Re: [R] Calculating different PCAs in R

2015-04-01 Thread Adams, Jean
PCA 1, 2, and 3 refer to the scores not the loadings. Check out the help for princomp. ?princomp <- princomp(USArrests, cor = TRUE)$scores[1:3, ] Jean On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 4:26 PM, im db wrote: > Dear All, I want to use princomp() function in R in order to calculate > Principl

[R] Calculating different PCAs in R

2015-03-31 Thread im db
Dear All, I want to use princomp() function in R in order to calculate Principle Component Analysis.In different papers, I have seen "PCA 1", "PCA 2", "PCA 11" , etc. Would you please tell me how can i calculate different PCAs in R?At the moment i just use this line "eigenVectors <- pca$loadings