Try reading your data with option stringsAsFactors = FALSE. It seems
that your strings are being read as factors, which are coded as integers.
DataGoogle1 <- read.csv(file = "DataGoogle2.csv", header = T,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Hope this helps,
Rui Barradas
Em 18-08-2014 10:13,
gsub will work on a column of a data.frame, not an entire data.frame.
> gsub(pattern = "facebook-Ads1", "FBAds", DataGoogle1$Campaña)
[1] "FBAds" "faceBOOK-Ads1" "fcebook-ads12" "Email1"
[6] "referral1"
Bill Dunlap
TIBCO Software
wdunlap tibco.com
On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 2:13 AM,
Hi all, i have this data.frame with 3 columns: "campaña", "visitas",
This is the actual data.frame:
Campaña Visitas Compras
1 facebook-Ads1 524 2
2 faceBOOK-Ads1 487 24
3 fcebook-ads12258 4
3 matches
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