Re: [R] Need to understand how to troubleshoot below error

2018-10-20 Thread MEENA SUBRAMANIAN via R-help
Hi Jeff, im a new learner to R an I am trying to execute the below and my files get created except for the last function write.csv(housedata, file ="housedatacomplete.csv")write where my new file housedatacomplete.csv does not get created and no write command works for me. Also I am unable to s

Re: [R] Need to understand how to troubleshoot below error

2018-10-20 Thread Jeff Newmiller
This looks like a case where some local tech assistance from someone familiar with Windows permissions settings would be appropriate. You may have erroneously installed R using "As Administrator" privileges, which can not only make it difficult to do anything useful but it can be difficult to co

Re: [R] Need to understand how to troubleshoot below error

2018-10-20 Thread Jeff Newmiller
When you specify a filename such as 'housedatacomplete.csv' which has no directory path information, the file is assumed to be in the "current directory" which you can identify using the status notation at the top of the RStudio console window or using the R getwd() function. Note that we may gu

Re: [R] Need to understand how to troubleshoot below error

2018-10-20 Thread jim holtman
Can you show the code that was being executed at the time. Have you verified that the path to the file is correct for the directory that you are using? Have you validated that you have the correct permissions in the directory to create the file? Show the complete path length that you were using

[R] Need to understand how to troubleshoot below error

2018-10-20 Thread MEENA SUBRAMANIAN via R-help
Hi  Im unable to write or save my R studio files  Below error is thrown when the same code works for others Error in file(file, ifelse(append, "a", "w")) :   cannot open the connectionIn addition: Warning message:In file(file, ifelse(append, "a", "w")) :  cannot open file 'housedatacomplete.csv':