Re: [R] data format

2015-08-19 Thread David L Carlson
alf Of minikg Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 9:29 AM To: Subject: [R] data format Hi, I have a dataset consisting of landmarks of each sample's coordinates as given below. landmarkX Y X Y X Y P1 534 7

Re: [R] data format

2015-08-19 Thread Erich Neuwirth
This is the kind of problem the package tidyR has been designed for. > On 19 Aug 2015, at 16:29, minikg wrote: > > Hi, > > I have a dataset consisting of landmarks of each sample's coordinates as > given below. > > landmark X Y X Y X Y > P1 5

[R] data format

2015-08-19 Thread minikg
Hi, I have a dataset consisting of landmarks of each sample's coordinates as given below. landmarkX Y X Y X Y P1 534 7 26 7 32 P2 46 45 48 42 44 48 P3 73 45 72 44

Re: [R] data format setting

2014-06-14 Thread eliza botto
Thanks Frede,it helped alot. eliza From: To:; Date: Sat, 14 Jun 2014 06:09:08 +0200 Subject: RE: [R] data format setting Hi Eliza To me it seems like that you're not thinking before you messing about with the data befo

Re: [R] data format setting

2014-06-13 Thread Frede Aakmann Tøgersen
01:00) Til: Emne: Re: [R] data format setting Thanks dennis, It worked but I had to do some simple modifications to get to the ultimate format. Now I have a list in the following format $A 2004200520062007200820092010 .. ... ... .. ... $AY 1967

Re: [R] data format setting

2014-06-13 Thread Jeff Newmiller
thout getting the format >deteriorated? > > >In any way, thank-you very much indeed. > >Eliza > >> Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2014 11:11:37 -0700 >> Subject: Re: [R] data format setting >> From: >> To: >> >> H

Re: [R] data format setting

2014-06-13 Thread eliza botto
the format deteriorated? In any way, thank-you very much indeed. Eliza > Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2014 11:11:37 -0700 > Subject: Re: [R] data format setting > From: > To: > > Hi: > > Maybe something like this: > > library(resh

Re: [R] data format setting

2014-06-13 Thread Clint Bowman
?sort, ?unique, and subset come to mind. Clint BowmanINTERNET: Air Quality Modeler INTERNET: Department of Ecology VOICE: (360) 407-6815 PO Box 47600FAX:(360) 407-75

[R] data format setting

2014-06-13 Thread eliza botto
Dear R family, I hope you all be doing great. I have a dataset of following format. The data file is of the following format. st year month day discharge 1 A 2004 1 1 6.752828 2 A 2004 1 2 7.602053 3 A 2004 1 3 5.583619 4 A 2004 1 4 5.019562

Re: [R] data format

2013-02-20 Thread arun
Hi elisa, Try this: mat1<-matrix(signif(c(1.200407,1.861941,1.560613,2.129241,2.047772,1.784105,1.777159,1.988596,2.163199,2.446993,3.593623,5.706672),digits=3),ncol=1)  list1<- list(mat1,mat1,mat1) list2<-lapply(list1,function(x) data.frame(date1=format(seq.Date(as.Date("1911.01.01",format="%Y

Re: [R] data format

2013-02-19 Thread arun
Hi, Try this: el<- read.csv("el.csv",header=TRUE,sep="\t",stringsAsFactors=FALSE)  elsplit<- split(el,el$st)   datetrial<-data.frame(date1=seq.Date(as.Date("1930.1.1",format="%Y.%m.%d"),as.Date("2010.12.31",format="%Y.%m.%d"),by="day")) elsplit1<- lapply(elsplit,function(x) data.frame(date1=as.Dat

[R] data format for ordination

2012-01-27 Thread Cathy Fiedler
Hello, I want to do an unconstrained ordination to look at my plant community data but don't know how to account for the fact I have multiple visits per site. Do I need to look at each month separately? My data set is of 30 field sites that I visited 5 times in the year and the abundance of each

Re: [R] data format

2011-07-07 Thread jim holtman
> x <- readLines(textConnection("T + TTTAG + TTAAC + GGATT + ACGTA")) > closeAllConnections() > paste(x, collapse = '') [1] "AGTTAACGGATTACGTA" > On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 10:37 AM, albert coster wrote: > Dear all, > > I have a input file like following : > > T > TTTAG > TTAAC > GGA

Re: [R] data format

2011-07-07 Thread Rainer M Krug
On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 4:37 PM, albert coster wrote: > Dear all, > > I have a input file like following : > > T > TTTAG > TTAAC > GGATT > ACGTA > > How can I make a single vector with this like > following: AGTTAACGGATTACGTA > ?paste, specifically the collapse argument Rainer > > B

[R] data format

2011-07-07 Thread albert coster
Dear all, I have a input file like following : T TTTAG TTAAC GGATT ACGTA How can I make a single vector with this like following: AGTTAACGGATTACGTA Best regards Albert [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __

Re: [R] Data format question for triangle.plot package ade4

2010-07-09 Thread David Winsemius
On Jul 8, 2010, at 4:41 PM, wrote: hello, I am trying to develop a triangle plot but am having difficultly assigning the row.names to the 3 columns in the data.frame Here is what I've done, attach(SoilVegHydro) dim(SoilVegHydro) 129239 # now take 3 variable

[R] Data format question for triangle.plot package ade4

2010-07-09 Thread Steve_Friedman
hello, I am trying to develop a triangle plot but am having difficultly assigning the row.names to the 3 columns in the data.frame Here is what I've done, attach(SoilVegHydro) dim(SoilVegHydro) 129239 # now take 3 variables from main data.frame for plotting dat <-,

Re: [R] Data format for KSVM

2009-10-24 Thread Uwe Ligges
Noah Silverman wrote: Hi, I have a process using svm from the e1071 library. It's called a *package* which is probably installed in a *library* of packages. it works. I want to try using the KSVM library instead. The same data used wiht e1071 gives me an error with KSVM. I guess y

[R] Data format for KSVM

2009-10-23 Thread Noah Silverman
Hi, I have a process using svm from the e1071 library. it works. I want to try using the KSVM library instead. The same data used wiht e1071 gives me an error with KSVM. My data is a data.frame. sample code: svm_formula <- formula(y ~ a + B + C) svm_model <- ksvm(formula, data=train_data

[R] Data format question

2009-02-07 Thread Drew Garey
Hello all, I have a *.csv file that looks like this (actual file is orders of magnitude larger): site taxa no.ind meadow LMA 2 meadow LCY 1 meadow MSA 2 forest LMA 1 forest LCY 1 forest MSA 1 forest MSX 1 I am interested in, but have failed to create, code that efficiently converts it to a si

Re: [R] data format issue

2008-12-20 Thread Gabor Grothendieck
Use read.zoo and aggregate.zoo from zoo and months, hours and as.chron from chron. Note that we must read in col 1 as character to ensure leading zeros don't get dropped. There are two mph columns and it is assumed you want both: Lines <- "LST inch mphDeg DegF DegF%volts D

Re: [R] data format issue

2008-12-20 Thread jim holtman
Does this do it for you: > # quick and dirty -- remove the 'mm' from the data and then aggregate > x$hours <- (x$LST %/% 100) * 100 > aggregate(x$mph, list(x$hours), mean) Group.1x 1 50601 13.82500 2 506010100 17.55000 3 506010200 23.04167 4 506010300 22.0 > > You can also 'fi

[R] data format issue

2008-12-20 Thread Sherri Heck
Dear all- I have a dataset (see a sample below - but the whole dataset is June 2005 - June 2008). The "LST" format is "YYMMDDHHmm" and I would like to get the hourly average of the "mph" for the summer months (spanning all years). I have been trying to use "aggregate" but am not having much

Re: [R] Data format for BiodiversityR

2008-09-16 Thread margherita mutarelli
Hello, maybe it is better if you copy an extract of your dataset file in the message because the attached file did'nt seem to get through. Margherita 2008/9/14 Ndoh Innocent (Holy) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Greetings dear friends. > Please, I really find problems having the program read my datasets

[R] Data format for BiodiversityR

2008-09-14 Thread Ndoh Innocent (Holy)
Greetings dear friends. Please, I really find problems having the program read my datasets (here attached). Have converted datasets to csv, imported but always not reaching the target. Would be very happy if some one out can help me on time. Thanks Ndoh Mbue Innocent International corporation of

Re: [R] data format

2007-10-30 Thread Julian Burgos
There are many ways. A simple one is to use split() to divide your 'Value' column using your 'Label' column as index. For example, # Create dataset mydata=data.frame(Label=c('Good','Bad','Good','Good','Good','Bad','Bad'), Value=c(10,12,15,18,12,15,10)) # Split the data mydata=split(mydata$Valu

Re: [R] data format

2007-10-30 Thread jim holtman
Here is how to read it in. Then you can run your analysis: > x <- read.csv(textConnection("Label,Value + Good,10 + Bad,12 + Good,15 + Good,18 + Good,12 + Bad,15 + Bad,10")) > x Label Value 1 Good10 2 Bad12 3 Good15 4 Good18 5 Good12 6 Bad15 7 Bad10 On 10/

[R] data format

2007-10-30 Thread Emre Unal
Hi, How can I analyze the data collected in database formatting (with labels) rather than splitted by individual columns (almost in excel)? For example (comma separated data); Label,Value Good,10 Bad,12 Good,15 Good,18 Good,12 Bad,15 Bad,10 etc... ks.test or chisq.test can be done. Splitting th

Re: [R] Data format problem

2007-10-24 Thread Joao Santos
Hello, First of all, thanks everyone that reply to my questions and I sorry to spend so many time to reply. I'm find a way to treat this problem using the zoo package: bbrass = scan("C:/Program Files/R/data PTIN/bbrass_client_2471_pool_72644_percent_in_use_500_NA.dat") regts.start = ISOdatetime(