Re: [R] graphics useRaster check_irregular definition for date or posix

2021-04-15 Thread Paul Murrell
Hi On 15/04/21 7:27 pm, wrote: Hi Paul Thanks for the FAQs related to the unwanted white lines. However, even if it is just the png/pdf viewer that causes the white lines, I would like to try to avoid them as much as possible, and setting useRaster to true does that. Sure.

Re: [R] graphics useRaster check_irregular definition for date or posix

2021-04-15 Thread cdanek
Hi Paul Thanks for the FAQs related to the unwanted white lines. However, even if it is just the png/pdf viewer that causes the white lines, I would like to try to avoid them as much as possible, and setting useRaster to true does that. My wish would be that I can use a date or POSIX* vector as

Re: [R] graphics useRaster check_irregular definition for date or posix

2021-04-14 Thread Paul Murrell
Hi Feeding R-help back in, in case my suggestions might be of use to someone else ... Thanks for the examples - so the main benefit you are looking for is the labelling on the axes (date labels) ? If you are just trying to avoid the annoying white lines, it may just be your PNG/PDF viewer;

Re: [R] graphics useRaster check_irregular definition for date or posix

2021-04-13 Thread Paul Murrell
Hi I doubt it is intended (to deliberately exclude "difftime" objects). Can you please supply a full image() example (with 'x' and/or 'y' as Dates and a 'z') ? So that I can see what ... image(x, y, z, useRaster=FALSE) ... looks like, so I can see what you want ... image(x, y, z, useRaster

[R] graphics useRaster check_irregular definition for date or posix

2021-04-13 Thread cdanek
Hi The function `check_irregular()` defined within `graphics::image.default()` checks if the `useRaster` argument for `graphics::image()` can be true or must be false. According to this function, the following example vector is irregular: ``` time <- seq(as.Date("2020-1-1"), as.Date("2020-12-31