in a SN> few steps: >> d=data.frame(date=c("2009-01-01", "2009-01-02", >> "2009-01-02")) d$dat

Re: [R] Error:non-numeric argument in my function

2009-06-02 Thread Wacek Kusnierczyk
Stavros Macrakis wrote: > On Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 11:33 AM, Wacek Kusnierczyk < > waclaw.marcin.kusnierc...@idi.ntnu.no> wrote: > > >> ... there is an ugly lack of consistency here:... >> >> > > I agree that it's inconsistent that > > 1:'2' --> 1:2 # this doesn't seem to be documen

[R] help me abot rank regression

2009-06-02 Thread yongkook Kwon
Hi.. I want to conduct data rank regression. The some value in my data has 5 levels( 0,1,2,3,4). I don't know exactly value, just know levels. How can I use fuction ?? [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list

Re: [R] creating list with 200 identical objects

2009-06-02 Thread Wacek Kusnierczyk
Rainer M Krug wrote: > Thanks a lot Wacek for this clear description of the problem - I was > not aware, that it is that complex. > I definitely did not consider the initialize() function in writing my code. > > But as I only want to allocate the space for the objects, it does not > matter here. Bu

Re: [R] grid.edit() for ggplot2

2009-06-02 Thread baptiste auguie
Perfect, thank you! Thanks also to Gabor G. for the links. baptiste On 2 Jun 2009, at 01:30, Paul Murrell wrote: Hi baptiste auguie wrote: Dear all, I'm trying to access and modify grobs in a ggplot2 plot. The basic idea for raw Grid objects I understand from Paul Murrell's R graphics

Re: [R] compatibility between R 2.7.0 and 2.8.1

2009-06-02 Thread Uwe Ligges
Perhaps the real solution is to upgrade to R-2.9.0 and patch RPy so that it works with recent versions of R. The maintainer of RPy might be happy about patches. Best, Uwe Ligges Rheannon wrote: Hello, I have some R code that I wrote with version 2.8.1 and have since needed to revert back

[R] R: subset dataframe/list

2009-06-02 Thread Cecilia Carmo
Thank you all!!! The problem was the decimal symbol! My data was saved in a txt file, so I’ve introduced the dec="," in «read.table» and it worked. What I’ve done was coeficientes<-read.table("coeficientes.txt",sep="\t",header=T,dec=",") Then, subset worked fine coeficientesWanted<-subset(coe

Re: [R] problem with package creation under Windows and R 2.9.0

2009-06-02 Thread Uwe Ligges
antonio.gasparr...@lshtm.ac.uk wrote: Dear R users, I found a small problem with the package creation procedure in R 2.9.0 under Windows. Basically, I input in the command prompt; Rcmd BUILD --binary --use-zip namepackage The procedure works, but the titles in the help pages of the creat

Re: [R] how to add value on the bar ploted by barplot()

2009-06-02 Thread Jim Lemon
Xiaogang Yang wrote: how to add value on the bar ploted by barplot()? and the axis label is too big, anyone know how to change their font , thanks Hi Xiaogang, Have a look at the second example for the "boxed.labels" function in the plotrix package. For the second question, look at par(ce

[R] newbie help: simple operations in R

2009-06-02 Thread Carletto Rossi
Hi, i' d like to use R for simple calculations. I show you an examples to make clear my help request I' ve a file .csv like this (my real file is composed by 10.000 lines and 8 columns) x y 3 4 1 7 I' ve imported in R correctly. Now i want create a new variable named "t" and t is defined through

Re: [R] newbie help: simple operations in R

2009-06-02 Thread Simon Pickett
you could use a loop but maybe easier would be x<-c(NA,x) y<-c(y,NA) t<-x*y use write.table() to write the table to your hard drive e.g. write.table(t, file="C:/Documents and Settings/simonp/My Documents/RELU/GIS data/Land Cover Map working/squares plus adjoining parcels/Scotland/scotland adj

Re: [R] Neural Network resource

2009-06-02 Thread Indrajit Sengupta
Thanks to all those who have replied to my query. I have decided do a thorough reading on this subject and try to seek out a proper solution. I will stick to the nnet package as mentioned by Jude and try and compare results with other neural network software if possible. Regards, Indrajit  

Re: [R] Editor R

2009-06-02 Thread Paul Hiemstra
Hi, I'm taking the liberty to answer your question. In most Kate versions I worked with you need to select the part of the code you wish to run and then go to Tools > Pipe to console. The selected part will then be executed. To make life a little easier you can assign a hotkey to "Pipe to con

[R] plot 4th variable contour lines on filled.contour

2009-06-02 Thread AnaFilipaDeMouraQueiros
Hello, I have a dataset with 4 variables, each consisting of a vector, all with the same length. I start by interpolating the first three variables using the function "interp", and plot the interpolation successfully using "filled.contour". I then interpolate the first two variables and a four

Re: [R] newbie help: simple operations in R

2009-06-02 Thread Carletto Rossi
I' ve tried your suggestions but the results are wrong.I don't understand...i explain my request in a new way. I have this table named data-4-bk.csv "Y/h","u/U_b","v/U_b","uu/U_b^2","vv/U_b^2","uv/U_b^2","k/U_b^2" 0.16067E-02,-0.11652E-01,0.30712E-04,0.11377E-02,0.37886E-06,-0.12657E-05,0.13570E-0

[R] Odp: newbie help: simple operations in R

2009-06-02 Thread Petr PIKAL
Hi r-help-boun...@r-project.org napsal dne 02.06.2009 12:22:49: > Hi, i' d like to use R for simple calculations. I show you an examples to > make clear my help request > > I' ve a file .csv like this (my real file is composed by 10.000 lines and 8 > columns) > > x y > 3 4 > 1 7 > > I' ve im

Re: [R] newbie help: simple operations in R

2009-06-02 Thread Simon Pickett
The solution I provided should work First off all give your data frame shorter and easier names e.g. names(quatrro)<-c("x","y",etc) since you want y(n)*x(n+1) an easy way to code this is to add on an "NA" to the start of x so everything shifts down a row and add an NA on the end of Y so that X

Re: [R] newbie help: simple operations in R

2009-06-02 Thread Petr PIKAL
Hi r-help-boun...@r-project.org napsal dne 02.06.2009 13:03:39: > I' ve tried your suggestions but the results are wrong.I don't > understand...i explain my request in a new way. > I have this table named data-4-bk.csv > > "Y/h","u/U_b","v/U_b","uu/U_b^2","vv/U_b^2","uv/U_b^2","k/U_b^2" > 0.160

[R] Odp: plot 4th variable contour lines on filled.contour

2009-06-02 Thread Petr PIKAL
Hi r-help-boun...@r-project.org napsal dne 02.06.2009 12:50:50: > Hello, > I have a dataset with 4 variables, each consisting of a vector, all with > the same length. I start by interpolating the first three variables > using the function "interp", and plot the interpolation successfully > us

Re: [R] newbie help: simple operations in R

2009-06-02 Thread Carletto Rossi
Thanks the Simon way works well!! 2009/6/2 Petr PIKAL > Hi > > r-help-boun...@r-project.org napsal dne 02.06.2009 13:03:39: > > > I' ve tried your suggestions but the results are wrong.I don't > > understand...i explain my request in a new way. > > I have this table named data-4-bk.csv > > > > "

Re: [R] newbie help: simple operations in R

2009-06-02 Thread Petr PIKAL
Hi r-help-boun...@r-project.org napsal dne 02.06.2009 13:20:26: > The solution I provided should work > > First off all give your data frame shorter and easier names e.g. > > names(quatrro)<-c("x","y",etc) > > since you want y(n)*x(n+1) an easy way to code this is to add on an "NA" to > the

Re: [R] Most used R editors

2009-06-02 Thread Mike Lawrence
I'm on Mac OS X and I've been using TextMate, though I feel guilty that it's non-open-source/pay software :Op On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 5:02 AM, Ronggui Huang wrote: > I personally use ESS now. I think it is great for programming. I used > kate under KDE once, and it worked fine. I quite like kate t

Re: [R] Most used R editors

2009-06-02 Thread Peter Flom
I use WinEct, which is shareware and has a variation just for R, called RWinEdt. Peter -Original Message- >From: Mike Lawrence >Sent: Jun 2, 2009 7:51 AM >To: rhelp >Subject: Re: [R] Most used R editors > >I'm on Mac OS X and I've been using TextMate, though I feel guilty >that it's non

Re: [R] Most used R editors

2009-06-02 Thread Jim Lemon
Mike Lawrence wrote: I'm on Mac OS X and I've been using TextMate, though I feel guilty that it's non-open-source/pay software :Op Don't worry, Mike, quite a few of us have given up trading mangelwurzels for animal hides. Jim __ R-help@r-project.

Re: [R] newbie help: simple operations in R

2009-06-02 Thread Carletto Rossi
I'm sorry but i verify that Simon solution doesn't work. It makes only the product between the corrispondent element of the columns (first with first, second with seconds, etc,...) These are the list of R commands: > quattro <- read.csv('new_data.csv', header=TRUE) > names(quattro)<-c("x","y") > x

Re: [R] Fwd: how to add value on the bar ploted by barplot()

2009-06-02 Thread David Winsemius
This is the trivial modification to the example on the help page that I was thinking of. #the example code mp <- barplot(VADeaths) # default tot <- colMeans(VADeaths) text(mp, tot + 3, format(tot), xpd = TRUE, col = "blue") #the modification tot <- colSums(VADeaths) text(mp, tot + 3,

Re: [R] newbie help: simple operations in R

2009-06-02 Thread Petr PIKAL
Hi Carletto Rossi napsal dne 02.06.2009 14:12:12: > I'm sorry but i verify that Simon solution doesn't work. It makes only the It partially works > product between the corrispondent element of the columns (first with first, > second with seconds, etc,...) > These are the list of R commands

[R] RES: Most used R editors

2009-06-02 Thread Rodrigo Aluizio
Well, on windows an excellent and free software for R scrip editing is Tinn-R. Works on XP and Vista and it is constantly reviewed and updated. Rodrigo. -Mensagem original- De: r-help-boun...@r-project.org [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-project.org] Em nome de Peter Flom Enviada em: terça-fei

Re: [R] creating list with 200 identical objects

2009-06-02 Thread Rainer M Krug
On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 10:44 AM, Wacek Kusnierczyk wrote: > Rainer M Krug wrote: >> Thanks a lot Wacek for this clear description of the problem - I was >> not aware, that it is that complex. >> I definitely did not consider the initialize() function in writing my code. >> >> But as I only want to

Re: [R] newbie help: simple operations in R

2009-06-02 Thread Simon Pickett
thats true actually, The new variables will be one character too long to fit back into quattro, but you can make a new data frame or just use one of the more elegant solutions provided by Petr. Cheers. - Original Message - From: "Petr PIKAL" To: "Carletto Rossi" Cc: Sent: Tuesda

Re: [R] RES: Most used R editors

2009-06-02 Thread Andrew Dolman
For Windows I've been using Notepad++ with npptor http://sourceforge.net/projects/npptor/ Simple and lightweight. Syntax highlighting, code folding and code passing are all I want. andydol...@gmail.com 2009/6/2 Rodrigo Aluizio > Well, on windows an excellent and free software for R scr

[R] variance does not equal serial covariance of lag zero?

2009-06-02 Thread Liviu Andronic
Dear all, Does this make any sense: var() = cov() != acf(lag.max=0, type="covariance")? I have daily data of IBM for May 2005, and I'm using the logarithmic return: > ibm200505$LRAdj.Close [1] NA 0.0203152 0.0005508 -0.0148397 -0.0025182 0.0092025 -0.0013889 [8] 0.0098196 -0.0103757

Re: [R] newbie help: simple operations in R

2009-06-02 Thread Wacek Kusnierczyk
Carletto Rossi wrote: > I'm sorry but i verify that Simon solution doesn't work. It makes only the > product between the corrispondent element of the columns (first with first, > second with seconds, etc,...) > These are the list of R commands: > > >> quattro <- read.csv('new_data.csv', header=T

Re: [R] RES: Most used R editors

2009-06-02 Thread Robert Kinley
# Not sure whether anyone has mentioned Crimson Editor (for windows) so far ... http://www.crimsoneditor.com/ In Linux/Unixland there is 'kate' Bob Kinley [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list htt

Re: [R] variance does not equal serial covariance of lag zero?

2009-06-02 Thread Thomas Lumley
The answers differ by a factor of 19/20, ie, (n-1)/n, so it is presumably the choice of denominator for the variance that differs. -thomas On Tue, 2 Jun 2009, Liviu Andronic wrote: Dear all, Does this make any sense: var() = cov() != acf(lag.max=0, type="covariance")? I have daily

Re: [R] warning message when running quantile regression

2009-06-02 Thread jude.ryan
Thanks Rongui! I wasn't aware of this FAQ page. I will look at that page. Jude -Original Message- From: Ronggui Huang [mailto:ronggui.hu...@gmail.com] Sent: Monday, June 01, 2009 10:11 PM To: Ryan, Jude Cc: r-help@r-project.org Subject: Re: [R] warning message when running quantile regre

Re: [R] GTK Tooltips under Linux

2009-06-02 Thread Michael Lawrence
I think I've got the threaded event loop working. Uploaded it to CRAN as 2.12.12. Should appear in a few days. Michael On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 11:24 AM, Ronggui Huang wrote: > Noted with thanks. > > Regards > > Ronggui > > 2009/5/29 Michael Lawrence : > > > > > > On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 7:35 PM,

Re: [R] Most used R editors

2009-06-02 Thread Tomas Lanczos
On Tue, 2009-06-02 at 07:06 +, Martial Sankar wrote: > Hi, > > I am a little lonely as R users in my group. So, I would like to know which > editor is the most used in the R community. > This post is some kind of survey. > > Personally, I use Emacs with ESS, It permits to : > > - open more

Re: [R] Most used R editors

2009-06-02 Thread Tomas Lanczos
On Tue, 2009-06-02 at 07:06 +, Martial Sankar wrote: > Hi, > > I am a little lonely as R users in my group. So, I would like to know which > editor is the most used in the R community. > This post is some kind of survey. > > Personally, I use Emacs with ESS, It permits to : > > - open more

Re: [R] GTK Tooltips under Linux

2009-06-02 Thread Ronggui Huang
Thanks, Michael. 2009/6/2 Michael Lawrence : > I think I've got the threaded event loop working. Uploaded it to CRAN as > 2.12.12. Should appear in a few days. > > Michael > > On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 11:24 AM, Ronggui Huang > wrote: >> >> Noted with thanks. >> >> Regards >> >> Ronggui >> >> 2009/

Re: [R] variance does not equal serial covariance of lag zero?

2009-06-02 Thread Liviu Andronic
On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 3:34 PM, Thomas Lumley wrote: > The answers differ by a factor of 19/20, ie, (n-1)/n, so it is presumably > the choice of denominator for the variance that differs. > Same issue is present in ccf(): cov() != ccf(lag.max=0, type="covariance"). Liviu

Re: [R] Most used R editors

2009-06-02 Thread Bos, Roger
I have not seen Tinn-R mentioned so I will mention it. Its worked great for me. Eclipse is a nice IDE, but its more complicated that what is necessary for R programming. -Original Message- From: r-help-boun...@r-project.org [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-project.org] On Behalf Of Martial

Re: [R] [ANN] ggplot2 + rggobi course. July 30-31, Washington DC

2009-06-02 Thread hadley wickham
Hi everyone, We still have places available for our two-day looking-at-data course: July 30-31 Washington DC Day one: static graphics with ggplot2 Day two: interactive graphics with rggobi and GGobi. You can attend one day (for $295) or both days (for $550). Student discounts are available. Al

[R] help on understanding a code

2009-06-02 Thread Hongyuan Cao
Dear R user, I am trying to understand this following code. Basically it's using a permutation method to calculate p value. But I would like to know exactly how the permutation works. #calculates null statistics tt0 <- 0 set.seed(123) B <- 100 for(i in 1:B) { v <- sample(y) tt0 <- c(tt0,ttest(dat

Re: [R] Most used R editors

2009-06-02 Thread Ronggui Huang
Yes, Tinn-R is great for windows users. However, if you work under different OS, it would be great to have an OS-independent editor. Ronggui 2009/6/2 Bos, Roger : > I have not seen Tinn-R mentioned so I will mention it.  Its worked great for > me.  Eclipse is a nice IDE, but its more complicated

[R] Sample size - proportion continuity correction

2009-06-02 Thread Karl Knoblick
Hallo! Does anybody know how to calculate a sample size estimation for proportions with continuity correction?   I only found EpiR which seems to calculate without continuity correction: library(epiR) epi.studysize(treat = .65, control = .50, n = NA, sigma = NA, power = 0.80, r = 1, conf.level

Re: [R] R: subset dataframe/list

2009-06-02 Thread David Winsemius
Also look at the documentation for read.csv2(). -- David. On Jun 2, 2009, at 5:43 AM, Cecilia Carmo wrote: Thank you all!!! The problem was the decimal symbol! My data was saved in a txt file, so I’ve introduced the dec="," in «read.table» and it worked. What I’ve done was coeficient

Re: [R] help on understanding a code

2009-06-02 Thread Mike Lawrence
You haven't provided us enough information. You should also provide examples where we can access all the called objects; for example, ttest() is not a built-in function, so we have no idea what it is. Same goes for dat and y. On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 11:43 AM, Hongyuan Cao wrote: > Dear R user, > >

[R] Sample size: epiR survival

2009-06-02 Thread Karl Knoblick
Hallo! Does anybody know what epiR calculates with method = "survival"? library(epiR) library(survival) epi.studysize(treat = .65, control = .50, n = NA, sigma = NA, power = 0.80, r = 1, conf.level = 0.95, sided.test = 2, method = "survival") Because I found out that method "proportion" does n

Re: [R] Most used R editors

2009-06-02 Thread Joseph Magagnoli
on windows I use Rwinedt, and under linux I use SciViews-k ( http://www.sciviews.org/SciViews-K/index.html), works well for me joe On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 9:44 AM, Ronggui Huang wrote: > Yes, Tinn-R is great for windows users. However, if you work

Re: [R] Sample size - proportion continuity correction

2009-06-02 Thread Frank E Harrell Jr
Karl Knoblick wrote: Hallo! Does anybody know how to calculate a sample size estimation for proportions with continuity correction? That would lose power. Frank I only found EpiR which seems to calculate without continuity correction: library(epiR) epi.studysize(treat = .65, control = .

[R] bigmemory - extracting submatrix from big.matrix object

2009-06-02 Thread utkarshsinghal
I am using the library(bigmemory) to handle large datasets, say 1 GB, and facing following problems. Any hints from anybody can be helpful. _Problem-1: _ I am using "read.big.matrix" function to create a filebacked big matrix of my data and get the following warning: > x = read.big.matrix("

Re: [R] Nested variables

2009-06-02 Thread DanielWC
Hi again I read the chapter and it says that I can nest B in A by writing A/B. But it doesnt seem to work properly. The package I use is pscl, I am trying to model zero inflated data. Here is the full model: zip1<-zeroinfl(Visitation ~ Habitat/Site + Sps + TP + Resource + Sps*Habitat/Site + Sps*R

[R] Problem downloading webpages using batchfiles and RCurl from command line in Vista Basic - couldn't connect to host

2009-06-02 Thread Tony Breyal
Dear all, I am having a problem downloading webpages through R when i run it in the DOS window under Windows Vista Basic. I have downloaded the batchfiles from http://code.google.com/p/batchfiles/ and have successfully set the PATH. I open up 'Command Prompt' in Vista and type (after the C:\...>

[R] What do you think about my function?

2009-06-02 Thread Grześ
Hello, I want to know what do you think about my function. I know that it isn't briliant :/ but what do you think? What I should do that my function will be better? (now is very slow and not ideal, sometimes I also get a mistake!) ## My function ##

Re: [R] Plots automatically closing when using RScript

2009-06-02 Thread Rhizomorph
Gabor, thanks for the quick reply. Yeah, I know that I can always save the output to a file, but the goal was to be able to leave the window up and allow the user a chance to inspect/resize it before they saved it. Gabor Grothendieck wrote: > > Try this: > > Rscript -e "png('abc.png');plot(1:1

[R] Changing state in ODE

2009-06-02 Thread Paul Hutson
I am trying to fit data from human and animal pharmacokinetic studies in which drug concentrations have been determined over time over the course of several doses. In this case, the data are expected to be fit by a saturable (Michaelis-Menton) process. I can get the ode routine to run with on

Re: [R] Sample size calculation proportions with EpiR: Discrepancy to other calculators

2009-06-02 Thread Karl Knoblick
Thanks for the answers. Does anybody have more examples than in the help of epiR? After the experience of "proportion" and "cohort" I am somehow uncertain. Karl - Ursprüngliche Mail Von: Thomas Lumley An: Chuck Cleland CC: Karl Knoblick ; r-h...@stat.math.ethz.ch Gesendet: Dienst

Re: [R] What do you think about my function?

2009-06-02 Thread Mike Lawrence
It would help to explain the problem that the function is designed to solve. On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 9:35 AM, Grześ wrote: > > Hello, > I want to know what do you think about my function. I know that it isn't > briliant :/ but what do you think? What I should do that my function will be > better?

Re: [R] Problem downloading webpages using batchfiles and RCurl from command line in Vista Basic - couldn't connect to host

2009-06-02 Thread Gabor Grothendieck
On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 7:09 AM, Tony Breyal wrote: > Dear all, > > I am having a problem downloading webpages through R when i run it in > the DOS window under Windows Vista Basic. I have downloaded the > batchfiles from http://code.google.com/p/batchfiles/ and have > successfully set the PATH. Y

[R] ggplot2-legend overlaps with strip

2009-06-02 Thread Felipe Carrillo
Hi: See the attached pdf graphic. The legend overlaps a little bit with the strip. Is there a way to move it over a half a cm? Felipe D. Carrillo Supervisory Fishery Biologist Department of the Interior US Fish & Wildlife Service California, USA Europe.pdf Description: Adobe PD

[R] Help deciding on data format for sales data (newbie)

2009-06-02 Thread jonathanbriggs
Dear All Beginning data mining and need some help working out the best way to represent data. I have searched here and online and not found any real help. Imagines that I have a file of order(sales) data OrderNo CustomerNo ItemsInOrder 1 1a,b,c 2 1

Re: [R] Help deciding on data format for sales data (newbie)

2009-06-02 Thread Daniel Malter
Depending on what you want to do, the second format (wide) maybe useful; but it can get very clumsy if there are many potential items. You may think about the long format: OrderNo Customer Item 1 1 a 1 1 b 1 1 c 2 1 d

Re: [R] Axis label spanning multiple plots

2009-06-02 Thread Greg Snow
You will need to tell mtext something about where to position the text (at least until the esp package becomes available). Sometimes using the adj argument gives a good enough result, if not then you will need to use the at argument, the grconvertY function (and grconvertX) is one way to find

[R] RKWard: R backend requests information

2009-06-02 Thread AG
Hello List I've decided to dive into R and found a useful GUI for GNU/Linux (Debian testing/ Squeeze) called RKWard. However, when I fire it up a dialog box appears with the statement "R backend requests information". I have tried entering the path to the R libraries (e.g. /usr/bin/R; /etc/R

Re: [R] RKWard: R backend requests information

2009-06-02 Thread Romain Francois
Hi, rkward has its own mailing list where people will be able to help you. https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/rkward-users Romain AG wrote: Hello List I've decided to dive into R and found a useful GUI for GNU/Linux (Debian testing/ Squeeze) called RKWard. However, when I fire it

Re: [R] how to add value on the bar ploted by barplot()

2009-06-02 Thread Greg Snow
I would suggest reading the discussion that follows the post at: http://tolstoy.newcastle.edu.au/R/e2/help/07/08/22858.html It includes the answer to your question as well as the answers to other questions that you did not ask, but probably should. Hope this helps, -- Gregory (Greg) L. Snow Ph

[R] Correlation structure in AR(2) and ARMA(p,q)

2009-06-02 Thread FMH
Hi, Let theta be the coefficient in AR(1) model, the components of the correlation structure is equal to 1 for times s = t, and theta^|t-s| for t > s. Could someone do me a favour to give some ideas on the correlation structure in AR(2) model and correlation structure of ARMA(p,q), as well? T

[R] allEffects() with lm

2009-06-02 Thread Mikhail Spivakov
Dear John Fox and everyone, I have been using the effects library with glms and have found it very useful. Now I'm trying it with lms and I'm not sure if the results of the allEffects() are as expected. I've got a model that looks like this: mymodel = lm(formula = A ~ B + C + D + B:D + C:D)

Re: [R] bigmemory - extracting submatrix from big.matrix object

2009-06-02 Thread Jay Emerson
Thanks for trying this out. Problem 1. We'll check this. Options should certainly be available. Thanks! Problem 2. Fascinating. We just (yesterday) implemented a sub.big.matrix() function doing exactly this, creating something that is a big matrix but which just references a contiguous subset

[R] C++ to R : 64bit to 32bit problem.

2009-06-02 Thread H c
Hi, I'm new to calling C++/C programs from R and am having some trouble getting started. Following Sigal Blay (Simon Fraser University)'s instructions, I have a .c file called "useC1.c": /* useC1.c*/ void useC(int *i) { i[0] = 11; } This produces a .o file : "useC1.o" in a

Re: [R] Creating a plot with an image as background

2009-06-02 Thread Greg Snow
The RgoogleMaps package does something similar to this, you could look at the code to see how those functions work and if they can be modified to work with your graphic. The general idea is to load the picture and plot it (the rimage package reads and plots jpeg images, there are some other fun

Re: [R] RKWard: R backend requests information

2009-06-02 Thread AG
Romain Francois wrote: Hi, rkward has its own mailing list where people will be able to help you. https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/rkward-users Romain AG wrote: Hello List I've decided to dive into R and found a useful GUI for GNU/Linux (Debian testing/ Squeeze) called RKWard.

Re: [R] Most used R editors

2009-06-02 Thread Ian Fiske
If you are developing packages, the Eclipse plugin StatET is excellent. You get all of the fancy coding features of Eclipse plus many useful tools specifically for R package building. Combining this with the SVN plugin subclipse has been a fantastic combination for me. Ian Fiske -- View this m

[R] lattice: horizontal alignment of labels in key

2009-06-02 Thread Thomas Zumbrunn
Dear R users I have problems horizontally aligning labels in keys of lattice plots when the labels make use of plotmath. Here's a self-contained example: dat <- data.frame(x = rnorm(10), y = rnorm(10), z = factor(rep(c("a", "b"), each = 5))) xyplot(y ~ x, dat,

Re: [R] C++ to R : 64bit to 32bit problem.

2009-06-02 Thread Thomas Lumley
On Tue, 2 Jun 2009, H c wrote: Hi, I'm new to calling C++/C programs from R and am having some trouble getting started. Following Sigal Blay (Simon Fraser University)'s instructions, I have a .c file called "useC1.c": /* useC1.c*/ void useC(int *i) { i[0] = 11; } This pr

[R] Plot with different x axis

2009-06-02 Thread Irina Foss
dear, I am trying to plot a standard plot, but I want the x axis to be 1,2,4,8,16 with equal intervals between them on plot. I will appreciate some help. Thank you, Irina Irina Foss Environmental Research Institute North Highland College UHI Millennium Institute Castle Street Thurso, Caithn

[R] montly mean temp plot

2009-06-02 Thread ms.com
Dear all i got a problem in monthly mean temperature. here i am attaching the data set as well as the plot i got with the following command plot(month,type='n') plot(month,X1999) this command gave the plot where the month names are in alphabetic order, i want the plot in monthly sequence could

Re: [R] Problem downloading webpages using batchfiles and RCurl from command line in Vista Basic - couldn't connect to host

2009-06-02 Thread Tony Breyal
Hi Gabor, Thank you kindly for your response. Re: Don't need to set PATH -- When I read the batchfiles page, the opening paragraph says "just place any or all of them anywhere in your Windows path and you will be able to access them in any Windows console session". My interpretation of this was t

Re: [R] montly mean temp plot

2009-06-02 Thread Emmanuel Charpentier
Le mardi 02 juin 2009 à 16:32 +, ms.com a écrit : > Dear all > i got a problem in monthly mean temperature. here i am attaching the data set > as well as the plot i got with the following command > plot(month,type='n') > plot(month,X1999) > > this command gave the plot where the month names a

[R] R constrict digits number after point precision?

2009-06-02 Thread Xiaogang Yang
R constrict digits number after point precision? [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.htm

[R] Conducting data modelling on weighted data using R

2009-06-02 Thread Harding, Peter
Hello, I am starting to use R for various analyses, for example I use the ca package to do Correspondence Analysis. I am also looking to use packages such as: pls Partial Least Squares plspmPartial Least Squares Path Modelling However, although I can use packages such as these on un-w

Re: [R] montly mean temp plot

2009-06-02 Thread jim holtman
THe problem is that when you read the data in, 'month' was converted to a factor. Try the following to get it converted to a factor, but in the order you want for processing: x <- read.table(yourFile, ..., as.is=TRUE, na.strings="DNA") # prevent conversion to factor x$month <- factor(x$month, le

[R] How to convert blanks to NA

2009-06-02 Thread Mark Na
Hi R-helpers, I have imported data from Excel using the following code: library(xlsReadWrite) data <- read.xls(data,colClasses=c("character")) and this results in all of the empty (blank) cells in the imported Excel file also being empty (blank) in the resulting dataframe. I am not used to havi

Re: [R] Plot with different x axis

2009-06-02 Thread Greg Snow
Try: xpts <- 2^(0:4) x <- 2^runif(100, 0,4) y <- rnorm(100) plot( log(x, base=2), y, xlab='x', xaxt='n' ) axis(1, at=log(xpts, base=2), lab=xpts) plot(x,y) # for comparison see ?par and ?axis for details -- Gregory (Greg) L. Snow Ph.D. Statistical Data Center Intermountain Healthcare greg.s

Re: [R] montly mean temp plot

2009-06-02 Thread Greg Snow
Without a reproducible example (we don't have month and X1999) it is hard to tell for sure, but my guess is that month is an (unordered) factor without the ordering specified, so it defaults to alphabetic. Change it to a factor with the months properly ordered and the plot should match what you

Re: [R] how to checking whether elements of a vector changed or not.

2009-06-02 Thread Linlin Yan
> c(x[1], x[-length(x)]) != x [1] FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE On Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 11:57 PM, liujb wrote: > > Hello, > > I have a vector: > x <- c("A", "A", "A", "B", "A", "A", "C") > > I'd like to compare each of elements of vector x from its previous element > (except for the 1s

Re: [R] R constrict digits number after point precision?

2009-06-02 Thread jim holtman
?sprintf # for output ?round On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 3:12 PM, Xiaogang Yang wrote: > R constrict digits number after point precision? > >[[alternative HTML version deleted]] > > __ > R-help@r-project.org mailing list > https://stat.ethz.ch/ma

Re: [R] How to convert blanks to NA

2009-06-02 Thread John Kane
Does this do what you want x <- data.frame(1,"" , 5) x[x==""] <- NA x where x is substituted for your 'data'? - Original Message From: Mark Na To: r-help@r-project.org Sent: Tuesday, June 2, 2009 3:14:00 PM Subject: [R] How to convert blanks to NA Hi R-helpers, I have imported d

[R] Barplot: annotations at tips of each bar?

2009-06-02 Thread tsunhin wong
Dear R-users, I have searched through examples of barplot in R. But there seems to be no advanced annotation options in R for their barplot. What I am trying to do is to do some annotations at the tip of each bar in a barplot, similar to the graph below: http://www.lakesuperiorstreams.org/understa

Re: [R] How to convert blanks to NA

2009-06-02 Thread Henrique Dallazuanna
Try this: sapply(x, function(f){is.na(f)<-which(f == '');f}) On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 4:14 PM, Mark Na wrote: > Hi R-helpers, > > I have imported data from Excel using the following code: > > library(xlsReadWrite) > data <- read.xls(data,colClasses=c("character")) > > and this results in all of t

[R] getting elements out of list automatically

2009-06-02 Thread stephen sefick
o <- (structure(list(sand.silt = structure(list(statistic = structure(185, .Names = "W"), parameter = NULL, p.value = 0.0478835773838087, null.value = structure(0, .Names = "location shift"), alternative = "two.sided", method = "Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction", data.n

Re: [R] Nested variables

2009-06-02 Thread Mark Difford
Hi Daniel, >> I read the chapter and it says that I can nest B in A by writing A/B. But >> it doesnt seem to >> work properly. Then you need to read it again, and you need to play with some simple models, so that you learn how to specify a model properly, using the formula interface. (Achim Zei

Re: [R] R constrict digits number after point precision?

2009-06-02 Thread Wacek Kusnierczyk
jim holtman wrote: > ?sprintf # for output > ?round > ... and sprintf(round(...)) for correct output vQ __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.

Re: [R] Barplot: annotations at tips of each bar?

2009-06-02 Thread Greg Snow
This is the second post on this topic today. Is this part of an assignment or something? You should read the discussion/thread that follows this post: http://tolstoy.newcastle.edu.au/R/e2/help/07/08/22858.html The answer to your question and to other questions that you should be asking are in

Re: [R] how to checking whether elements of a vector changed or not.

2009-06-02 Thread David Winsemius
Gabor; Did you perhaps get an undesired doubling of "!"? > x1 <-c("A", "A", "B", "B", "B", "A") > x1[2:length(x1)] == x1[1:(length(x1)-1)] [1] TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE > !!diff(c(factor(x1))) [1] FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE (Your trick of computing differences of the underlying factor

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