Re: [R] rnaturalearth: detail by degrees

2018-11-11 Thread Ferri Leberl
;Ferri Leberl" Cc: "r-help mailing list" Betreff: Re: [R] rnaturalearth: detail by degrees Hi Ferri, One way is to snip out a Google Maps image of the area you want, then using the "maps" package, start a plot bounded by the corner coordinates of your Google Maps image. You

Re: [R] rnaturalearth: detail by degrees

2018-11-04 Thread Jim Lemon
Hi Ferri, One way is to snip out a Google Maps image of the area you want, then using the "maps" package, start a plot bounded by the corner coordinates of your Google Maps image. You can get those by clicking on the corners of the area that you selected. Then use the "readbitmap" package to create