Re: [R] Rank ANCOVA

2019-03-21 Thread David Winsemius
If you are looking for robust multivariate or multivariable methods, then review the Robust Methods Task View: -- David. On 3/13/19 4:06 AM, Jackson, Daniel wrote: Hi Frank and Dennis I am in a similar situation but I would prefer to use a proportion

Re: [R] Rank ANCOVA

2019-03-14 Thread Jackson, Daniel
Thanks I am now in personal communication with Frank anyway! Dan -Original Message- From: peter dalgaard Sent: 14 March 2019 10:37 To: Jackson, Daniel Cc: Subject: Re: [R] Rank ANCOVA 1. This is the R-help mailing list, not "Frank and Dennis" 2. You

Re: [R] Rank ANCOVA

2019-03-14 Thread peter dalgaard
1. This is the R-help mailing list, not "Frank and Dennis" 2. You seem to be referring to two posts from July 2010 by Frank Harrell and Dennis Fisher. -pd > On 13 Mar 2019, at 12:06 , Jackson, Daniel > wrote: > > Hi Frank and Dennis > > I am in a similar situation but I would prefer to use


2019-03-13 Thread Jackson, Daniel
Hi Frank and Dennis I am in a similar situation but I would prefer to use a proportional odds model. 2 questions. 1. Has rank ancova been implemented in R now, despite its short comings? 2. Where has it been shown to yield unreliable analyses? I would like this evidence (which I believe

Re: [R] Rank ANCOVA

2010-07-27 Thread Frank Harrell
This has been shown to yield unreliable analyses. Use the more formal proportional odds ordinal logistic model. This is a generalization of the Wiloxon-Mann-Whitney-Kruskal-Wallis statistic. This is implemented in the rms package and elsewhere. Frank E Harrell Jr Professor and Chairman


2010-07-27 Thread Dennis Fisher
Colleagues I am trying to replicate some analyses performing in SAS using a "rank ANCOVA model". I assume that this is a non-parametric ANOVA with covariates but I have not been able to get confirmation from the people who did the original analyses. Can anyone direct me to the comparable func