Re: [R] Transposing forecasts results from nnetar function and turn them into a data frame

2017-03-18 Thread Rui Barradas
Hello, Is this what you want? fun <- function(x, a){ y <- as.numeric(as.character(x)) z <- paste(a, names(x)) data.frame(z, y) } dat2 <- tmp <- lapply(seq_along(dat2), function(i) fun(dat2[[i]], names(dat2)[i])) result <-, t

Re: [R] Transposing forecasts results from nnetar function and turn them into a data frame

2017-03-18 Thread Jim Lemon
Hi Paul, A more educated guess is: print(data.frame(Date=paste(rep(,32), rep(1986:2017,each=12), sep="-")[-(378:384)], Forecast=mf5$x)) Someone else may be able to tell you how to extract the dates from the time series object mf5$x Jim On Sat, Mar 18, 2017 at 8:23 AM, Paul Bernal w

Re: [R] Transposing forecasts results from nnetar function and turn them into a data frame

2017-03-17 Thread Rui Barradas
Hello, By running the code of the OP, I've come to the conclusion that print.forecast calls forecast:::print.forecast function (x, ...) { print( } But I'm unable to get what the OP wants by call Here is the code with some made up da

Re: [R] Transposing forecasts results from nnetar function and turn them into a data frame

2017-03-17 Thread Paul Bernal
Dear Jim, Thank you for your valuable replies. So variable mf5 has the forecasts for a fitted nnetar model. Below is the class and the str(mf5) output. Maybe with this information I am sharing with you, hopefully you can give me some more guidance. Again, thank you so much! > class(mf5) [1] "fo

Re: [R] Transposing forecasts results from nnetar function and turn them into a data frame

2017-03-17 Thread Jim Lemon
Hi Paul, When manipulating any R object, the first thing to ascertain is what it is: class(TSmodelForecast) should give you useful information. str(TSmodelForecast) should give you more. Because of the wealth of defined data structures in R, it is difficult to manipulate them without this infor

Re: [R] Transposing forecasts results from nnetar function and turn them into a data frame

2017-03-16 Thread Jim Lemon
Hi Paul, It looks like the information that is printed is in: TSModelForecast$mean If str(TSModelForecast$mean) returns something like a list with two components, you can probably use something like this: paste(format(TSModelForecast$mean$Date,"%b-%Y"), TSModelForecast$mean$Forecast,sep="-",col

[R] Transposing forecasts results from nnetar function and turn them into a data frame

2017-03-16 Thread Paul Bernal
Dear friends, I am currently using R version 3.3.3 (64-bit) and used the following code to generate forecasts: > library(forecast) > > library(tseries) ‘tseries’ version: 0.10-35 ‘tseries’ is a package for time series analysis and computational finance. See ‘library(help="tseries")