Hello Tom,
what you describe seems like using hierarchical clustering and
plotting a dendrogram to me, even though only in the "visual" way, not
in the math behind the algorithms.
Are you looking for something like this?
Just please note, that this is very far
ject: [R] R-Package for Recursive Partitioning without Classification or
I have a question related to recursive partitioning, but I cannot find
an answer, likely because I don't know how to properly word my Google
search query.
All recursive partitioning examples, which I
On Fri, 28 Jul 2017, Tom D. Harray wrote:
I have a question related to recursive partitioning, but I cannot find
an answer, likely because I don't know how to properly word my Google
search query.
I think you are looking for "divisive hierarchical clustering" which is
the more commo
Recursive partitioning requires a response variable because splitting
criteria are based on node purity/homogeneity (by various criteria) of
the responses.
So why did you not just search on "clustering" (e.g. at rseek.org)?
And in particular, have you looked at the CRAN task view on clusteri
I have a question related to recursive partitioning, but I cannot find
an answer, likely because I don't know how to properly word my Google
search query.
All recursive partitioning examples, which I can find, are used for
either classification or regression trees like
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