Re: [R] Calculating Kendall's tau

2015-04-02 Thread Desta Yoseph via R-help
Thank you for  the explanation and comments. I managed to solve and your comments are helpfully! thanks once again,Desta On Thursday, April 2, 2015 7:19 PM, David Winsemius wrote: On Apr 2, 2015, at 7:06 AM, S Ellison wrote: >> I am analyzing trend  using Mann-kendall  test for 3

Re: [R] Calculating Kendall's tau

2015-04-02 Thread David Winsemius
On Apr 2, 2015, at 7:06 AM, S Ellison wrote: >> I am analyzing trend using Mann-kendall test for 31 independent sample, >> each >> sample have 34 years dataset. I supposed to find Kendall “tau” for each >> sample. The data is arranged in column wise (I attached the data).To find >> Kendall

Re: [R] Calculating Kendall's tau

2015-04-02 Thread William Dunlap
> MannKendalltau<- numeric(nc) simply makes MannKendalltau a single > integer equal to nc; that doesn't look sensible when the next thing you > do is treat MannKendalltau as a vector. No, numeric(nc) makes a "numeric" (double precision) vector of length nc filled with zeros. Perhaps you were thin

Re: [R] Calculating Kendall's tau

2015-04-02 Thread S Ellison
> I am analyzing trend  using Mann-kendall  test for 31 independent sample, each > sample  have 34 years dataset.  I supposed to find Kendall “tau” for each > sample. The data is arranged in column wise (I attached  the data).To find > Kendall tau, I wrote R script as: > ... > Anyone can tell me ho

Re: [R] Calculating Kendall's tau

2015-03-31 Thread Bert Gunter
OK. But always reply to the list (which I am ccing here) so that everyone knows -- and re-submit your OP in **PLAIN TEXT**, not html, as this is a plain text list and html typically garbles everything. Also, reading and following the posting guide (see end of this email) generally improves your

Re: [R] Calculating Kendall's tau

2015-03-31 Thread Bert Gunter
This sounds like homework. Homework is discouraged on this list (but you might get lucky). Cheers, Bert Bert Gunter Genentech Nonclinical Biostatistics (650) 467-7374 "Data is not information. Information is not knowledge. And knowledge is certainly not wisdom." Clifford Stoll On Tue, Mar 31

[R] Calculating Kendall's tau

2015-03-31 Thread Desta Yoseph via R-help
I am analyzing trend  using Mann-kendall  test for 31 independent sample, each sample  have 34 years dataset.  I supposed to find Kendall “tau” for each sample. The data is arranged in column wise (I attached  the data).To find Kendall tau, I wrote R script as:      desta<-read.csv("rainfall.csv