Hello! I'm working with a big data set of patients. The data consists of
different variables sorted rowwise for each patient. Now I want to add a new
variable for each patient by adding two different variables of the data frame.
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
Hi everyone,
I need to get an error message as an object in the std output console. I can
get it as a file with the following instructions:
# Save error mesage:
error1 <- file("error1.txt", open="wt")
sink(error1, type="message")
experiment <- function(data)
With this, the error m
Ng Stanley wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a 3 by 2 plots per page, and would like to place a legend on the last
> region. How to do that ?
Create an empty plot, e.g.:
plot(1, type="n", axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="")
legend(1, 1, legend = c("Hello", "World"), col=1:2,
lwd=2, cex=3, xjust=0.5,
Uwe Ligges wrote:
> Ng Stanley wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a 3 by 2 plots per page, and would like to place a legend on
>> the last
>> region. How to do that ?
> Create an empty plot, e.g.:
> plot(1, type="n", axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="")
> legend(1, 1, legend = c("Hello", "World"
Xin wrote:
> Dear All:
> I imported a table into R. But I want to read a variable (y) from this
> table conditional on another variable (x=1) in the table.
> y<-data[,7]
> x<-data[,3]
> I want to know the mean of y if corresponding x=1.
> I tried
> if (x==1) y3<-y
> It do
For example, the y axis shows "0 50 150". Is there any way to
beautify the tick labels to get 0 5 10 15, and at the top of y-axis "x10^5"
(superscript 5) ? My plots all have different ylim, how to perform the
beautification automatically ?
[[alternative HTML ve
> For example, the y axis shows "0 50 150". Is there any way to
> beautify the tick labels to get 0 5 10 15, and at the top of y-axis
> (superscript 5) ? My plots all have different ylim, how to perform the
> beautification automatically ?
plot((0:15)*1e5, yaxt="n", ylab="")
Xin hotmail.com> writes:
> y<-data[,7]
> x<-data[,3]
> I want to know the mean of y if corresponding x=1.
Try this:
You can also look at ?subset.
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
Marc Moragues wrote:
> Xin hotmail.com> writes:
>> y<-data[,7]
>> x<-data[,3]
>> I want to know the mean of y if corresponding x=1.
> Try this:
> mean(data[data[,3]==1,data[,7])
Folks, please!
1. If you answer, please write at least syntactically valid code (look
at your
sorry for the last sentence, i was trying to make a generic statement by
writing "function"
So the code has to be:
# Save error mesage:
error1 <- file("error1.txt", open="wt")
sink(error1, type="message")
experiment <- somefunction(data)
(I mean no matter what function is...)
Quick inspection shows that we cannot do anything.
In BUGS, Y indicates a scalar and Y[] indicates a vector.
For scalar Y, you need Y=0.0E+00 in your data file, but for vector
Y[], you need Y=c(0.0E+00) in your data file.
This means you need to know what Y is in the model and I do not s
Mark Farnell wrote:
> Hi
> I wish to draw a histogram for a numeric array and specify a bucket
> size (say 5 units per bar and the height of that bar equals to the
> average of that 5 units)
> how can I do that?
Sometimes I wonder what is going on here. Folks, please read the posting
Blanchard, Suzette wrote:
> Greetings,
> I implemented BRugs to run the EWOC model with a cohort size N=1. I
> output the simulation data using bugsdata(data), where data is the following
> list.
>> data
> $Dose
> [1] 140
> $Y
> [1] 0
Patricia García wrote:
> Hi,
> sorry for the last sentence, i was trying to make a generic statement by
> writing "function"
> So the code has to be:
> # Save error mesage:
>error1 <- file("error1.txt", open="wt")
>sink(error1, type="message")
>experiment <- somefunction(data)
How can I use formatC to convert 600 to 6e5 and not 6e+05 ?
> formatC(60)
[1] "6e+05"
> formatC(60, format="e", digit=0)
[1] "6e+05"
-Original Message-
From: Uwe Ligges [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2008 17:11
To: Ng Stanley
Cc: r-help
Subject: Re:
I would like to compare the hazard functions of two samples using the Cox
proportional hazards model. For sample 1 I have individual time-to-event
data. For sample 2 I don't have individual data, but grouped data that
allows to obtain a hazard function.
I am wondering if there is an R functio
Hi Ravi,
One thing I tend to do is, when using read.table, specify the option
'colClasses='character''. This forces everything to be read as a
character. From there, as.numeric works fine, and you don't have to deal
with factors and reconverting them.
Hope this helps
Ravi Varadhan wro
I guess that the default is to plot to a ps file rather than to a
graphics window when using R from the terminal.
hth, Ingmar
On 10 Apr 2008, at 12:02, Sophia Yancopoulos wrote:
> Hi:
> Yesterday I downloaded R and got it up and running on my PC without a
> hitch, not so when I tried to do th
Patricia García wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I need to get an error message as an object in the std output console. I can
> get it as a file with the following instructions:
> # Save error mesage:
> error1 <- file("error1.txt", open="wt")
> sink(error1, type="message")
> experiment
Yesterday I downloaded R and got it up and running on my PC without a
hitch, not so when I tried to do the same on my Mac powerbook, using
Mac OSX: version 10.4.11.. I have virtually no experience, so I
can't tell what exactly went wrong.
At first it appeared that the software loaded c
I wish to draw a histogram for a numeric array and specify a bucket
size (say 5 units per bar and the height of that bar equals to the
average of that 5 units)
how can I do that?
R-help@r-project.org mailing list
Dear All:
I imported a table into R. But I want to read a variable (y) from this
table conditional on another variable (x=1) in the table.
I want to know the mean of y if corresponding x=1.
I tried
if (x==1) y3<-y
It does not work.
Anyone can give a help?
On 10 Apr 2008, at 12:33, Stanley Ng wrote:
> How can I use formatC to convert 600 to 6e5 and not 6e+05 ?
>> formatC(60)
> [1] "6e+05"
>> formatC(60, format="e", digit=0)
> [1] "6e+05"
Try this:
gsub("([eE])(\\+?)(\\-?)0+", "\\1\\3", formatC(60, format="e",
On 10 Apr 2008, at 12:57, Hans-Joerg Bibiko wrote:
> On 10 Apr 2008, at 12:33, Stanley Ng wrote:
>> How can I use formatC to convert 600 to 6e5 and not 6e+05 ?
>>> formatC(60)
>> [1] "6e+05"
>>> formatC(60, format="e", digit=0)
>> [1] "6e+05"
> Try this:
> gsub("([eE])(\\+?)
Ng Stanley wrote:
> Hi,
> I am plotting 5 charts using p <- par(mfrow = c(3, 2), how can I place my
> legend in the last region ? I don't wan to put it into the margin.
You should be able to do a blank plot, then plot the legend. For example,
> par(mfrow=c(3,2))
> for (i in 1:5) plot(1)
> p
How do you remove one of the terms from an ordered polynomial contrast in
your linear model. For example, I have significant terms for linear and
cubic but not quadratic, how would i remove the quadratic term from
View this message in context:
Dear R users,
I am pleased to announce the release of the Export plug-in for Rcmdr.
At the moment, it is simply a graphical user interface to xtable().
Several developments are, however, planned. It is worth to note that
the Manual offers several pointers on using Sweave together with LyX,
and fro
Chris Bennett wrote:
> How do you remove one of the terms from an ordered polynomial contrast in
> your linear model. For example, I have significant terms for linear and
> cubic but not quadratic, how would i remove the quadratic term from
> lm(response~treatment)
> Cheers,
> Chris
Are you
Ng Stanley wrote:
> Hi,
> For example, the y axis shows "0 50 150". Is there any way to
> beautify the tick labels to get 0 5 10 15, and at the top of y-axis "x10^5"
> (superscript 5) ? My plots all have different ylim, how to perform the
> beautification automatically ?
Hi Stanley,
included message
I would like to compare the hazard functions of two samples using the
Cox proportional hazards model. For sample 1 I have individual time-to-
event data. For sample 2 I don't have individual data, but grouped
data that allows to obtain a hazard function.
I am wo
Dear all,
how can I plot a line graph and a bar graph in one single figure? I tried
to combine "barplot" and "plot". Even though they both have the same
x-values (1 to 55), it just doesnt look as if they match in their scale
(the barplot is much wider than the "plot"even though I tried to
Peter Dalgaard wrote:
> Chris Bennett wrote:
>> How do you remove one of the terms from an ordered polynomial contrast in
>> your linear model. For example, I have significant terms for linear and
>> cubic but not quadratic, how would i remove the quadratic term from
>> lm(response~treatment)
Dear list,
After some extensive searching, I have drawn a blank on this. So ...
Who is the best contact for questions about starting a new special interest
group mailing list?
Dr. Jeffrey W. Hollister
Atlantic Ecology D
Dear Anne-Katrin,
You could use ggplot to do this. The example below works, although it generates
some warnings.
dataset <- data.frame(x = 0:55, y = rnorm(56, 10), z = runif(56, 9, 11))
ggplot(data = dataset) + geom_bar(aes(x = factor(x), y = y), position =
"dodge") + geom_line
Please, I am looking for a way to analyze my qRT-PCR in my debian gnu linux and
I found a package named qpcR on cran.
Do you known another one that do this analysis (preferable a R addon)?
If you already had do this one in a linux box, could you point me out how
you did?
Thank you very much
Hi all
I was wondering if I could ask for some assistance on two little
enquiries that I have got. In the R-project, when using the StructTS
function on a times series Zt, the programs return this:
StructTS(x = Zt)
level slope seasepsilon
0.168461 0.000
Is it possible with R to recover the contents of SPlus GraphSheets
(*.sgr) without access to SPlus?
Also, some of the .sgr files may have multiple pages.
Thanx, DaveT.
Silviculture Data Analyst
Ontario Forest Research Institute
Ontario Ministry of Natu
Subject: nls, step factor 0.000488281 reduced below 'minFactor' of
Hi there,
I'm trying to conduct nls regression using roughly the below code:
nls1 <- nls(y ~ a*(1-exp(-b*x^c)), start=list(a=a1,b=b1,c=c1))
I checked my start values by plotting the relationship etc. but I kept
FWIW, the ci() function in the gmodels package supports generating
confidence intervals for the fixed effects of lme objects.
On Apr 8, 2008, at 1:34PM , Dieter Menne wrote:
> Cristian Carranza hotmail.com> writes:
>> After fitting a mixed effects model to repeated measurements data
>> s
You should decrease atol and/or rtol to get accurate integration of your
Try this:
fn <- function(t,y,parms=0){return(list(t*y-1))}
t4 <- seq(0, 5, by=.0001)
s4 <- lsoda(y=sqrt(pi/2), times=t4, func=fn, parms=0, atol=1.e-10,
plot(s4, type="l")
Hope this is helpfu
On 4/10/2008 9:56 AM, Thompson, David (MNR) wrote:
> Hello,
> Is it possible with R to recover the contents of SPlus GraphSheets
> (*.sgr) without access to SPlus?
> Also, some of the .sgr files may have multiple pages.
"Possible" is probably not the right word here: I'm sure the answer to
I'm trying to use adonis on a subset of data from a dataframe. The
actual data is in columns 5:118, and the first four columns are various
factors. There are 3 levels of the factor Habitat, and I want to examine
differences among only two of them. So I started with:
> CoastNear = subset(gel_d
I should also mention that by looking at the R source for lsoda() you can
see that the default values for "atol" and "rtol" are 1.e-06. This should
have been mentioned in the help file, but is not.
Another approach to solving your problem is to restrict "hmax", the maximum
Dear R'ers,
I am trying to build a composite plot (with several plots in one
figure). I have tried, but I cannot use facetting, as I need to
customize each plot using grid.
Since all the plots are the same (with different data, but same
layout and categories), I would like to have only one lege
In "lsoda" the increment for "time-marching" is adaptively chosen,
controlled by "atol" and "rtol". The increment is restricted to lie in
(hmin, hmax). So you can ensure accuracy, perhaps, at the cost of
efficiency by specifying smaller than default values for atol, rtol, and
hmax, which a
You are making progress.
Could you please provide a self-contained example of an attempt by
you to make it work, as requested in the posting guide
http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html? That should make it easier
for someone else to provide an answer that will actually be us
>From: "Ivaha C (AT)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: 2008/04/10 Thu AM 08:51:14 CDT
>To: R Help
>Subject: [R] Structural Modelling in R-project
if you have a univariate time series and you
want to break it into its various components,
then you get the scalars based on a decomposition.
if you have
Thanks for this, it's a good start. I am using a univariate series
indeed. Do you know where I could find the codes for StructTS please? I
can't seem to find it. Thanks again
Christian Ivaha
PhD Student
University of Glamorgan
Faculty of Advanced Technology
CF37 1DL
-Original Mess
I would suggest making your exact data and calls available.
You can get the estimated parameters from nls even in the case that the
convergence criterium is not met by saying warnOnly=TRUE in the control
depending on why you are not getting convergence, you may want to try a
different algor
"Rory Winston" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> (If you're wondering, this is a Project Euler question :))
> If I wanted to calculate the sum of the digits in the decimal
> representation
> of 2^1000, what would be a good way to go about that?
Try this:
> library(
Hi all,
I have a matrix which is filled with simulation results for several years.
Example of an output (7 years, 4 simulations):
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] 500 500 500 500
[2,] 516 519 509 508
[3,] 559 573 556 566
[4,] 613 650 611 633
[5,] 676 714 667 716
On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 8:36 AM, ONKELINX, Thierry
> Dear Anne-Katrin,
> You could use ggplot to do this. The example below works, although it
> generates some warnings.
> library(ggplot2)
> dataset <- data.frame(x = 0:55, y = rnorm(56, 10), z = runif(56, 9, 11))
On Thu, 2008-04-10 at 11:18 -0300, tyler wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to use adonis on a subset of data from a dataframe. The
> actual data is in columns 5:118, and the first four columns are various
> factors. There are 3 levels of the factor Habitat, and I want to examine
> differences among only
how can i extract the values from the CI's when i use following code for a
tukey test?
the output shows three CI's and i know it should work with 'names but i
don't really know how...
On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 04:47:44PM +0100, Gavin Simpson wrote:
> This behaviour arises from the following, using the in-built dune data:
> > newdune.env <- subset(dune.env, Management != "NM")
> > newdune.env$Management
> Levels: BF HF NM SF
Our research group is thinking of buying a 64-bit windows workstation
with an intel core2 duo processor, and I am going to use R on it. I
have a couple of questions.
Is it possible to run 32-bit build of R on a 64-bit computer without
problems?(For windows) Would there be problems with contrib pac
The graphics commands should work without problem. On Mac the default
graphics window is a quarz device. Did you get the 'official' mac
binary from CRAN with GUI? If the problem persits you can ask in the
mailing list R-SIG-Mac (see instructions for posting:
Dear R-users,
I have a file containing names of German students. These names
contain the characters "ä", "ö" or "ü" (German umlauts). I use
read.table() to read the file and let's assume the table is then
stored in a variable called "data". The names are then contained in
the first column,
I have R 2.6.2, and have tried downloading and installing the package
"tseries". I get the same error when I use two different mirror sites:
> utils:::menuInstallPkgs()
trying URL
Content type 'application/zip' length
hello all,
i'm trying to use QPmat, from the popbio package. it appears to be based
on solve.QP and is intended for making a population projection matrix.
QPmat asks for: nout, A time series of population vectors and C, C
constraint matrix, (with two more vectors, b and nonzero). i believe the
Martin Maechler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, who oversees the mailing
lists, would be the best person to start with.
>Dear list,
>After some extensive searching, I have drawn a blank on this. So ...
>Who is the best contact for questi
On 10.04.2008, at 18:03, Hofert Marius wrote:
> I have a file containing names of German students. These names
> contain the characters "ä", "ö" or "ü" (German umlauts). I use
> read.table() to read the file and let's assume the table is then
> stored in a variable called "data". The names are then
hello all,
i'm trying to use QPmat, from the popbio package. it appears to be based
on solve.QP and is intended for making a population projection matrix.
QPmat asks for: nout, A time series of population vectors and C, C
constraint matrix, (with two more vectors, b and nonzero). i believe the
Just an additional note: what I find interesting (that is an
euphemism) is that a paper such as that got published on 2006 when a
whole bunch of detailed papers on the same topic had been published in
the past. For instance, the first I pick from the pile is by J.
Romano, "On the behavior of random
I recently upgraded from R 2.6.1 to 2.6.2. I uninstalled 2.6.1, installed
2.6.2, and installed the packages I regularly use. Everyting seems to be
running properly, including most of the packages, but when I try to call
the Matrix package, I get the following error:
> require(Matrix)
I am new to R an dI need some help
I have a matrix of real values 100*300 and I would like to calculate the
mean for each column , then for each entry in a column i need to subtract
the mean so I will have a matrix where the columns have zero mean. any one
know how to do that . Thanks
On 4/10/2008 1:03 PM, kayj wrote:
> Hi,
> I am new to R an dI need some help
> I have a matrix of real values 100*300 and I would like to calculate the
> mean for each column , then for each entry in a column i need to subtract
> the mean so I will have a matrix where the columns have zero mean.
-Halcyon- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a matrix which is filled with simulation results for several years.
> Example of an output (7 years, 4 simulations):
> My matplot gives me 4 lines, but I would like to add a line with the
> averages of each year for all simulations. Can an
Or just:
scale(mymat, scale = FALSE)
On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 2:03 PM, kayj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am new to R an dI need some help
> I have a matrix of real values 100*300 and I would like to calculate the
> mean for each column , then for each entry in a column i need to subtr
Hans-Jörg Bibiko eva.mpg.de> writes:
> On 10.04.2008, at 18:03, Hofert Marius wrote:
> > I have a file containing names of German students. These names
> > contain the characters "ä", "ö" or "ü" (German umlauts). I use
> > read.table() to read the file and let's assume the table is then
> > st
mad_bassie hotmail.com> writes:
> how can i extract the values from the CI's when i use following code for a
> tukey test?
> the output shows three CI's and i know it should work with 'names but i
> don't really know how...
You forgot to post a self-running example. Chances are always better to g
I've been trying to find a program that will run a multinomial
conditional regression on k:m matched data. Does anyone know of a
package in R or another package that will allow this? It's not obvious
that multinom within nnet or VGAM will allow matched sets. I've used a
program (mcl) in
Dieter Menne wrote:
> Hans-Jörg Bibiko eva.mpg.de> writes:
>> On 10.04.2008, at 18:03, Hofert Marius wrote:
>>> I have a file containing names of German students. These names
>>> contain the characters "ä", "ö" or "ü" (German umlauts). I use
>>> read.table() to read the file and let
Hi fellow R-users,
I am interested in fitting the following model
yi=log(a+xi*b*e), e~N(0,sigma2)
and where x is a known covariate and a and b are parameters to be estimated as
is sigma2.
I am not sure how to fit such a model using lm or nls. Is there another
function I can use to fit this?
What OS is that?
If it is Windows 2000, try copying Rblas.dll to Rblas in the bin folder.
(We have no idea why that might be needed, but it has worked for some
people -- others have no problem even with Windows 2000.)
On Thu, 10 Apr 2008, Peter H Singleton wrote:
> Hello,
> I recently upgra
Or read the file with
read.table(file("umlaut.txt", encoding="MAC"), ...)
On Thu, 10 Apr 2008, Peter Dalgaard wrote:
Dieter Menne wrote:
Hans-Jörg Bibiko eva.mpg.de> writes:
On 10.04.2008, at 18:03, Hofert Marius wrote:
I have a file containing names of German students. These names
Thanks Earl
Thats exactly what I was looking for - an extension that uses libgmp and
provides a bignum type that can be combined with standard operators and
numeric variables. Somehow my original search on CRAN missed this one.
Earl F. Glynn wrote:
> "Rory Winston" <[EMAIL PROTEC
Using par(new=TRUE) can be tricky.
A better approach is to create one plot, then add the other information to it.
You can add bars to an existing graph using barplot with add=TRUE, you can add
lines to an existing plot using the lines function.
If you give more detail of what you want (examp
Apologetic prologue: I've looked through the mailing list for an answer to
this (since I'm sure it's trivial) but I have not been able to find a fix.
So the problem is that I want each group to have a different type of plot.
"Probes" should be points and "Segments" should be lines (preferably us
Suppose that we have o 2-D contingency table where the row variable is nominal
and the column one is ordinal. In SAS it is possible to compute the statistic
named as row mean scores differ. How can we programmed it in R?
(See also Aggresti (2002), Categorical Data Analysis, p. 302)
With regards
Dear R-Help,
I am working on a paper in an R course for large file support in R using
scan(), relational databases, and XML. I have never used SQL or heirarchical
document formats such as XML (except where it occurs without user interaction),
and knowledge in RDBs and XML is lacking in my progr
I'm not sure it is possible to parse an XML file in R directly. Well, I
guess it's *possible*, but may not be the best way to do it. ElementTree
in Python is an easy-to-use parser that you might use to first parse
your XML file (or others hierarchically structured data), organize it
anyway you want
Well, I guess it is possible with XML package on CRAN. But, it seems
there is no windows binary (yet)
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Doran, Harold
> Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2008 4:29 PM
> To: Keith Alan Chamberlain; r-help@r-proje
On 4/10/08, Aaron Arvey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Apologetic prologue: I've looked through the mailing list for an answer to
> this (since I'm sure it's trivial) but I have not been able to find a fix.
> So the problem is that I want each group to have a different type of plot.
> "Probes" s
On 4/10/08, Deepayan Sarkar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 4/10/08, Aaron Arvey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Apologetic prologue: I've looked through the mailing list for an answer to
> > this (since I'm sure it's trivial) but I have not been able to find a fix.
> >
> > So the problem is t
On Thu, 10 Apr 2008, Doran, Harold wrote:
> Well, I guess it is possible with XML package on CRAN. But, it seems
> there is no windows binary (yet)
There certainly is -- did you try installing it from CRAN (extras)?
>> -Original Message-
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROT
Can you please try to reinstall in roughly 12 hours from now from CRAN
I have fixed the problem and recompiled tseries which will appear on
CRAN master within 12 hours.
Best wishes,
Uwe Ligges
Robert A. LaBudde wrote:
> I have R 2.6.2, and have tried downloading and installing the pack
Does anyone know if R has a built-in function that is similar to Excel's
NETWORKDAYS function? i.e., Returns the number of whole working days between
two dates. Working days exclude weekends.
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
I am doing a time series regression (one dependent time series variable, 7
independent time series variables and 32 annual observations). I have the
problem of cointegration, autocorrelation and multicollinearity. I am
considering an error correction model of the form:
You may wish to try out sqldf. It allows one to manipulate data
frames using sql. The real work is
done by sqlite and the RSQLite interface but it sets up the database
for you and all the tables
and then deletes them so its as easy a typing in one line of code.
Check out the home page
at http://s
I am looking at the job satisfaction data below, from a problem in
Agresti's book, and I am not sure where the degrees of freedom come
from. The way I am fitting a binomial model, I have 168 observations,
so in my understanding that should also be the number of fitted
parameters in the sat
Its avaliable on CRAN extras:
and can be downloaded even more easily through the Windows
package menu in R.
On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 4:45 PM, Doran, Harold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, I guess it is possible with XML package on CRAN. B
There is a R companion to Agresti's text at the following site, I believe the
answer to your question is there:
Matt Austin
Biostatistics Director
Amgen, Inc
-Original Message-
I'm analyzing some fish length-frequency data to access relative age and growth
information and I would like to do something different from FiSAT / ELEFAN
I found a package named MIX in http://www.math.mcmaster.ca/peter/mix/mix.html
but it's compiled for R 2.0.0
So I have two q
On Thu, 10 Apr 2008, Deepayan Sarkar wrote:
> On 4/10/08, Deepayan Sarkar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On 4/10/08, Aaron Arvey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > Apologetic prologue: I've looked through the mailing list for an answer to
>> > this (since I'm sure it's trivial) but I have not been ab
You don't have 168 observations - 2 of them have no data (Freq = 0).
On Thu, 10 Apr 2008, Giovanni Petris wrote:
I am looking at the job satisfaction data below, from a problem in
Agresti's book, and I am not sure where the degrees of freedom come
from. The way I am fitting a binomial
Dear R-users,
Please consider the following script:
ID <- rep(1:8,each=2)
x <- rep (c(1,2),8)
y <- c(rep(c(0.5,2),4),rep(c(50,1000),4))
g <- rep(1:2,each=8)
for (i in 1:2) {
Harold -- you'll really want to check out the XML package. xmlTreeParse
+ xpathApply provides a very flexible solution. As a recent example,
parsing 189 XML files to extract 4 attributes from deeply nested
elements into a data frame:
fls <- list.files('~/runBrowser', pattern=".*xml", full=TRUE)
On 4/10/08, Sébastien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear R-users,
> Please consider the following script:
> #
> library(lattice)
> ID <- rep(1:8,each=2)
> x <- rep (c(1,2),8)
> y <- c(rep(c(0.5,2),4),rep(c(50,1000),4))
> df<-data.frame(ID,x,y)
> g <- rep(1:2,each=8)
> df.split<-sp
The CRAN task view on cluster and mixture models likely has what you
hth, Ingmar
On Apr 10, 2008, at 11:20 PM, Antonio Olinto wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm analyzing some fish length-frequency data to access relative
> age and growth
> informa
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