Re: [R] gemo_text issue

2018-11-28 Thread Rui Barradas
Hello, Your code works but I suggest the following: 1) Instead of loading reshape2 to be used just once longData <- reshape2::melt(myData) 2) In the call to geom_text, aes() will find the x, y, etc values: zp1 + geom_text(data=test2, aes(x = con, y = Prob, label = Project, size = 6, color =

Re: [R] gemo_text issue

2018-11-27 Thread Ben Tupper
Hi, I had to include library(reshape2) to get things working as you use melt(). Explicitly setting the x and y values in geom_text() is needed since you are providing new data. zp1 <- zp1 + geom_text(data=test2, x=test2$con, y=test2$Prob, label = test2$Project, size = 6, color = "white")

[R] gemo_text issue

2018-11-27 Thread Reith, William [USA]
I am experiencing issues with trying to label points added to a ggplot via geom_point. I think an underlying issue is the fact that I already used ggplot function to create a 5x5 risk matrix "background", but I am not certain. I have tried multiple solutions online but cannot find one that has a