Re: [R] Obtaining R-squared from All Possible Combinations of Linear Models Fitted

2023-07-18 Thread Jan van der Laan
The dredge function has a `extra` argument to get other statistics: optional additional statistics to be included in the result, provided as functions, function names or a list of such (preferably named or quoted). As with the rank argument, each function must accept as an argument a fitted mo

Re: [R] Obtaining R-squared from All Possible Combinations of Linear Models Fitted

2023-07-17 Thread John C Frain
MuMln is a package designed to select optimum models mainly based on information criteria. R-squared is not a suitable criterion for this purpose. As far as I can see is not covered in this package. (I presume you already know that R-squared for the model with all possible regressors is at leas