Re: [R] Using coxph with Gompertz-distributed survival data.

2010-07-01 Thread Terry Therneau
Try using psurvreg(x, mean=fit2$coef, scale=fit2$scale, dist='extreme') The psurvreg and qsurvreg functions inherit the same parameterizations as survreg. I have trouble myself matching the location/scale form of survreg to default parameterizations used in the weibull, extreme, etc distributions

Re: [R] Using coxph with Gompertz-distributed survival data.

2010-02-05 Thread Göran Broström
On Fri, Feb 5, 2010 at 5:48 PM, Terry Therneau wrote: > Before being helpful let me raise a couple of questions: > >  1. "I know I'm looking at longevity data (which is believed to have a > Gompertz distribution for mammals dying from 'old age')". >   I'm not as convinced.  The Gompertz is a nice

Re: [R] Using coxph with Gompertz-distributed survival data.

2010-02-05 Thread Terry Therneau
Before being helpful let me raise a couple of questions: 1. "I know I'm looking at longevity data (which is believed to have a Gompertz distribution for mammals dying from 'old age')". I'm not as convinced. The Gompertz is a nice story, but is confounded by individual risk or 'frailty'. B

[R] Using coxph with Gompertz-distributed survival data.

2010-02-04 Thread Alex F. Bokov
Dear list: I am attempting to use what I thought would be a pretty straightforward practical application of Cox regression. I figure users of the survival package must have come across this problem before, so I would like to ask you how you dealt with it. I have set up an illustrative example a