Dear Community:
Thank you Michael, I did it as you said. However I still have a little
problem with this staff.
I try my lm's in my df1's variables. Let's say: lm1 <- lm( df1$vi) ~ df1$v1
+ df1$v2)
Then I usally type: plot(lm1, 1:4)
I'd like to see in the plots obtained the name of the rown
I've manged this way:
df2 <- df1[-match(784, row.names(df1)), ]
Isn't there any other way?? How can I retrieve/delete three rows with the
same command line?
View this message in context:
You probably mean this:
df1[!(rownames(df1) %in% c("2098","2970","784")), ]
Remember, row names are strings: if you give R an integer, it will
interpret it as a row index.
On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 5:37 AM, agent dunham wrote:
> Dear Community,
> I'm having a similar problem. I'm worki
Dear Community,
I'm having a similar problem. I'm working with the data.frame attached ( df1.xls ), let's call it
df1 (and when I type str(df1) it answers data.frame)
df1 has its own rownames (In the .xls the column "id", not 1,2,3, ...), and
On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 5:55 AM, Weiwei Shi wrote:
> Hi, there:
> Assume I have a dataframe with rownames like A with rownames like a to e,
>> A
> [,1] [,2]
> a 1 6
> b 2 7
> c 3 8
> d 4 9
> e 5 10
> when I use A[1,], I lost the rowname for it, like below. How co
Try A[1,,drop=FALSE] - see help("\[")
--- On Mon, 13/7/09, Weiwei Shi wrote:
> From: Weiwei Shi
> Subject: [R] how to keep row name if there is only one row selected from a
> data frame
> To: ""
> Received: Monday, 13 July, 2009,
Hi, there:
Assume I have a dataframe with rownames like A with rownames like a to e,
> A
[,1] [,2]
e5 10
when I use A[1,], I lost the rowname for it, like below. How could I keep
it? Is there an easy way instead that I have to modify by mys
7 matches
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