hi there
Can i write two objects in one file.
one is a list and another is a vector.
The vector here is the names of the list.so can i write
for(i in 1:60) # i have 60 list elements.
my testfile.txt should hav
On Tuesday 05 August 2008, Alessandro wrote:
> Thank you Dylan
> Do you think Kriging method is not valid to processing a large data-set as
> LiDAR data?
> About RST interpolation and NNI do you know a code in R?
> ale
Please reply to the list next time.
I would suggest going over the avail
Dear R People:
Is there a predict method for garch methods, please?
I tried the usual "predict(d1.garch,n.ahead=3)
but only got values for the original data.
Erin Hodgess
Associate Professor
Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences
University of Houston - Downtown
I'm making some plots on the same page and would like to include an overall
title instead of individual main titles as they are similar and their x and
y axis labels are sufficient to distinguish them.
Is there a way to assign an overall "main" to this page of plots?
Mark W. Kimpel MD *
on 08/05/2008 06:05 PM Mark Kimpel wrote:
I'm making some plots on the same page and would like to include an overall
title instead of individual main titles as they are similar and their x and
y axis labels are sufficient to distinguish them.
Is there a way to assign an overall "main" to this p
That doesn't make sense. Which version of Tinn-R are you using?
>From Options->Main->Application
do you get a dialog box with a tab "R", and within that a tab "General"?
At the bottom of the "General" tab there is a button under "Rgui". That
should bring up a file selection box. Proceed to the
Look at this disscussion from two weeks ago:
Chad Junkermeier wrote:
> I really like the ease of use with the boxplot command in R. I would
> rather have a boxplot that shows the average value and t
View this message in context:
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
Hi folks,
Can anyone enlighten me as to why I get the following when I search for
".csv" at the end of a string?
> grep("\.csv$","Blah.csv",value=TRUE)
[1] "Blah.csv"
Warning messages:
1: '\.' is an unrecognized escape in a character string
2: unrecognized escape removed from "[\.]csv$"
R re
Ouch! I had searched the archives and read over ?par and ?plot, but sure
missed the post of today. Thanks, Mark
On Tue, Aug 5, 2008 at 7:27 PM, Marc Schwartz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
> on 08/05/2008 06:05 PM Mark Kimpel wrote:
>> I'm making some plots on the same page and would like to include
on 08/05/2008 08:55 PM [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi folks,
Can anyone enlighten me as to why I get the following when I search for
".csv" at the end of a string?
[1] "Blah.csv"
Warning messages:
1: '\.' is an unrecognized escape in a character string
Let's not cross-post! I'll pick up only one point of general relevance on
this list (R-help).
On Tue, 5 Aug 2008, Matt Oliver wrote:
you can try
only if you have 4GB of memory on the system
This is not guaranteed to solve your problem though
Assuming this is Windo
On Mon, Aug 4, 2008 at 10:36 PM, Chad Junkermeier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I really like the ease of use with the boxplot command in R. I would rather
> have a boxplot that shows the average value and the standard deviation then
> the median value and the quartiles.
I would suggest that you d
Hello R-helpers,
I would like to calculate least square means after having built a GLM with
quasipoisson errors.
In my model the dependent variable is continuous, I have one continuous
independent variable and one categorical independent variable (that is the
variable for which I would like to ca
Can you explain what is a "least square mean"? It sounds like SAS talk to me.
Also, care to tell us who you really are?
Bill Venables
"A propaganda é a alma do negocio"
-Original Message-
Dear R users
Lets assume I have the following batches of data
a <- rnorm(20,200,100)
b <- rnorm(20,250,100)
c <- rnorm(20,300,100)
# I plot them as violin plots
vioplot(a, b, c)
# I plot them as simple violin plots
simple.violinplot(a, b, c)
# I plot them as b
Have a look at forestplot in the rmeta package. Its not a boxplot
but does allow you to plot this sort of info and would probably
be less confusing than a non-standard boxplot.
On Tue, Aug 5, 2008 at 12:36 AM, Chad Junkermeier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I really like the ease of use with the bo
I have been able to track and fix everything so far with R CMD check.
How do I make this reproducible and I will do it.
this is the message that I got:
Error in fun(...) : couldn't connect to display ":0.0"
Error : .onLoad failed in 'loadNamespace' for 'tcltk'
Let's not spend our time and r
How can I change the back quoted strings below
> print(x)
[1] "foo"
[1] "bar"
Because later I want to access a named list
with this string:
I can't do it with:
- Gundala Viswanath
Jakarta - Indonesia
Hi Bill,
Thanks for your reply. I do work with SAS people, so I may have picked up
some of their jargon. I've also heard least square means referred to as
marginal means. I understand them to be group means after having controlled
for a covariate (i.e. holding it constant at some typical value of
Hi Mark,
What I always do is to produce a prediction data set and use
> pv <- predict(model, newdata = pdata, se = TRUE)
This is pretty straightforward. You just build the data set like
> pdata <- with(oldData,
expand.grid(group = levels(group), value = mean(value))
You probably ne
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