Re: [R] grid.table with head of two rows

2011-01-19 Thread Victor Urizar
Here is a more clear example: # Create the ftable object oftable<-ftable(Titanic, row.vars = 4,col.vars=c(2,3)) require(gridExtra) #Draw the grid, but the rows and heads are missing grid.draw(tableGrob(oftable, show.csep=TRUE, show.rsep=TRUE,, sepa

[R] grid.table with head of two rows

2011-01-16 Thread victor
Hi all, I try to print a table with the grid.draw(tableGrob(...)) function applied to an ftable object. The output only give me a table without colnames either rownames, but with edit.grid() I can add only one of them. And this is the problem, I have a table with a two rows head, like this: