Re: [R] Re ading OpenOffice Calc spreadsheet into R

2008-06-17 Thread Bio7
I've developed an application which can read in data (doubles and doubles with head) directly from OpenOffice by means of the Java OpenOffice API and Rserve. Presentation: With kind regards Marcel -- Vi

Re: [R] Lattice: Superpose bwplot and dotplot [newbie question]

2008-06-17 Thread Lord Yo
Stephen D. Weigand wrote: > > > y <- rnorm(100) > g <- factor(sample(c("g1", "g2"), size = 100, replace = TRUE)) > x <- factor(sample(c("A", "B"), size = 100, replace = TRUE)) > bwplot(g ~ y | x, >panel = function(x, y, ...) { > panel.dotplot(x, y, ...) > panel.bwplot

[R] setvalue of a combobox

2008-06-17 Thread Andreas Posch
if I wanted to set the value of a combobox tt <- tktoplevel() box <- tkwidget(tt,"ComboBox",values=c(1,2,3)) tkgrid(box) tcl(box,"setvalue","first") does anybody know how I would access an index other than the first? as second, and numbers do not work.. thanks in advance Andreas Posch __

[R] PCA analysis

2008-06-17 Thread Monna Nygård
Hi, I have a problem with making PCA plots that are readable. I would like to set different sympols instead of the numbers of my samples or their names, that I get plotted (xlabs). How is this possible? With points, i don´t seem to get the right data plotted onto the PCA plot, as I do not qu

[R] Reading csv-data from variables

2008-06-17 Thread Felix Schönbrodt
Dear Listmembers, I'm looking for a convenient way to read csv-data which are stored in variables of data frames. I'm working with nested csv-data: one of the columns of the first table stores a long string containing a second csv-coded table. My problem is to parse that second-order csv-ta

Re: [R] Generating Reports from R.

2008-06-17 Thread Jim Lemon
David Keegan wrote: Hi, I have a non-interactive R script that currently produces various graphs in png or pdf format. I need to program the script to combine the graphs with various pages of textual information, including some in tabular format, into an output report in pdf or html format. Wha

Re: [R] Generating Reports from R.

2008-06-17 Thread David Keegan
Hi, Thanks for all the helpful suggestions. Regards, David. -- __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minima

[R] Measuring dispersion

2008-06-17 Thread S. Nunes
Hi, I'm looking for a function to measure the dispersion of a set of values ranging from 0 to 1. This function should be 0 if all the values are evenly spaced within the interval and it should be > 0 if values are clustered. The more clustered the values are, the higher should the function be. An

[R] alternative to multiple t-test to find steady-state

2008-06-17 Thread Bart Joosen
Hi, My collegue has asked me to calculate the steady state of a pharmacokinetic study. This is defined as where the concentration after a certain time doesn't increase anymore. So if I perform multiple t-tests between the sample points, with alternative less, then I can see which from which

[R] replace column headers

2008-06-17 Thread Paul Adams
Hello everyone,=I have a question as to how to remove the column headers in a data file and then replace those with titles from another file in this case the file labeled ann  ( in which the titles are all in one column).I am unsure which function to use.I tried rm () to remove the column heade

Re: [R] Reading csv-data from variables

2008-06-17 Thread jim holtman
?textConnection On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 5:08 AM, Felix Schönbrodt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Dear Listmembers, > > I'm looking for a convenient way to read csv-data which are stored in > variables of data frames. > I'm working with nested csv-data: one of the columns of the first table > stores

[R] Plot point patterns

2008-06-17 Thread Vanesa Maria Santos Sanchez
Hello! I want to plot a multitype point pattern called "new" in package spatstat. When I write plot(new) in the graphic window I can see a strech rectangle with a point inside, not the point pattern.If I write plot(new$x,new$y) the point pattern is plot ok.The problem is that I want do the de

[R] ggplot facet spacing, wrapping

2008-06-17 Thread mfrumin
I'm running into some problems with the spacing of some faceted ggplot plots. I have a number of time series faceted to be one above another, but the scale labels of the y axes all clobber each other at the bottom/top of each. for example, try: qplot(x, y, data = data.frame(x = 1:10, y = 1:10,

[R] Reshape or Stack? (To produce output as columns)

2008-06-17 Thread Steve Murray
Dear all, I have used 'read.table' to create a data frame of 720 columns and 360 rows (and assigned this to 'Jan'). The row and column names are numeric: > columnnames <- sprintf("%.2f", seq(from = -179.75, to = 179.75, length = > 720)). > rnames <- sprintf("%.2f", seq(from = -89.75, to = 89.

Re: [R] replace column headers

2008-06-17 Thread Esmail Bonakdarian
Paul Adams wrote: Hello everyone,=I have a question as to how to remove the column headers in a data file and then replace those with titles from another file in this case the file labeled ann ( in which the titles are all in one column). Maybe this will help partially. I am not sure on how

[R] RE PCA analysis

2008-06-17 Thread Jeremy MAZET
Hi, You could try the FactoMineR package and the PCA and plot.PCA functions Jérémy Mazet Département Génie des procédés SOREDAB La Tremblaye 78125 La Boissière Ecole Tel : 01 34 94 37 09 Monna Nygård <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Envoyé par : [EMAIL PROTECTED] 17/06/2008 1

[R] lpSolve replacement to solve transportation problem

2008-06-17 Thread stefan . petersson
r-help, I'm currently using 'lp.transport' from 'lpSolve' to solve a transportation problem. However, I've experienced some performence issues, and have been told that other solvers may perform better. I've looked briefly at 'Rsymphony' and 'rglpk', but I can't seem to figure out how/if they s

Re: [R] barplot with color coding according to value

2008-06-17 Thread Jim Lemon
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hello, I want to use R to produce nice meteograms... For this I would need to color-code my barplot according to the value plotted say if value x > 30 ... the bar is red ; if x between 20 and 10, the bar is blue etc... any ideas how to proceed ? Hi Maria, Have a lo

Re: [R] How to output glm summary to csv file

2008-06-17 Thread Jim Lemon
Chua Siang Li wrote: Hello there. I am new to R. I want to output the coefficients and their significance value (Pr(>|z|) into a csv file. I managed to do it for the "coefficients" but not their significances. Pls help. Thanks. mylogit<- glm(response~price, family=bin

[R] Calling functions

2008-06-17 Thread Michael Pearmain
Another newbie question. I've written a function and saved the file as Xtabs.R, in a central place on a network so others will be able ot use the function, My question is how do i call this function? I've tried to chance the working directory, and tried to load it via; > library(Xtabs, lib.loc="/

Re: [R] Reading csv-data from variables

2008-06-17 Thread Felix Schönbrodt
Thanks for the hint - with a little adaptation (employing as.character) I could solve my problem: c <- read.csv2(textConnection(as.character(dat[7,8]))) Best wishes, Felix Am 17.06.2008 um 12:04 schrieb jim holtman: ?textConnection On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 5:08 AM, Felix Schönbrodt <[EM

Re: [R] Measuring dispersion

2008-06-17 Thread Jim Lemon
S. Nunes wrote: Hi, I'm looking for a function to measure the dispersion of a set of values ranging from 0 to 1. This function should be 0 if all the values are evenly spaced within the interval and it should be > 0 if values are clustered. The more clustered the values are, the higher should th

Re: [R] Calling functions

2008-06-17 Thread Toby Marthews
Hi, Can't you just do source("Xtabs.R")? That will load in the definition. Alternatively, instead of saving the R program, save the workspace on your network (e.g. Xtabs.RData), which will contain the function definition, and arrange a link so that R always starts with that workspace loaded? Tob

Re: [R] Reshape or Stack? (To produce output as columns)

2008-06-17 Thread Chuck Cleland
On 6/17/2008 6:59 AM, Steve Murray wrote: Dear all, I have used 'read.table' to create a data frame of 720 columns and 360 rows (and assigned this to 'Jan'). The row and column names are numeric: columnnames <- sprintf("%.2f", seq(from = -179.75, to = 179.75, length = 720)). rnames <- sprintf

[R] longitudinal data analysis

2008-06-17 Thread raymond chiruka
hie i am want to carryout a longitudinal analysis similar to the proc catmod in SAS using The Weighted least squares data is in the following format. Material   time1  time2   time3 1         1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 . . . . 13 what i want to do is compa

Re: [R] Reshape or Stack? (To produce output as columns)

2008-06-17 Thread Charilaos Skiadas
On Jun 17, 2008, at 8:06 AM, Chuck Cleland wrote: On 6/17/2008 6:59 AM, Steve Murray wrote: Dear all, I have used 'read.table' to create a data frame of 720 columns and 360 rows (and assigned this to 'Jan'). The row and column names are numeric: columnnames <- sprintf("%.2f", seq(from = -17

[R] fitdistr errors

2008-06-17 Thread Gustave Lefou
Hello, I have got the following error message (translated from French to English) using "fitdistr" : " Error in fitdistr(nira, "weibull") : optimization failed Furthermore : There are 50 warnings or more (use warnings() to see the first 50) " I used "fitdistr" in a loop and I think the loop stop

[R] invalid arguments RUNIF

2008-06-17 Thread Yasin Hajizadeh
Hi all I would be grateful you can help me with my problem. I try to run an optimization code . in one line I have runif in order to sample the PDF. I get this error while i run it. Error in runif(1, f$d[[n.of.u.vars + n.of.o.vars + j]][[2]][1], f$d[[n.of.u.vars + : invalid argum

Re: [R] invalid arguments RUNIF

2008-06-17 Thread Erik Iverson
Just a general comment, I have not looked at your code. You may want to look at the Debugging R portion of the Introduction to R manual on CRAN. There is also a graphical debugger from the 'debug' package on CRAN. Either one of these will become immensely helpful in situations like this. Yas

[R] Replacing values in a zoo object

2008-06-17 Thread tolga . i . uzuner
Dear R Users, I am trying to replace the value of one row in a single column zoo object. I try the following, but it does not seem to work. Could someone explain to me how I can either replace the value for this row or just delete the row entirely ? Many thanks in advance, Tolga > is.zoo(cu

Re: [R] Calling functions

2008-06-17 Thread John Kane
It's not in a library, it is essentially just a little stored program or script Just use source() to load it and it will automatically run. Do a ls() to confirm it's there :) --- On Tue, 6/17/08, Michael Pearmain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > From: Michael Pearmain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Subject

[R] (no subject)

2008-06-17 Thread E Cell
Hi, I am trying to train svm with some training data of about 4000 rows and 4000 columns. While running svm function I am ending up with the following error. trainfile <- read.csv('train_16435.csv',head=TRUE,na.strings = "NULL") datatrain <- subset(trainfile,select=c(-Class)) model <- svm(datat

Re: [R] invalid arguments RUNIF

2008-06-17 Thread Peter Dalgaard
Erik Iverson wrote: > Just a general comment, I have not looked at your code. You may want > to look at the Debugging R portion of the Introduction to R manual on > CRAN. There is also a graphical debugger from the 'debug' package on > CRAN. Either one of these will become immensely helpful in si

[R] Trouble with FUN(newX[, i], ...)

2008-06-17 Thread Soumyadeep Nandi
Hi, I am trying to train svm with some training data of about 4000 rows and 4000 columns. While running svm function I am ending up with the following error. trainfile <- read.csv('0_train_0016435.csv',head=TRUE,na.strings = "NULL") datatrain <- subset(trainfile,select=c(-Class)) model <- svm(d

Re: [R] Replacing values in a zoo object

2008-06-17 Thread Gabor Grothendieck
See ?window.zoo > library(chron) > z <- zoo(1:3, chron(11:13)) > z 01/12/70 01/13/70 01/14/70 123 > window(z, chron("01/13/70")) <- 20 > z 01/12/70 01/13/70 01/14/70 1 203 > z[3] <- 30 > z 01/12/70 01/13/70 01/14/70 1 20 30 On Tue,

Re: [R] heatmap.2 dendogram algorithm

2008-06-17 Thread James W. MacDonald
RobertsLRRI wrote: Hello does anyone know what algorithm is used to produce the hierarchical clustering in the gplots package using the function heatmap.2? I think it may be the complete linkage clustering algorithm, but I can't find a source that seems reliable. Did you look at the help page

[R] interp() function output not continue

2008-06-17 Thread Dieter Vanderelst
Dear List, I'm using interp() to prepare 3d data for plotting with the contour() function. If have x,y and z data. All are arrays. X and Y are sampled in an orderly fashion on a grid (a circular sub-area of a grid - see plot). I'm trying to use interp() to get x and y arrays and a z matrix tha

Re: [R] interp() function output not continue

2008-06-17 Thread Duncan Murdoch
On 6/17/2008 9:52 AM, Dieter Vanderelst wrote: Dear List, I'm using interp() to prepare 3d data for plotting with the contour() function. If have x,y and z data. All are arrays. X and Y are sampled in an orderly fashion on a grid (a circular sub-area of a grid - see plot). I'm trying to use i

Re: [R] Replacing values in a zoo object

2008-06-17 Thread tolga . i . uzuner
Cool many thanks, Tolga "Gabor Grothendieck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 17/06/2008 14:30 To [EMAIL PROTECTED] cc Subject Re: [R] Replacing values in a zoo object See ?window.zoo > library(chron) > z <- zoo(1:3, chron(11:13)) > z 01/12/70 01/13/70 01/14/70 1

Re: [R] ggplot facet spacing, wrapping

2008-06-17 Thread hadley wickham
On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 5:54 AM, mfrumin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > I'm running into some problems with the spacing of some faceted ggplot plots. > I have a number of time series faceted to be one above another, but the > scale labels of the y axes all clobber each other at the bottom/top of ea

Re: [R] Reshape or Stack? (To produce output as columns)

2008-06-17 Thread hadley wickham
On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 5:59 AM, Steve Murray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Dear all, > > I have used 'read.table' to create a data frame of 720 columns and 360 rows > (and assigned this to 'Jan'). The row and column names are numeric: > >> columnnames <- sprintf("%.2f", seq(from = -179.75, to =

[R] Using the shape () function

2008-06-17 Thread Tom Backer Johnsen
In a research project we are using a web-based tools for collecting data from questionnaire. The system generates files that are simple to read as a data frame in the "long" format, which are simple to convert to the "wide" format. Something that might happen are: (a) there are two (multiple

[R] re sultant column names from reshape::cast, with a fun.aggregate vector

2008-06-17 Thread mfrumin
try this: scores.melt = data.frame(grade = floor(runif(100, 1,10)), variable = 'score', value = rnorm(100)); cast(scores.melt, grade ~ variable, fun.aggregate = c(mean, length)) it has the nice column names of: grade score_mean score_length 1 1 0.087885358 2 2 0.16720

Re: [R] Insert raster image into an R graphic

2008-06-17 Thread Greg Snow
Look at the subplot function in the TeachingDemos package. One of the examples shows a scatterplot using the R logo as the points. You may also want to look at the my.symbols function in the same package. -Original Message- From: "Tudor Bodea" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

Re: [R] 回复: cch() and coxph() for case-c ohort

2008-06-17 Thread Thomas Lumley
On Mon, 16 Jun 2008, Peter Dalgaard wrote: Jin Wang wrote: I tried to compare if cch() and coxph() can generate same result for same case cohort data Use the standard data in cch(): nwtco Since in cch contains the cohort size=4028, while size =1154 after selection, but coxph does no

Re: [R] Trouble with FUN(newX[, i], ...)

2008-06-17 Thread Soumyadeep Nandi
Hi, I found the error. In my dataset there was some missing values those were blank. I have replaced the values with very small numeric values and it seems to be working. [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ mailing list

[R] Capturing coxph warnings and errors

2008-06-17 Thread Daniel Brewer
Hi, I have a script that takes a subset of genes on a microarray and tries to fit a coxph model to the expression values for each gene. This seems to work fine but in some cases it produces warnings and/or errors. For example: Error in fitter(X, Y, strats, offset, init, control, weights = weight

Re: [R] Dual axis labeling of a single quantity

2008-06-17 Thread stephen sefick
give use a dummy (or the whole thing if it is not too large) and the code you are using for the boxplot in copy and paste into R format (dput() the data), and it may be easier. Stephen On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 2:51 PM, Thomas Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I have a problem where I need to lab

Re: [R] re sultant column names from reshape::cast, with a fun.aggregate vector

2008-06-17 Thread hadley wickham
> I would think that something like this would fix it up, but no dice: > > cast(scores.melt, grade ~ variable, fun.aggregate = c(mean, num.neg = > function(x) sum(x < 0))) > > that is, why not look at names(fun.aggregate)? or am I missing something? Yes, that's a bug in each (the function which

Re: [R] Using the shape () function

2008-06-17 Thread hadley wickham
On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 9:28 AM, Tom Backer Johnsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > In a research project we are using a web-based tools for collecting data > from questionnaire. The system generates files that are simple to read as a > data frame in the "long" format, which are simple to convert to

[R] Problems with Cochrane-Orcutt procedures

2008-06-17 Thread tolga . i . uzuner
Hi John, Hi Folks/Prof. Fox, I found some code John Fox had written sometime back on the Cochrane-Orcutt and Prais procedures here: I thought I would try it out and get the following errors below. Was wondering if anyone had any i

[R] Rpart description of tree groups

2008-06-17 Thread David Huffer
I'm making a few functions to generate latex files describing rpart objects that are then \input-ed into a larger document. So far, the functions I have generate paragraphs containing enumerations of the predictors in pruned trees and the number of formed groups. Its easy enough to recover these.

[R] how to fit a curve of form Y = X^Z

2008-06-17 Thread Avril Coghlan
Hello, I have a question about R, and will be very grateful for any help. I have two variables X and Y, and think that Y is related to X by a function of the form : Y = X^Z, where Z is < 1. However, I'm not sure how to find the best-fit equation to fit my data to a curve of this form using R. Hav

[R] Defining a function in R namespace

2008-06-17 Thread madhura
I have written a function evalLogOptimal(). I need to define it in R namespace so that I can call it from a Java program. How do I define an R function in the namespace? Thanks, Madhura __ mailing list

Re: [R] modifying INSTALL to make html but not build package

2008-06-17 Thread Nathan Coulter
Jonathan Baron wrote: I have found the problem. I don't understand it, but the script works now. I've removed it from where it was but will send it to anyone who wants it. Jon I'm interested in seeing it. I maintain a private mirror of cran which is modified so that it provides the most a

Re: [R] using spec.pgram

2008-06-17 Thread Anthony Mathelier
Even if the signal given by the histogram is not really a signal, it seems that spec.pgram can give an interesting evaluation of how the genes are spaced in the chromosome, like in the article. So now, when I study a chromosome with 200 interesting genes, I would like to compare the amplitude of th

[R] R error using Survr function with gcmrec

2008-06-17 Thread Caroline King
Would someone be able to help with this question? I'm using the Gcmrec, Survrec, and Design packages to do a power analysis on simulated data. I'm receiving an error after using the Survr function that all data must have a censoring time even after using the gcmrec function: newdata<-add

[R] Fitting Multiple Univariate Distributions to Data

2008-06-17 Thread Mike Bock
I am looking for procedure that allow one to fit multiple distributions to a variable. For example, based on analysis of the data we suppose that the data can be represented by 3-5 normal distributions added together. I would like to be able to determine the mean, sd, and weight associated with

[R] Help fCalendar holidayNYSE for Regressors

2008-06-17 Thread Idgarad
I am working with weekly time series data as in: tsData=ts(data,start=c(2004,1),freq=52) I have a table of regression variables that matchs called cReg (loaded from an xls sheet). I would like to append to the cReg table dummy variables for all the holidays as calculated from the fCalendar packa

[R] Decision Trees RWeka

2008-06-17 Thread strinz
Hello, I have a question concerning decision trees coming from RWeka : library(RWeka) m =J48(Species~.,data=iris) How could such a decision tree be transferred into a matrix, pretty much in the same fashion, as it is done by getTree() in library(ofw) library(ofw) data(sr

[R] Z test and proportions

2008-06-17 Thread Michael Pearmain
Hi All, I have a table based on ordial data and i want to compare proportions and i've seen in the pwr package i can use power.prop.test however i want to find out what the sig. value is based on n1,n2,p1,p2 and this package doesn't contain this.. Does anyone know of a package that does or is it

[R] constrOptim with method = "L-BFGS-B"

2008-06-17 Thread lhaba
Hi, i need to minimize a quadratic function with boundary condidtions and one equality condition. In order to do that i converted the equality constraint into 2 inequality constaints and passed everything cia constrOptim, as the manual said: everything included in the ... will be passed to Optim

Re: [R] Z test and proportions

2008-06-17 Thread Peter Dalgaard
Michael Pearmain wrote: > Hi All, > > I have a table based on ordial data and i want to compare proportions and > i've seen in the pwr package i can use > power.prop.test > > however i want to find out what the sig. value is based on n1,n2,p1,p2 and > this package doesn't contain this.. > Does anyo

[R] stop unwanted boxes/dialogs in tcl/tk

2008-06-17 Thread Hua Li
Hello, I have a question about tcl/tk: is there a way to stop more messagers/listchoice/etc. that are set up earlier, but are unwanted later? for example, require(tcltk) ttMain <- tktoplevel() tkwm.title(ttMain,"Question") f.fcn <- function(){ t1 <- modalDialogOK("Elicitation","What's the

[R] R error using Survr function with gcmrec

2008-06-17 Thread Caroline King
Would someone be able to help with this question? I'm using the Gcmrec, Survrec, and Design packages to do a power analysis on simulated data. I'm receiving an error after using the Survr function that all data must have a censoring time even after using the gcmrec function: newdata<-add

Re: [R] Z test and proportions

2008-06-17 Thread Michael Pearmain
Yes my mistake, I looked at the pwr.2p2n.test but i cannot place both n's and both p values to determine the sig value e,g *pwr.2p2n.test(h = , n1 = , n2 = , sig.level = , power = ) or am i missing someting obvious? i did the sam ein SPSS using a macro and the following code: COMPUTE n1 = Contr

Re: [R] Decision Trees RWeka

2008-06-17 Thread Achim Zeileis
On Tue, 17 Jun 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hello, I have a question concerning decision trees coming from RWeka : library(RWeka) m =J48(Species~.,data=iris) How could such a decision tree be transferred into a matrix, pretty much in the same fashion, as it is done by getTree()

[R] RWeka handlers

2008-06-17 Thread Nils B. Weidmann
Dear RWeka users, I was wondering how I can set Weka classifier options in make_Weka_classifier(). What I tried to do is > classifiers[[1]] <- make_Weka_classifier("weka/classifiers/lazy/IBk", handlers = Weka_control(K = 2)) but this seems to have no effect - IBk still uses K=1 (default set

[R] The assign function in R

2008-06-17 Thread Applejus
Hello, I want to convert assign("a", b, where =1 ) from SPLUS to R. Is it safe to assume that the equivalent of where=1 is pos=1 in R? Thanks for help! -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list a

Re: [R] alternative to matching/merge?

2008-06-17 Thread Lana Schaffer
Jim, I understand that that will combine all the lists into a matrix. But I have a list,x, which is a list of a list as in x[[1]] and x[[2]] which are themselves lists. Then using, x) would combine both x[[1]] and x[[2]] into a matrix. I want to keep x[[1]] and x[[2]] sep

Re: [R] how to fit a curve of form Y = X^Z

2008-06-17 Thread Philipp Pagel
> I have two variables X and Y, and think that Y is related > to X by a function of the form : Y = X^Z, where Z is < 1. > However, I'm not sure how to find the best-fit equation to > fit my data to a curve of this form using R. Have you any ideas? You can use nlm() to fit a non-linear model. An

[R] useR! 2008: program online

2008-06-17 Thread Uwe Ligges
Dear useRs, we have finally put together the program for the useR! 2008 conference, it is available online at We think the contributions provide an exciting program with a rich variety in the kaleidoscope sessions and many classical as well as

Re: [R] Problems with Cochrane-Orcutt procedures

2008-06-17 Thread John Fox
Dear Tolga, I'm afraid that I don't see an error. (I expect in any event that the Cochrane-Orcott and Prais estimators are now only of historical interest.) Regards, John -- John Fox, Professor Department of Sociology McMaster University Hamilton, Ontario, Canada web

Re: [R] Z test and proportions

2008-06-17 Thread Peter Dalgaard
Michael Pearmain wrote: > Yes my mistake, > > I looked at the pwr.2p2n.test but i cannot place both n's and both p > values to determine the sig value > e,g *pwr.2p2n.test(h = , n1 = , n2 = , sig.level = , power = ) > > or am i missing someting obvious? > > * Not quite obvious, but h is the effect

[R] Scan document including "\n"

2008-06-17 Thread ppatel3026
How do you read in a whole file while preserving end of line "\n" characters? Basically, read in a whole file as one string. Ex: After this file is read into a variable, it should really look like "\n\n\n\n" -- View this message in context:

Re: [R] Scan document including "\n"

2008-06-17 Thread Jorge Ivan Velez
Hi there, Try this: your.file=read.table(textConnection(" "),header=FALSE) paste(your.file$V1,"\n",collapse="",sep="") [1] "\n\n\n\n" HTH, Jorge On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 1:01 PM, ppatel3026 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > How do you read in a whole file while preserving end of line "\n" > c

Re: [R] Problems with Cochrane-Orcutt procedures

2008-06-17 Thread tolga . i . uzuner
Sure, I can imagine GLS is a much better way to deal with this. I guess I was looking at this because I did try GLS but got exactly the same results as LM and I just wanted to be sure. I did "debug" the code in and the offending li

[R] A new task view on survival analysis

2008-06-17 Thread Arthur Allignol
Dear all, A new task view on survival analysis is now online. It attempts to deal with all the R-packages that permit to analyze time-to-event data. Any comments or suggestions to improve the task view are very welcome. Best regards, Arthur Allignol Freiburg Center for Data Analysis and Modeli

[R] OpenGL and Linux

2008-06-17 Thread Floyd poole
Anyone know how to get OpenGL for redhat fedora 8/9? thanks [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide

Re: [R] A new task view on survival analysis

2008-06-17 Thread hadley wickham
And here's the link: Hadley On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 12:33 PM, Arthur Allignol <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Dear all, > > A new task view on survival analysis > is now online. > It attempts to deal with all the R-packages > that permit to analyze t

Re: [R] Problems with Cochrane-Orcutt procedures

2008-06-17 Thread John Fox
Dear Tolga, That's a little more information, but because the code seems to work for me on other data (though no longer the message dispatch), I can't say what produces the error. I guess that if you can't debug this yourself, you'll have to share the data (generally a good idea in any event). >

Re: [R] OpenGL and Linux

2008-06-17 Thread Peter Dalgaard
Floyd poole wrote: Anyone know how to get OpenGL for redhat fedora 8/9? Just install these: [EMAIL PROTECTED] R]$ rpm -qa | grep mesa mesa-libGLU-7.1-0.31.fc9.i386 mesa-libGL-7.1-0.31.fc9.i386 mesa-libGL-devel-7.1-0.31.fc9.i386 mesa-libGLU-devel-7.1-0.31.fc9.i386 -- O__ Peter Dalg

Re: [R] Problems with Cochrane-Orcutt procedures

2008-06-17 Thread tolga . i . uzuner
Sure, of course. And thanks for looking John. Here is the entire data: > regrCMS a b 09/20/07 26.084 28.40 09/21/07 22.458 28.90 09/24/07 21.297 29.25 09/25/07 21.733 29.40 09/26/07 21.319 28.75 09/27/07 22.507 28.85 09/28/07 19.571 28.90 10/01/07 21.961 29.00 10/02/07 21.729 28

Re: [R] Using the shape () function

2008-06-17 Thread Tom Backer Johnsen
hadley wickham wrote: On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 9:28 AM, Tom Backer Johnsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: In a research project we are using a web-based tools for collecting data from questionnaire. The system generates files that are simple to read as a data frame in the "long" format, which are si

Re: [R] Problems with Cochrane-Orcutt procedures

2008-06-17 Thread John Fox
Dear Tolga, I'm afraid that your data work fine for me: > regrCMSlm <- lm(regrCMS[,1] ~ regrCMS[,2]) > cochrane.orcutt.lm(regrCMSlm) $coefficients (Intercept) regrCMS[, 2] 23.5679065 -0.1784187 $cov (Intercept) regrCMS[, 2] (Intercept)60.449366 -2.14491371 regrCMS[, 2]

[R] How to control height of abline

2008-06-17 Thread mogra
I use plot to get the density curve and then I use abline(v=g$V2, col = 3 ) to get the vertical line for specific point on x axis. Goal : I want very small lines at the bottom on the x axis , if possible in the arrow forms instead of vertical lines on the whole graph. Thanks a lot. -- View th

Re: [R] Problems with Cochrane-Orcutt procedures

2008-06-17 Thread tolga . i . uzuner
Aha ! I think this is it. You are using a data frame, and I was using zoo for the regrCMS object. When I cast it into a data frame, it then works ! I guess it would be cool to understand why it doesn't work as a zoo object, but no matter. Thanks John, Tolga > regrCMS< >

Re: [R] Reshape or Stack? (To produce output as columns)

2008-06-17 Thread Steve Murray
Dear all, Many thanks for the suggestions put forward. I've decided to go with the 'melt' command from the 'reshape' library, as this seems to run the quickest. I do have a couple of questions however, regarding the use of the 'melt' command. Below are the last few lines of the 'melted' data.

Re: [R] How to control height of abline

2008-06-17 Thread Wacek Kusnierczyk
mogra wrote: > I use plot to get the density curve and then I use > > abline(v=g$V2, col = 3 ) to get the vertical line for specific point on x > axis. > > Goal : I want very small lines at the bottom on the x axis , if possible in > the arrow forms instead of vertical lines on the whole graph. >

[R] read.spss {foreign} doesn't work over network?

2008-06-17 Thread Farley, Robert
I'm unable to open an SPSS file over my network. If I copy it to my local C:/ drive I can read it. I saved the command (in a "crib sheet" text file) in order to avoid all the typing, so I'm pretty sure I've done it before. I verified that the file I'm trying to read is OK. This is what happens:

Re: [R] How to control height of abline

2008-06-17 Thread Dimitris Rizopoulos
check this: x <- rnorm(200) dd <- density(x) plot(dd) ind <- seq(100, 400, len = 6) arrows(dd$x[ind], 0, dd$x[ind], dd$y[ind] - 0.015, length = 0.2) I hope it helps. Best, Dimitris Dimitris Rizopoulos Biostatistical Centre School of Public Health Catholic University of Leuven Address: K

[R] Sweave: problem with usepackage{C:/PROGRA~1/R/R-27~1.0/share/texmf/Sweave}

2008-06-17 Thread Lauri Nikkinen
R users, I'm at a loss with a problem considering running .tex files produced by Sweave. When I run (R 2.7.0): --- #Taken from ?Sweave testfile <- system.file("Sweave", "Sweave-test-1.Rnw", package = "utils") ## enforce par(ask=FALSE) options(device

[R] How to control height of abline

2008-06-17 Thread sata pinal
I use matplot to get the density curve and then I use abline(v=g$V2, col = 3 ) to get the vertical line. Goal : I want very small lines at the bottom on the x axis , if possible in the arrow forms instead of vertical lines on the whole graph. Thanks a lot. [[alternative

Re: [R] Sweave: problem withusepackage{C:/PROGRA~1/R/R-27~1.0/share/texmf/Sweave}

2008-06-17 Thread Scillieri, John
Try moving your R directory out of the C:\Program Files directory. I ended up setting up a C:\programs\ and putting all my unix-happy programs (R, latex, etc) there to ensure path spaces don't screw me up when running under windows. -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:

Re: [R] How to control height of abline

2008-06-17 Thread Jorge Ivan Velez
Dear Satam Just take a look at Dimitris Rizopoulos' suggestion at HTH, Jorge On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 2:15 PM, sata pinal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I use matplot to get the density curve and then I use > > ablin

Re: [R] How to control height of abline

2008-06-17 Thread Jorge Ivan Velez
I'm sorry Sata, I typed your name wrongly in the my previous email. My apologizes. Thanks, Jorge On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 3:19 PM, Jorge Ivan Velez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Dear Satam > > Just take a look at Dimitris Rizopoulos' suggestion at >

Re: [R] Sweave: problem withusepackage{C:/PROGRA~1/R/R-27~1.0/share/texmf/Sweave}

2008-06-17 Thread Lauri Nikkinen
Thank you for your answer. Unfortunately I don't have administrator rights to my computer (company's PC), so I'm looking for some other solution. Cheers, Lauri 2008/6/17 Scillieri, John <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > Try moving your R directory out of the C:\Program Files directory. > > I ended up settin

Re: [R] x labels out of Quartz canvas

2008-06-17 Thread MeMooMeM
Thanks a lot! I looked at the document. It shows how to set the size of the canvas, but not how to change it *after* plotting. Now I start with a bigger canvas, but the plot is scaled into it, so I am having the same problem again :( I keep on reading tough. Thanks a lot for your help! -Memo

Re: [R] constrOptim with method = "L-BFGS-B"

2008-06-17 Thread Spencer Graves
I believe that 'optim' will not accept equality constraints. However, you do not need the generality of 'optim' to "minimize a quadratic function with boundary conditions and one equality condition". This type of problem is called "quadratic programming", and RSiteSearch("quadratic

[R] some R code of linear mixed model

2008-06-17 Thread Manli Yan
Hello everyone: I have some quesions about the R code for linear mixed model,hope some one can give me some hints,thanks a lot~ Say: we have A B C three factors (i)A is fixed ,B and C are random,and B is nested in C,so the R code for this case would be: case1<-lme(y~A+B+C+..,rando

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