[R] Multiple imputation, multinomial response & random effects

2014-07-26 Thread garrett honke
Hi all, not sure if you are still having this problem but check out my post on crossvalidated, http://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/109261/conducting-multi-level-regression-on-ordinal-dvs-with-imputed-data-in-r/109262#109262 [[alternative HTML version deleted]] ___

Re: [R] Multiple imputation, multinomial response & random effects

2014-01-17 Thread Ruben van eijk
Dear Davina, Unfortunately (or luckily), I have almost the exact same problem. I want to do a multilevel analysis with imputed data and both include mixed and random effects in the regression model. I have imputed my data with de Hmisc package (aregImpute), however, the rest of the functions do

[R] Multiple imputation, multinomial response & random effects

2012-06-03 Thread Davina Hill
Dear R-group, Could somebody recommend a package that can deal with a multinomial response variable (choice of breeding tactic in mice, which has four unordered levels), multiply-imputed data (generated using the Amelia package) and two non-nested random effects: individual identity (133 indivi