Re: [R] Strange error with ROCR

2009-08-04 Thread Noah Silverman
I hadn't thought of that. I'll run some tests... -N On 8/4/09 11:49 AM, Tobias Sing wrote: >> Is the "probability of the true label" the best prediction to feed to >> the ROCR package, or is it better to use the "decision.value" >> > Since AFAIK they are related by a monotonous transforma

Re: [R] Strange error with ROCR

2009-08-04 Thread Tobias Sing
> Is the "probability of the true label" the best prediction to feed to > the ROCR package, or is it better to use the "decision.value" Since AFAIK they are related by a monotonous transformation, both approaches should lead to the same ROC curve, shouldn't they? (not tested) On Tue, Aug 4, 2009

Re: [R] Strange error with ROCR

2009-08-04 Thread Noah Silverman
Good point. I'm not sure how I missed that. This does lead to an additional question: Is the "probability of the true label" the best prediction to feed to the ROCR package, or is it better to use the "decision.value" Anybody have any experience on this one? Thanks! -N On 8/4/09 3:28 AM, Ch

Re: [R] Strange error with ROCR

2009-08-04 Thread Christian Schulz
Hi, you need the score value , have a look at ?svm.predict and in the ROCR example. traindata <-,ncol=10)) trainlabels <- as.factor(sample(c("win","lose"),nrow(data),replace=T,prob=c(0.5,0.5))) model <- svm(traindata,trainlabels, type="C-classification",