On 15/04/21 7:27 pm, cda...@posteo.de wrote:
Hi Paul
Thanks for the FAQs related to the unwanted white lines. However, even
if it is just the png/pdf viewer that causes the white lines, I would
like to try to avoid them as much as possible, and setting useRaster to
true does that.
Hi Paul
Thanks for the FAQs related to the unwanted white lines. However, even
if it is just the png/pdf viewer that causes the white lines, I would
like to try to avoid them as much as possible, and setting useRaster to
true does that.
My wish would be that I can use a date or POSIX* vector as
Feeding R-help back in, in case my suggestions might be of use to
someone else ...
Thanks for the examples - so the main benefit you are looking for is the
labelling on the axes (date labels) ?
If you are just trying to avoid the annoying white lines, it may just be
your PNG/PDF viewer;
I doubt it is intended (to deliberately exclude "difftime" objects).
Can you please supply a full image() example (with 'x' and/or 'y' as
Dates and a 'z') ? So that I can see what ...
image(x, y, z, useRaster=FALSE)
... looks like, so I can see what you want ...
image(x, y, z, useRaster
The function `check_irregular()` defined within
`graphics::image.default()` checks if the `useRaster` argument for
`graphics::image()` can be true or must be false.
According to this function, the following example vector is irregular:
time <- seq(as.Date("2020-1-1"), as.Date("2020-12-31
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