Re: [R] ggplot2 - tricky problem
how bout: dat<-data.frame(id=1:4,city=c('berlin','munich'),likeability=c(5,4,6,5),uniqueness=c(3,4,4,4)) ggplot(ddply(melt(dat, id.vars=c('id','city')), .(variable,city), summarise, value=mean(value)), aes(x
[R] ggplot2 - tricky problem
Hello, R friends, I've been struggling quite a bit with ggplot2. Having worked through Hadleys book twice I still wonder how to solve this task. 1. Short example Dataframe: id city Likeability Uniqueness 1 Berlin 5 3 2 Munich 4 4 3 Berlin 6 4 4 Munich