Re: [R] Reading in tab (and space) delimited data within a script XXXX

2012-01-19 Thread David L Carlson] On Behalf Of Jeff Newmiller Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2012 11:24 AM To: Dan Abner; R. Michael Weylandt Cc: Subject: Re: [R] Reading in tab (and space) delimited data within a script Cannot see what you are "doing" wrong, since you don't show that

Re: [R] Reading in tab (and space) delimited data within a script XXXX

2012-01-19 Thread R. Michael Weylandt
I can't reproduce your problem: both of these work just fine for me. read.table(text = data3, header = TRUE, sep = " ", row.names = "OBSNO") read.table(textConnection(data3), header = TRUE, sep = " ", row.names = "OBSNO", na.string = "-99") dput(data3) "OBSNO AGE SEX ALKPHOS LAB CAMMOL PHOSMMOL

Re: [R] Reading in tab (and space) delimited data within a script XXXX

2012-01-19 Thread Jeff Newmiller
Cannot see what you are "doing" wrong, since you don't show that. It looks like you have eliminated all delimiters from your input data. Perhaps your editor settings are doing something to your data (though usually tabs if altered become spaces). -

Re: [R] Reading in tab (and space) delimited data within a script XXXX

2012-01-19 Thread David Winsemius
On Jan 19, 2012, at 11:37 AM, Dan Abner wrote: Hello everyone, I use Bob Muenchen's approach for reading in "in-stream" (to use SAS parlance) delimited data within a script. This works great: mystring <- "id,workshop,gender,q1,q2,q3,q4 1,1,f,1,1,5,1 2,2,f,2,1,4,1 3,1,f,2,2,4,3 4,2, ,3,1, ,3

Re: [R] Reading in tab (and space) delimited data within a script XXXX

2012-01-19 Thread Dan Abner
Hi Michael, Thanks for your responses. When I do this, I am not successful. What am I doing wrong? > data3<- + "OBSNOAGESEXALKPHOSLABCAMMOLPHOSMMOLAGEGROUP + 2176M8453.20.93 + 2276M52.180.843 + 2368M8252.150.521 + 2469M8452.31.361 + 2576F100325.31.073 + 2670F903200.972 + 2771F109322.30.942 + 287

Re: [R] Reading in tab (and space) delimited data within a script XXXX

2012-01-19 Thread R. Michael Weylandt
Simply change the sep = "," argument of read table: " " for a space and "\t" for a tab. E.g., read.table(text = data3, sep = " ", header = TRUE) Take a look at ?read.table for more info about the sep argument (In particular the special behavior of the default sep = "") Thanks for the well-posed

[R] Reading in tab (and space) delimited data within a script XXXX

2012-01-19 Thread Dan Abner
Hello everyone, I use Bob Muenchen's approach for reading in "in-stream" (to use SAS parlance) delimited data within a script. This works great: mystring <- "id,workshop,gender,q1,q2,q3,q4 1,1,f,1,1,5,1 2,2,f,2,1,4,1 3,1,f,2,2,4,3 4,2, ,3,1, ,3 5,1,m,4,5,2,4 6,2,m,5,4,5,5 7,1,m,5,3,4,4 8