Re: [R] pull stat out of summary

2017-04-01 Thread peter dalgaard
> On 01 Apr 2017, at 01:54 , Sarah Goslee wrote: > > The short answer is that hold isn't a list-like object, and $ only > works with list-like objects (lists and data frames, mainly). > > You can get the full explanation (VERY full), at > ?Extract > or any of its aliases, like > ?'$' > or > ?'[

Re: [R] pull stat out of summary

2017-03-31 Thread Bert Gunter
?str tells you the structure of any object. *Learn to use it!* It may well be the that you *cannot* do what you describe. As you should know by now in your "learning curve", invoking > obj at the console silently invokes the print method for obj, and what is printed may in fact be calculated on

Re: [R] pull stat out of summary

2017-03-31 Thread Sarah Goslee
The short answer is that hold isn't a list-like object, and $ only works with list-like objects (lists and data frames, mainly). You can get the full explanation (VERY full), at ?Extract or any of its aliases, like ?'$' or ?'[' Sarah On Fri, Mar 31, 2017 at 7:11 PM, Evan Cooch wrote: > Continui

Re: [R] pull stat out of summary

2017-03-31 Thread David L Carlson
ent Texas A&M University From: R-help on behalf of Evan Cooch Sent: Friday, March 31, 2017 6:11 PM To: Subject: [R] pull stat out of summary Continuing my learning curve after 25_ years with using SAS. Want to pull the "Mean

[R] pull stat out of summary

2017-03-31 Thread Evan Cooch
Continuing my learning curve after 25_ years with using SAS. Want to pull the "Mean" forom the summary of something... test <- rnorm(1000,1.5,1.25) hold <- summary(test) names(hold) [1] "Min.""1st Qu." "Median" "Mean""3rd Qu." "Max." OK, so "Mean" is in there. So, is there a short fo