just an alternative try gsub
from Francisco's example:
dat<-read.table("clipboard", header=T)#Read from your email
gsub("-.*","",as.character(dat$popcode))# gives the BCPy01 part of column
gsub(".*-","",as.character(dat$popcode)) # gives the 01 part of column
then to
Hello Mao,
If the popcode variable has a fixed number of characters (i.e each entry
has 9 characters), you can use a simple call to substr:
dat<-read.table("clipboard", header=T)#Read from your email
;character" "integer"
> strsplit(d1$name, " ")
[1] "Bill" "Dunlap"
[1] "First" "Last"
Bill Dunlap
TIBCO Software Inc - Spotfire Division
wdunlap tibco.com
Dear, R-lister,
I have a dataframe like the followed. And, I want to split a character
variable ("popcode", or "codetot") into several new variables. For example,
split "BCPy01-01" (in popcode) into "BCPy01" and "01". I need to know how to
do that. I have tried strsplit() and substring() functions
Dear Mao Jianfeng,
"r-help-owner" is not the place for help, but:
(CC-ed here)
In any case, strsplit() does the job, i.e.:
> unlist(strsplit("BCPy01-01", "-"))
[1] "BCPy01" "01"
You can work with the whole variable, like:
splitpop <- strsplit(df1$popcode, "-")
then access t
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