Hi Marc and Team,
Apology for the late reply.
I went through the github code for WriteXLS and accordingly passed required
arguments. Its working fine now. I am able to create a excel workbook with
multiple csv's. By Merge I mean create a excel workbook by adding multiple
csv's as different sheets
You need to be more specific about what you mean by "merge" (read e.g. ?merge
and ?rbind) and show what you did already using a reproducible example
The fact that you mentioned sheets suggests you are writing to Excel files...
they can be troublesome for storing data (NA values, siz
> On Nov 6, 2017, at 3:23 AM, Kamlesh Khollam
> wrote:
> Hi Team,
> I am tried "WriteXLS" package for merging 2 csv files. R script runs
> successfully but does not create CSVmerge file.
> Appreciate our help.
> Best Regards,
> Kamlesh Khollam
You appear to be replying to a thr
Hi Team,
I am tried "WriteXLS" package for merging 2 csv files. R script runs
successfully but does not create CSVmerge file.
Appreciate our help.
Best Regards,
Kamlesh Khollam
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R-help@r-project.org mai
Just to augment Jeff's comments, if you envision taking one of your CSV files
(presuming that they are truly a CSV format) and opening it with Excel without
any other pre-processing, that is what would happen by default with the
majority of R tools that can create Excel files.
Excel, as yo
There is no such thing as a "csv sheet"... if you have a complex layout of data
in one CSV file then if you want to import it into R then you are going to have
to cobble together something that reads the file as character data and parses
the pieces out using functions from the grep or sub catego
Hi Frans,
There is a problem that my csv files are not just several columns of data.
I have some data and then a couple of tables after my data. I can't use
read.table to read my files. There should be something different to look at
the whole csv sheet.
Thanks again,
On Wed, Jan 13, 2016
> On Jan 13, 2016, at 8:18 AM, Mohsen Jafarikia wrote:
> I have multiple CSV files that I would like to have them in a single Excel
> file. For example, I have file1.csv and file2.csv and I want to have
> file.xls where file1.csv and file2.csv each have been copied to a single
> sheet of the f
Thanks Frans,
My files are CSV. If presume first I should convert them to Excel format
and run the code you have suggested. Am I right?
Thanks again,
On Wed, Jan 13, 2016 at 9:44 AM, Frans Marcelissen <
fransiepansiekever...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Mohse,
> You can do that with the appen
Hi Mohsen,
Just read them with read.csv or read.table (file1<-read.csv(file=.),
and you can write them.
2016-01-13 15:47 GMT+01:00 Mohsen Jafarikia :
> Thanks Frans,
> My files are CSV. If presume first I should convert them to Excel format
> and run the code you have suggest
Hi Mohse,
You can do that with the append parameter of the write.xlsx routine in the
xlsx package:
xlsx::write.xlsx(file1,file='X.xlsx',sheetName = '1')
xlsx::write.xlsx(file2,file='X.xlsx',sheetName = '2',append = T)
2016-01-13 15:18 GMT+01:00 Mohsen Jafarikia :
> I have
I have multiple CSV files that I would like to have them in a single Excel
file. For example, I have file1.csv and file2.csv and I want to have
file.xls where file1.csv and file2.csv each have been copied to a single
sheet of the file.xls file.
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