Re: [R] Strange error message, many thanks

2020-03-21 Thread varin sacha via R-help
David, Great... exactly what I was looking for... Many thanks. Le samedi 21 mars 2020 à 21:12:31 UTC+1, David Winsemius a écrit : On 3/21/20 12:56 PM, varin sacha wrote: > Hi David, > > Perfect I got it now. One last precision, if I want to get the MSE value how > can I get it ? If

Re: [R] Strange error message, many thanks

2020-03-21 Thread David Winsemius
On 3/21/20 12:56 PM, varin sacha wrote: Hi David, Perfect I got it now. One last precision, if I want to get the MSE value how can I get it ? If I understand your question, it is answered in the help page: help(boot,pack=boot) # See the "Value" section  str(results) # List of 11 # $ t0

Re: [R] Strange error message, many thanks

2020-03-21 Thread varin sacha via R-help
Hi David, Perfect I got it now. One last precision, if I want to get the MSE value how can I get it ? Le samedi 21 mars 2020 à 20:26:37 UTC+1, David Winsemius a écrit : On 3/21/20 12:18 PM, varin sacha wrote: >   mean((d[["y_obs "]] - ypred)^2) __

Re: [R] Strange error message, many thanks

2020-03-21 Thread David Winsemius
On 3/21/20 12:18 PM, varin sacha wrote: > mean((d[["y_obs "]] - ypred)^2) [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see PLEASE do read t

Re: [R] Strange error message, many thanks

2020-03-21 Thread varin sacha via R-help
Hi Duncan, Hi David, Many thanks, ok for the first error but David when you say "The second error is the misspelling . Remove the space". Where do I have to remove the space ? Best, Sacha Le samedi 21 mars 2020 à 18:14:30 UTC+1, David Winsemius a écrit : On 3/21/20 9:35 AM, varin sach

Re: [R] Strange error message, many thanks

2020-03-21 Thread David Winsemius
On 3/21/20 9:35 AM, varin sacha via R-help wrote: Dear R-experts, Here below my R code giving an error message that I don't understand. If somebody can help me to fix it, it would be highly appreciated. # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # install.packages( "robustbase",dependenci

Re: [R] Strange error message, many thanks

2020-03-21 Thread Duncan Murdoch
On 21/03/2020 12:35 p.m., varin sacha via R-help wrote: # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # install.packages( "robustbase",dependencies=TRUE ) install.packages( "boot",dependencies=TRUE ) library(boot) library(robustbase) n<-500 b<-runif(n, 0, 5) z <- rnorm(n, 2, 3) a <- runif(n, 0,

[R] Strange error message, many thanks

2020-03-21 Thread varin sacha via R-help
Dear R-experts, Here below my R code giving an error message that I don't understand. If somebody can help me to fix it, it would be highly appreciated. # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # install.packages( "robustbase",dependencies=TRUE ) install.packages( "boot",dependencies=TRUE )

Re: [R] strange error message when using rnorm and rbinom

2016-06-14 Thread Jim Lemon
Hi JI, The most likely problems are negative numbers for sd or "k" being larger than the number of mu.m2 or disp.m2 values. Jim On Wed, Jun 15, 2016 at 4:06 AM, JI Cho wrote: > Dear R users, > > I have been using rnorm, rbinom and have been getting the following warning > message when I do not h

Re: [R] strange error message when using rnorm and rbinom

2016-06-14 Thread Bert Gunter
Do not believe everything you read on the internet! "In one of the resources I found in over the internet explains that the mean and sd should be declared as integers." That is compete crap. The mean of a norma/Gaussian can be any real; the sd can be any positive real. Moreover, one does not nee

Re: [R] strange error message when using rnorm and rbinom

2016-06-14 Thread Tom Wright
As you probably already guessed we are going to need to see the contents of nref, mu.m2 and disp.m2 to help. dput(nref) dput(mu.m2) dput(disp.m2) k might help too. On Tue, Jun 14, 2016 at 2:06 PM, JI Cho wrote: > Dear R users, > > I have been using rnorm, rbinom and have been getting the followi

[R] strange error message when using rnorm and rbinom

2016-06-14 Thread JI Cho
Dear R users, I have been using rnorm, rbinom and have been getting the following warning message when I do not have any NAs in my generated values. Warning messages:1: In rnorm(nref, mean = mu.m2[[k]], sd = sqrt(disp.m2[[k]])) : NAs produced In one of the resources I found in over the intern

Re: [R] strange error

2016-05-25 Thread John Dougherty
On Wed, 25 May 2016 18:56:47 +0200 wrote: Alice, Have you tried running the code in R in a terminal? If the error persists, then this may be the right place to ask for help. If it is specific to R Studio, then you need to ask them. -- John

Re: [R] strange error

2016-05-25 Thread Tom Wright
It may not be the problem, but with RStudio this error pops up when the area reserved for plotting is too small. Typically this area is in the right hand column, if you have this minimised (perhaps to maximise space for typing) you will hit this problem. Try making it bigger. Edit: Just ran your c

Re: [R] strange error

2016-05-25 Thread Duncan Murdoch
On 25/05/2016 12:56 PM, wrote: Hello everyone, almost every time I try to plot something R gives me the following mistake: Error in : figure margins too large One example would be, when I tried to run a function, somebody published to create a Lorenz Attractor:

[R] strange error

2016-05-25 Thread alicekalkuhl
Hello everyone, almost every time I try to plot something R gives me the following mistake: Error in : figure margins too large One example would be, when I tried to run a function, somebody published to create a Lorenz Attractor:   parameters <- c(s = 10, r = 28, b = 8/3) state <- c(X

Re: [R] Strange error

2015-12-04 Thread Nicolae Doban
Hi again, i found the error: the problem was that I have created a template of rmarkdown myself inspired from Tufte one and I guess I didn't build it correctly..when i tried running it in a regular rmarkdown template it worked. sorry for inconvenience nick Nicolae (Nick) Doban | Masters student

Re: [R] Strange error

2015-12-03 Thread Jim Lemon
Hi Nick, I think that Jeff may be correct in that the code was cut and pasted from a non-text application. In particular, the error message about "*" is suspicious. What may be happening is that when you select a single line, it only picks up the text, but when you select multiple lines, the garbag

Re: [R] Strange error

2015-12-03 Thread Jeff Newmiller
You are posting in html format on a plain text mailing list, so we are not seeing what you sent. If you are being similarly careless with your data files then you may have corrupted the data. Do not use a word processor with R code or data files. -- Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevi

Re: [R] Strange error

2015-12-03 Thread PIKAL Petr
org] On Behalf Of Nicolae > Doban > Sent: Thursday, December 03, 2015 1:00 PM > To: > Subject: [R] Strange error > > Hi, > > recently I received a strange error after running my code in chunks. > But, I > don't get any errors when I run it line

[R] Strange error

2015-12-03 Thread Nicolae Doban
Hi, recently I received a strange error after running my code in chunks. But, I don't get any errors when I run it line by line. Also, what is strange is that the error message is misspelled This is the error messages I get *> setwd("H:/XX/XXX")* *"rror: unexpected input in "setwd("H:/XX/XXX")

Re: [R] Strange error while passing string as an argument to the function in bnlearn package

2014-11-14 Thread Alexandr M
Hello Marco, > By any chance, are using that for prediction? Yes, I am using it for prediction. > To compute P(A = a | whatever you conditioned on), just sum the > corresponding weights over the total weight mass. Since no language > trickery is involved, this works reliably. Thank you! It's ex

Re: [R] Strange error while passing string as an argument to the function in bnlearn package

2014-11-11 Thread Marco Scutari
Hi Alexandr, On 11 November 2014 00:10, Alexandr M wrote: > Sorry that I formulated my question not very accurately. > I form expressions/(logic conditions for parameters evidence and event) > dynamically inside the loop and they are sometimes quite long. By any chance, are using that for predic

Re: [R] Strange error while passing string as an argument to the function in bnlearn package

2014-11-10 Thread Alexandr M
Hi Marco, Thanks for your reply! Logic sampling in cpquery() relies on handling unevaluated > expressions, so it is a tad fragile in any complex setting (inside > loops and function calls, for example). Actually I am doing it inside the loop. Inside the loop I determine important features and f

Re: [R] Strange error while passing string as an argument to the function in bnlearn package

2014-11-10 Thread Marco Scutari
Hi Alexandr, On 10 November 2014 17:46, Alexandr M wrote: > I am working with the package bnlear, but, probably, error is caused not by > the package itself. Logic sampling in cpquery() relies on handling unevaluated expressions, so it is a tad fragile in any complex setting (inside loops and fu

[R] Strange error while passing string as an argument to the function in bnlearn package

2014-11-10 Thread Alexandr M
Hello everybody, I am working with the package bnlear, but, probably, error is caused not by the package itself. There is a function cpquery() to which I pass argument str2: str2="(lag1=='s')" prob.s = cpquery(fitted1, event=eval(parse(text="(M=='s')")),

Re: [R] Strange error on text assignment to variable

2014-01-21 Thread Frede Aakmann Tøgersen [] > On Behalf Of Sumitrajit Dhar > Sent: 22. januar 2014 08:01 > To: > Subject: [R] Strange error on text assignment to variable > > Hello folks, > > I am using > > R version 3.0.2 (2013-09-2

[R] Strange error on text assignment to variable

2014-01-21 Thread Sumitrajit Dhar
Hello folks, I am using R version 3.0.2 (2013-09-25) -- "Frisbee Sailing" Copyright (C) 2013 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin10.8.0 (64-bit) on Mac OS 10.9.1 When I try a simple assignment as below, the first "For" works but the second "for" gives me a

Re: [R] Strange error with log-normal models

2013-04-16 Thread Ben Bolker
peter dalgaard> writes: > On Apr 16, 2013, at 22:20 , Noah Silverman wrote: > > > My challenge here is finding the right model for this data. > Originally it was a nice count of students. Relatively easy to > model with a zero inflated Poisson model. The resulting residuals > seeme

Re: [R] Strange error with log-normal models

2013-04-16 Thread peter dalgaard
On Apr 16, 2013, at 22:20 , Noah Silverman wrote: > @Duncan, You make a very good point. Somehow I overlooked that 0 is not > positive. I guess that rules out the log normal model. > > My challenge here is finding the right model for this data. Originally it > was a nice count of students.

Re: [R] Strange error with log-normal models

2013-04-16 Thread Marc Schwartz
Noah, You might want to look at beta regression, using the betareg package on CRAN. There is a JSS paper here that you might find helpful: along with the vignettes for the package:

Re: [R] Strange error with log-normal models

2013-04-16 Thread Noah Silverman
@Duncan, You make a very good point. Somehow I overlooked that 0 is not positive. I guess that rules out the log normal model. My challenge here is finding the right model for this data. Originally it was a nice count of students. Relatively easy to model with a zero inflated Poisson model

Re: [R] Strange error with log-normal models

2013-04-16 Thread Thomas Lumley
On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 5:19 AM, Noah Silverman wrote: > Hi, > > I have some data, that when plotted looks very close to a log-normal > distribution. My goal is to build a regression model to test how this > variable responds to several independent variables. > [snip] When I try to build a sim

Re: [R] Strange error with log-normal models

2013-04-16 Thread Duncan Murdoch
On 16/04/2013 1:19 PM, Noah Silverman wrote: Hi, I have some data, that when plotted looks very close to a log-normal distribution. My goal is to build a regression model to test how this variable responds to several independent variables. To do this, I want to use the fitdistr tool from the

[R] Strange error with log-normal models

2013-04-16 Thread Noah Silverman
Hi, I have some data, that when plotted looks very close to a log-normal distribution. My goal is to build a regression model to test how this variable responds to several independent variables. To do this, I want to use the fitdistr tool from the MASS package to see how well my data fits t

Re: [R] Strange "Error: subscript out of bounds"

2012-05-11 Thread Ethan Brown
Hi, this looks like a typo to me. The name of the argument to your function is 'pre.mat', but you're trying to print an object called 'pred.mat' (with an extra 'd') that never appears before. It's easier to help when you give a reproducible example that we can execute on our own computers, as reco

[R] Strange "Error: subscript out of bounds"

2012-05-11 Thread Petri Lankoski
Dear all, I am trying to write a function for visualizing ordinal model results. The function works fine with some values, but then I get "Error: subscript out of bounds" even there the index should be pointing a legal item. Code is below as well as the example of failure: plotProb <- func

Re: [R] Strange error msg when plotting a graphics

2011-10-05 Thread Prof Brian Ripley
On Tue, 4 Oct 2011, Eduardo M. A. M. Mendes wrote: Dear R-Users I have come across the error that apparently has nothing to do with command itself. Here is the error (w - matrix (or vector) e testXaxis - dates). plot(data.frame(testXaxis,w),col="blue",ylab="Q, [m3/s]",xlab="Data", +

[R] Strange error msg when plotting a graphics

2011-10-04 Thread Eduardo M. A. M. Mendes
Dear R-Users I have come across the error that apparently has nothing to do with command itself. Here is the error (w - matrix (or vector) e testXaxis - dates). > plot(data.frame(testXaxis,w),col="blue",ylab="Q, [m3/s]",xlab="Data", + main="Free-run - Modelo NARX MISO - Test Data") Error

Re: [R] strange error : isS4(x) in gamm function (mgcv package). Variable in data-frame not recognized???

2010-07-28 Thread Joris Meys
Follow up: I finally succeeded to more or less reproduce the error. The origin lied in the fact that I accidently loaded a function while being in browser mode for debugging that function. So something went very much wrong with the namespaces. Teaches me right... Cheers Joris On Wed, Jul 28, 201

Re: [R] strange error : isS4(x) in gamm function (mgcv package). Variable in data-frame not recognized???

2010-07-28 Thread Joris Meys
Dear all, it gets even more weird. After restarting R, the code I used works just fine. The call is generated in a function that I debugged using browser(). Problem is solved, but I have no clue whatsoever how that error came about. It must have something to do with namespaces, but the origin is d

[R] strange error : isS4(x) in gamm function (mgcv package). Variable in data-frame not recognized???

2010-07-28 Thread Joris Meys
Dear all, I run a gamm with following call : result <- try(gamm(values~ s( VM )+s( RH )+s( TT )+s( PP )+RF+weekend+s(day)+s(julday) ,correlation=corCAR1(form=~ day|month ),data=tmp) )" with mgcv version 1.6.2 No stress about the data, the error is not data-related. I get : Error in isS4(x) : o

[R] strange error message from in the R window!

2010-06-15 Thread Kjetil Halvorsen
Almost continuously I get some variant of the following message fillingb up my R console: > bubble(data1, "logvol") > ?variogram ** (evince:2799): WARNING **: DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Failed: Unable to set metadata key ** (evince:2799): WARNING **: DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Err

Re: [R] strange error msg from lapply and lm()

2010-05-03 Thread weix1
plus, it took long time to complete this analysis for only 24 records! Although I get the error msg, the result seems to be correct. -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list arch

[R] strange error msg from lapply and lm()

2010-05-03 Thread weix1
I am conducting a very simple t test for two genes using lapply (i try to avoid loop since i will have thousands of genes later on). however, I got strange error msg like the followings. It looks that R is complaining my factor has only one level, which is not the case (I check many times). > res

Re: [R] Save and load workspace in R: strange error.

2009-11-18 Thread Juancarloshb
Hello, I get the same message when I write the attach function, where is that you change the user quota? I use R with mac OS Thanks. Hongxiao Zhu wrote: > > Hi, > > I finally figured out where the problem is. It was because the > user account has a 10GB quota for the systerm that I used. >

Re: [R] Strange error returned or bug in gam in mgcv????

2009-09-02 Thread Simon Wood
I'm afraid that mgcv:gam can't cope with this size of data set with this complexity of model. The model matrix alone for your first model would require around 3 terabytes of storage. For the simplest additive model the model matrix is `only' 1.6 Gb, but that's before you do anything with it

Re: [R] Strange error returned or bug in gam in mgcv????

2009-09-02 Thread Gavin Simpson
On Wed, 2009-09-02 at 09:26 +0100, Corrado wrote: > Dear Gavin, Simon, > > this is the result of str: > > > str(dist_scot24_vector_with_climate) > 'data.frame': 2265025 obs. of 14 variables: > $ X : int 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... > $ tetrad_i: Factor w/ 1505 levels "HP61A","HP61I",..: 1

Re: [R] Strange error returned or bug in gam in mgcv????

2009-09-02 Thread Corrado
Dear Gavin, Simon, this is the result of str: > str(dist_scot24_vector_with_climate) 'data.frame': 2265025 obs. of 14 variables: $ X : int 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... $ tetrad_i: Factor w/ 1505 levels "HP61A","HP61I",..: 1505 1504 1503 1502 1501 1500 1499 1498 1497 1496 ... $ tetrad_j:

Re: [R] Strange error returned or bug in gam in mgcv????

2009-09-01 Thread Gavin Simpson
On Tue, 2009-09-01 at 17:55 +0100, Corrado wrote: > Dear Simon, > > I have stored all information at the link: > >! You could have included that in your mail to the list - it is just plain text after all. > > I have the same problem if I do

Re: [R] Strange error returned or bug in gam in mgcv????

2009-09-01 Thread Corrado
Dear Simon, I have stored all information at the link:! I have the same problem if I do s(PC1) + . + s(PC10) or s(Pc1,PC2,PC3,PC4,PC5)+s(PC6,PC7,PC8,PC9,PC10) or s(PC1,PC2,PC3,PC6,PC7,PC8) . I have renamed PC1.1,PC2.1,PC3.1,PC4.1,P

Re: [R] Strange error returned or bug in gam in mgcv????

2009-09-01 Thread Simon Wood
The basic problem is that you have requested a 10 dimensional thin plate spline, with a basis dimension of 196830. In reality it will not be possible to compute this, even if you have more than 196830 data. In any case it would be unlikely to provide a very useful model --- the "simplest" functi

Re: [R] Strange error returned or bug in gam in mgcv???? - yet more additional information

2009-09-01 Thread Corrado
I am using mgcv 1.4-1.1 on Fedora 9 64 bit on an Opteron server with 8Gb of RAM. On Tuesday 01 September 2009 15:19:28 Corrado wrote: > Here I pasted the code from when I opened the R shell, so that it possible > to see what is going on: > >! >

Re: [R] Strange error returned or bug in gam in mgcv???? - additional information

2009-09-01 Thread Corrado
Here I pasted the code from when I opened the R shell, so that it possible to see what is going on:! Thanks in advance -- Corrado Topi Global Climate Change & Biodiversity Indicators Area 18,Department of Biology University of York, York, YO

Re: [R] Strange error returned or bug in gam in mgcv????

2009-09-01 Thread Corrado
Nope Of course, it was just a copy and paste problem On Tuesday 01 September 2009 15:00:34 David Winsemius wrote: > On Sep 1, 2009, at 9:51 AM, Corrado wrote: > > Dear friends, > > > > what is this error message in gam I cannot understand what it > > means > > is it a bug? > > >

Re: [R] Strange error returned or bug in gam in mgcv????

2009-09-01 Thread David Winsemius
On Sep 1, 2009, at 9:51 AM, Corrado wrote: Dear friends, what is this error message in gam I cannot understand what it means is it a bug? gam_bray_scot24_pc_0505 If the code was as posted, you have entered "<" where you probably wanted "<-". Error in if (length(data) != vl) {

[R] Strange error returned or bug in gam in mgcv????

2009-09-01 Thread Corrado
Dear friends, what is this error message in gam I cannot understand what it means is it a bug? gam_bray_scot24_pc_0505 -> array In addition: Warning message: In array(0, n * k) : NAs introduced by coercion Execution halted Thanks in advance, Best regard

Re: [R] Strange error with ROCR

2009-08-04 Thread Noah Silverman
I hadn't thought of that. I'll run some tests... -N On 8/4/09 11:49 AM, Tobias Sing wrote: >> Is the "probability of the true label" the best prediction to feed to >> the ROCR package, or is it better to use the "decision.value" >> > Since AFAIK they are related by a monotonous transforma

Re: [R] Strange error with ROCR

2009-08-04 Thread Tobias Sing
> Is the "probability of the true label" the best prediction to feed to > the ROCR package, or is it better to use the "decision.value" Since AFAIK they are related by a monotonous transformation, both approaches should lead to the same ROC curve, shouldn't they? (not tested) On Tue, Aug 4, 2009

Re: [R] Strange error with ROCR

2009-08-04 Thread Noah Silverman
Good point. I'm not sure how I missed that. This does lead to an additional question: Is the "probability of the true label" the best prediction to feed to the ROCR package, or is it better to use the "decision.value" Anybody have any experience on this one? Thanks! -N On 8/4/09 3:28 AM, Ch

Re: [R] Strange error with ROCR

2009-08-04 Thread Christian Schulz
Hi, you need the score value , have a look at ?svm.predict and in the ROCR example. traindata <-,ncol=10)) trainlabels <- as.factor(sample(c("win","lose"),nrow(data),replace=T,prob=c(0.5,0.5))) model <- svm(traindata,trainlabels, type="C-classification",

[R] Strange error with ROCR

2009-08-04 Thread Noah Silverman
Hello, I've come across a strange error... Here is what happens: model <- svm(traindata,trainlabels, type="C-classification", kernel="radial", cost=10, class.weights=c("win"=3,"lose"=1), scale=FALSE, probability = TRUE) predictions <- predict(model, traindata) pred <- prediction(predictions,

Re: [R] Strange error in qplot

2009-07-12 Thread hadley wickham
Hi megh, Unfortunately there's a known bug which prevents you from setting the y axis title in this way. Instead you can do : qplot(...) + scale_y_continuous("") I think I've figured out a work around and it will be fixed in a future release. Hadley On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 2:15 AM, megh wrote

[R] Strange error in qplot

2009-07-12 Thread megh
Hi all, whenever I try to plot a histogram using qplot() function of "ggplot2" library, I get error like this : > qplot(rnorm(1000), geom="histogram", binwidth=0.2, main = "", xlab="", > ylab="") Error in scale[[1]] : subscript out of bounds However if I remove ylab="" argument, then it is worki

Re: [R] Strange error message from geoR´s likfit ( ) lik. max. func.

2008-08-15 Thread Paulo Justiniano Ribeiro Jr
Ruben it is a bug I will upload a new version of geoR. Meanwhile please download the version with the fix from the geoR web page at Paulo Justiniano Ribeiro Jr LEG (Laboratorio de Estatistica e Geoinformacao) Universidade Federal do Parana Caixa Postal 19.081 CEP 81.531-990

[R] Strange error message from geoR´s likfit ( ) lik. max. func.

2008-08-15 Thread Ruben Roa Ureta
ComRades: I am geeting the error message Error in ldots[[which(MET)]] : attempt to select less than one element when I try to fit the geostatistical model with the likfit() function of geoR. I have tried with old data for which likfit() successfully maximised the likelihood in previous versions of

Re: [R] Save and load workspace in R: strange error.

2007-11-05 Thread Hongxiao Zhu
Hi, I finally figured out where the problem is. It was because the user account has a 10GB quota for the systerm that I used. Once the space limit is reached, R will have this error whenever you want to save or load. Gosh! It took me so long to realize this. Hongxiao ***

Re: [R] Save and load workspace in R: strange error.

2007-10-03 Thread Tony Plate
Sounds like you are having permissions problems. And as you're using a mix of Unix and WinXP, you might be suffering from some strange permissions settings. WinXP allows a very rich set of permissions which for many exotic combinations have no corresponding mapping to the much simpler 9-octet

Re: [R] Save and load workspace in R: strange error.

2007-10-03 Thread Hongxiao Zhu
Tony, Thanks for return. Actually, the data object 'junk4.RData' was created but have size 0. It seems no data was saved. But the real data that I want to load have data in it, which I can't load use my own user account. But if using other people's user account under the same system, it can be

Re: [R] Save and load workspace in R: strange error.

2007-10-03 Thread Tony Plate
Did you check whether 'junk4.RData' was created and what its length was - maybe an empty file is being created. Is there some sort of quota or permissions problem? My suggestion would be to look at the size and permissions on the directory and the file. If you need more help, I would suggest

[R] Save and load workspace in R: strange error.

2007-09-30 Thread Hongxiao Zhu
Hi, I tried to load a .RData object on unix system using R, it gives error: Error: restore file may be empty -- no data loaded In addition: Warning message: file 'junk3.RData' has magic number '' Use of save versions prior to 2 is deprecated This happens only for using MY user account for th