Re: [R] lubridate inserting unwelcome 9:21

2017-03-28 Thread Troels Ring
Thanks a lot - I got interested to make it work since just formatting in lubricate as a time automatically puts the same complete date, which was OK for me - and also provided a utility for adding days - which apparently then needs tweaking - Best wishes Troels Den 28-03-2017 kl. 20:38 sk

Re: [R] lubridate inserting unwelcome 9:21

2017-03-28 Thread Jeff Newmiller
Analyzing time data as POSIXct without dates is IMO unwise (likely to give you trouble). My approach is to always keep the date and time together or to use numeric hours-after-midnight. Others have invented packages like chron to deal with such data. -- Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brev