Thank you for the explanation and comments. I managed to solve and your
comments are helpfully! thanks once again,Desta
On Thursday, April 2, 2015 7:19 PM, David Winsemius
On Apr 2, 2015, at 7:06 AM, S Ellison wrote:
>> I am analyzing trend using Mann-kendall test for 3
On Apr 2, 2015, at 7:06 AM, S Ellison wrote:
>> I am analyzing trend using Mann-kendall test for 31 independent sample,
>> each
>> sample have 34 years dataset. I supposed to find Kendall “tau” for each
>> sample. The data is arranged in column wise (I attached the data).To find
>> Kendall
> MannKendalltau<- numeric(nc) simply makes MannKendalltau a single
> integer equal to nc; that doesn't look sensible when the next thing you
> do is treat MannKendalltau as a vector.
No, numeric(nc) makes a "numeric" (double precision) vector of length nc
filled with zeros.
Perhaps you were thin
> I am analyzing trend using Mann-kendall test for 31 independent sample, each
> sample have 34 years dataset. I supposed to find Kendall “tau” for each
> sample. The data is arranged in column wise (I attached the data).To find
> Kendall tau, I wrote R script as:
> ...
> Anyone can tell me ho
But always reply to the list (which I am ccing here) so that everyone
knows -- and re-submit your OP in **PLAIN TEXT**, not html, as this is
a plain text list and html typically garbles everything.
Also, reading and following the posting guide (see end of this email)
generally improves your
This sounds like homework. Homework is discouraged on this list (but
you might get lucky).
Bert Gunter
Genentech Nonclinical Biostatistics
(650) 467-7374
"Data is not information. Information is not knowledge. And knowledge
is certainly not wisdom."
Clifford Stoll
On Tue, Mar 31
I am analyzing trend using Mann-kendall test for 31 independent sample, each
sample have 34 years dataset. I supposed to find Kendall “tau” for each
sample. The data is arranged in column wise (I attached the data).To find
Kendall tau, I wrote R script as:
7 matches
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