Re: [R] Fit indexes in SEM with categorical data + ML estimation

2009-03-03 Thread jebyrnes
Hey, Dorothee. SEM does not use the S-B chi squared index. If you want to use it, however, I have some methods written for the Satorra-Bentler Chi Square test in the sem.additions package over at r-forge. To install it directly within R type install.packages("sem.additions",repos="http://R-Forg

[R] Fit indexes in SEM with categorical data + ML estimation

2009-02-01 Thread Dorothee
Hello, It has been found that SEM analysis using polychoric correlations + maximum likelihood estimator produces incorrect test statistics and standard errors (e.g., Flora, D. B., & Curran, P. J. (2004). An Empirical Evaluation of Alternative Methods of Estimation for Confirmatory Factor Analysis