[R] mlogit data format

2015-09-08 Thread 敷田治誠 クラウジオ
Ok, here is my question. I have a data frame that looks like this: yx1 x2 (say, age)x3 yes car 23 catholic no bus34 muslim maybe bus16 jew You see, the multinomial dependen

[R] mlogit error

2015-06-16 Thread mikebarr
Hello, I am trying to run a mixed logit model (panel form) with the mlogit package. I am running into the following error: "Error in random.nb[, sel, drop = F] : subscript out of bounds". I have searched the R Help forum (and online) and see no instances of this error. Below is the coding that I

[R] Mlogit: Error in model.frame.default/ Error in solve.default

2015-01-15 Thread Lee van Cleef
Dear R users, 1) My problem in short: Mlogit cannot calculate certain conditional models. 2) My database: The target was a logistical regression analysis and a probability function which should include generic coefficients and alternative-specific ones. The database was a survey, the dependent

Re: [R] mlogit: message "invalid 'row.names' length" after subsetting data

2014-01-30 Thread craux
Thanks a lot Bill! This works fine! Useful to know regarding subset. Charles -- View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/mlogit-message-invalid-row-names-length-after-subsetting-data-tp4684465p4684470.html Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com. __

Re: [R] mlogit: message "invalid 'row.names' length" after subsetting data

2014-01-30 Thread William Dunlap
Effect=="none"). Bill Dunlap TIBCO Software wdunlap tibco.com > -Original Message- > From: r-help-boun...@r-project.org [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-project.org] On > Behalf > Of craux > Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2014 10:14 AM > To: r-help@r-project.org > Sub

[R] mlogit: message "invalid 'row.names' length" after subsetting data

2014-01-30 Thread craux
Hi! I have been working a while with mlogit, estimating successfully a series of models. This time I have a series of discrete choice experiments with different effects to test (var Effect). I use the code below: when I estimate the first model with "dd" it's work fine. Then I perform subset dd in

Re: [R] Mlogit error

2013-05-30 Thread Gary Dong
Hi, Graham, Thank you for sharing this. I encountered the same problem. My choice set was unbalanced because some alternatives were not available for some observations. If I forced the choice sets balanced, model estimation results would be biased. However, after including chid.var = "" and alt.va

[R] "mlogit" does not report number of observation?

2013-05-30 Thread Gary Dong
Dear R users, I am wondering if there is an easy way to have "mlogit" to report number of observations (N) used in the model. It seems "summary()" does not work. Thank you! Gary [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ R-help@r-project.org mail

[R] Mlogit error

2013-04-08 Thread Leask, Graham
Dear Listmembers Thank you for your help in resolving the duplicate row.names error. The solution was very straightforward to ensure that the choice set is completely balanced. Once that was achieved the program worked fine. Kind Regards Graham __ R

Re: [R] mlogit error

2013-04-07 Thread arun
    0    0    1   1    1    4    2  1  FALSE A.K. - Original Message - From: "Leask, Graham" To: "r-help@r-project.org" Cc: Sent: Sunday, April 7, 2013 10:39 AM Subject: [R] mlogit error Dear List I am trying to fit a multinomial model using the mlogit package.

Re: [R] mlogit error

2013-04-07 Thread arun
- From: "Leask, Graham" To: arun Cc: Sent: Sunday, April 7, 2013 11:28 AM Subject: RE: [R] mlogit error Hi Arun, I think you are right the issue may be how to identify those obs where this doesn't apply for whatever reason. The issue I think is the size of the data which make

[R] mlogit error

2013-04-07 Thread Leask, Graham
Dear List I am trying to fit a multinomial model using the mlogit package. Attempting to load the data into mlogit presents the following error. MLOG<-mlogit.data(Mult3,shape="long",choice="CHOICE",alt.var="mode.ids",indivs = "set3",chid.var = "obs") Error in `row.names<-.data.frame`(`*tmp*`, v

Re: [R] mlogit Package

2013-01-24 Thread ya
Hi Ehsan, What do you mean by percent correctly predicted? Could you provide more info about your model? It might be helpful to get a clue. ya From: ehsan rahimi Date: 2013-01-24 12:52 To: r-help Subject: [R] mlogit Package I have problem as follows: I use "mlogit package" to

[R] mlogit Package

2013-01-24 Thread ehsan rahimi
I have problem as follows: I use "mlogit package" to develop a multinomial logit model but I can not find Percent Correctly predicted. would you help me?  Thanks [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://s

Re: [R] mlogit and model-based recursive partitioning

2012-10-02 Thread tudor
Hi Achim: Excellent points. Thank you so much for your prompt reply. Tudor -- View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/mlogit-and-model-based-recursive-partitioning-tp4644743p4644767.html Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com. ___

Re: [R] mlogit and model-based recursive partitioning

2012-10-01 Thread Achim Zeileis
Tudor: Has anyone tried to model-based recursive partition (using mob from package party; thanks Achim and colleagues) a data set based on a multinomial logit model (using mlogit from package mlogit; thanks Yves)? Interesting question: in principle, this is possible but I wouldn't know of an

[R] mlogit and model-based recursive partitioning

2012-10-01 Thread tudor
Hello: Has anyone tried to model-based recursive partition (using mob from package party; thanks Achim and colleagues) a data set based on a multinomial logit model (using mlogit from package mlogit; thanks Yves)? I attempted to do so, but there are at least two reasons why I could not. First,

[R] mlogit package inquiry

2012-05-29 Thread Wong Hang
Dear all,   I am implementing a stochastic utility model that will eventually make use of multinomial logit. I found that there is a package in R called mlogit. I am not sure whether I have already found the correct package or software. May I ask am I correct?   Basically, let's say   I have obse

Re: [R] mlogit learning error

2012-04-19 Thread geek girl
I found out that this error means there is an underflow that is not handled by the default solve. The suggested solution is to use qr.solve() or svd instead of default.solve(). How can I modify mlogit to use qr.solve() instead of solve.default()? Thanks On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 2:10 PM, geek gir

Re: [R] mlogit learning error

2012-04-19 Thread geek girl
Thank you for your response. Each v can take a a value from 1 to 100. Input data subset: v1.data v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 1 1591 5152 2 1591783 3 1591 4611 4 1991 8411 5 1591 31 4 6 1

Re: [R] mlogit learning error

2012-04-19 Thread R. Michael Weylandt
There's something in your data that makes the model computationally singular when you take the various subsettings... Can you provide a small reproducible example so we can help narrow it down? It looks like you're using different data for each mlogit though so I'm not sure how the comparison that

[R] mlogit learning error 2

2012-04-19 Thread geek girl
I forgot to say that the models for v2 and v5 worked fine on a smaller dataset, but gave me this error on a larger dataset. Thanks [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r

[R] mlogit learning error

2012-04-19 Thread geek girl
I am learning five mlogits as follows v1.model<-mlogit(v1~1|v2+v3+v4+v5, data=mlogit.v1.data, reflevel="1") v2.model<-mlogit(v2~1|v1+v3+v4+v5, data=mlogit.v2.data, reflevel="1") v3.model<-mlogit(v3~1|v1+v2+v4+v5, data=mlogit.v3.data, reflevel="1") v4.model<-mlogit(v4~1|v1+v2+v3+v5, data=mlogit.v4.

Re: [R] Mlogit missing value problem

2011-12-19 Thread K. Elo
Hi, 19.12.2011 11:12, Ville Iiskola wrote: Error in if (abs(x - oldx)< ftol) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed The reason for this error is in the row 563. There the choice has value 1 and Ie has missing value. If the choice has value 0 and Ie has missing values, then there is no erro

[R] Mlogit missing value problem

2011-12-19 Thread Ville Iiskola
Hi After good advices i post this problem here again. Now the attached sambledata is in csv form and it is a part of my real data. I have tried different na.action operations but the result stays the same... My code > library(mlogit) > library(foreign) > z<-odbcConnectExcel("D:\\SAMBLEDATA.csv

[R] Mlogit dummy problem

2011-10-23 Thread Ville Iiskola
Hi I have tried to estimate race winning probabilities with mlogit in R. I have different amount of contestors in the races and mlogit has a bug so that in those situations the mlogit does not work. So i tried to add dummy contestors to the race so that every race has an equal amount of conte

[R] mlogit: nested model with constant option in degenerate partition

2011-07-06 Thread Felix Eggers - Uni Hamburg
Dear R users, I am trying to estimate a nested logit model that has a constant option in a degenerate partition. The data set is a conjoint survey where respondents were asked to answer multiple choice sets. The choice sets consist of three alternatives (described by four varying attributes) and a

Re: [R] mlogit model that contains both individual-specific parameters and universal parameters

2011-06-22 Thread Achim Zeileis
On Wed, 22 Jun 2011, Quang Anh Duong wrote: Hello,? I am pretty new to mlogit, and still trying to figure out what models to use.I have a data set of N individuals, each of which faces I alternatives. The utility function of individual n, for choice i is:? u(i,n) = alpha(i) * x1(i,n) + beta

[R] mlogit model that contains both individual-specific parameters and universal parameters

2011-06-22 Thread Quang Anh Duong
Hello,  I am pretty new to mlogit, and still trying to figure out what models to use.I have a data set of N individuals, each of which faces I alternatives. The utility function of individual n, for choice i is:  u(i,n) = alpha(i) * x1(i,n) + beta * x2(i,n)  where alpha(i) is the individual sp

[R] mlogit error message "Error in X[omitlines, ] <- NA : subscript out of bounds"

2011-05-14 Thread Andrew Miles
Yong, I saw your post from April 29th about the error message in the mlogit package, copied below. I had the same problem, but solved it by omitting all missing data from my data frame before running mlogit.data(). ex. mydata = na.omit(mydata) I am posting this to the R help list as well so

[R] mlogit package, "Error in X[omitlines, ] <- NA : subscript out of bounds"

2011-04-29 Thread Yong Wang
I am using the mlogit packages and get a data problem, for which I can't find any clue from R archive. code below shows my related code all the way to the error #--- mydata <- data.frame(dependent,x,y,z) mydata$dependent<-as

Re: [R] mlogit error

2011-02-28 Thread Peter Ehlers
On 2011-02-28 12:54, gmacfarlane wrote: I actually have exactly the same question as Maha, and I wish that Z had answered the question instead of providing a lesson in streamlined code (valuable, but not helpful). I think that Achim answered as best one could, given that Maha neglected, as you

Re: [R] mlogit error

2011-02-28 Thread gmacfarlane
I actually have exactly the same question as Maha, and I wish that Z had answered the question instead of providing a lesson in streamlined code (valuable, but not helpful). It seems as though mlogit.data repopulates the row.names field, and that this is where the duplication comes in. hbwtrips<-

[R] mlogit package - probabilities and std error of prob

2010-11-26 Thread jpark1917mee
Hello, I am using the mlogit package to model diplomatic representation and stability. Here is our sample model - m2 = mlogit(y ~ 0|(time.curr + period), data=dip, alt.levels=c("asym","end","sym","x"), shape="wide", subset=which(mlogdata$curr=="sym")) >From here, we would need to find the pro

Re: [R] mlogit error

2010-08-13 Thread Achim Zeileis
On Fri, 13 Aug 2010, Maha Bakoben wrote: Hi, I'm trying to fit a multinomial logistic regression to my data which consists of 5 discrete variables (scales 1:10) and 1000 observations. I get the following error: Error in `row.names<-.data.frame`(`*tmp*`, value = c("NA.NA", "NA.NA", : duplica

[R] mlogit error

2010-08-12 Thread Maha Bakoben
Hi, I'm trying to fit a multinomial logistic regression to my data which consists of 5 discrete variables (scales 1:10) and 1000 observations. I get the following error: Error in `row.names<-.data.frame`(`*tmp*`, value = c("NA.NA", "NA.NA", : duplicate 'row.names' are not allowed In addition:

Re: [R] mlogit and weights

2010-06-03 Thread Achim Zeileis
On Wed, 2 Jun 2010, Misha Spisok wrote: Hello, I can't figure out why using and not using weights in mlogit yields identical results. My motivation is for the case when an "observation" or "individual" represents a number of individuals. For example, library(mlogit) library(AER) data("Travel

[R] mlogit and weights

2010-06-02 Thread Misha Spisok
Hello, I can't figure out why using and not using weights in mlogit yields identical results. My motivation is for the case when an "observation" or "individual" represents a number of individuals. For example, library(mlogit) library(AER) data("TravelMode", package = "AER") TM <- mlogit.data(T

Re: [R] mlogit

2010-03-07 Thread Achim Zeileis
On Mon, 8 Mar 2010, yves croissant wrote: In the code of the mlogit function, the call is saved under the name 'mldata' that you use to store the result of the mlogit.data function. When calling mlogit with 'mldata' as the data argument, there is a conflict between these two objects with the sam

Re: [R] mlogit

2010-03-07 Thread yves croissant
In the code of the mlogit function, the call is saved under the name 'mldata' that you use to store the result of the mlogit.data function. When calling mlogit with 'mldata' as the data argument, there is a conflict between these two objects with the same name, one of class 'call' and one of class

Re: [R] mlogit

2010-03-07 Thread Peter Ehlers
On 2010-03-07 10:41, cmc wrote: I have tried doing it whithout attaching the mydata file, and i still get the same output. When i create mldata using mlogit.data i do not generate the chid and alt columns, is this where the problem is, if so how do i fix this problem. I've suggested not nami

Re: [R] mlogit

2010-03-07 Thread Peter Ehlers
David, Here's my sessionInfo: > sessionInfo() R version 2.11.0 Under development (unstable) (2010-03-02 r51195) i386-pc-mingw32 locale: [1] LC_COLLATE=English_Canada.1252 LC_CTYPE=English_Canada.1252 [3] LC_MONETARY=English_Canada.1252 LC_NUMERIC=C [5] LC_TIME=English_Canada.1252 attached bas

Re: [R] mlogit

2010-03-07 Thread David Winsemius
Looks like a problem that the maintainer should be copied with: > maintainer("mlogit") [1] "Yves Croissant " Not sure why it should affect your systems and not mine, but here is my sessionInfo() if it helps: > sessionInfo() R version 2.10.1 RC (2009-12-09 r50695) x86_64-apple-darwin9.8.0 lo

Re: [R] mlogit

2010-03-07 Thread cmc
I have tried doing it whithout attaching the mydata file, and i still get the same output. When i create mldata using mlogit.data i do not generate the chid and alt columns, is this where the problem is, if so how do i fix this problem. Cheers for any help -- View this message in context: http:

Re: [R] mlogit

2010-03-07 Thread Peter Ehlers
On 2010-03-07 10:30, David Winsemius wrote: On Mar 7, 2010, at 12:06 PM, cmc wrote: I am trying to follow this example for multinomial logistic regression http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/r/dae/mlogit.htm However, I cannot get it to work properly. This is the output I get, and I get an error

Re: [R] mlogit

2010-03-07 Thread David Winsemius
On Mar 7, 2010, at 12:06 PM, cmc wrote: I am trying to follow this example for multinomial logistic regression http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/r/dae/mlogit.htm However, I cannot get it to work properly. This is the output I get, and I get an error when I try to use the mlogit function. Any

[R] mlogit

2010-03-07 Thread cmc
I am trying to follow this example for multinomial logistic regression http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/r/dae/mlogit.htm However, I cannot get it to work properly. This is the output I get, and I get an error when I try to use the mlogit function. Any ideas as to why this happens? > mydata <- r

Re: [R] mlogit is not an S4 object error

2010-02-24 Thread Steve_Friedman
2010 04:20 cc PMr-help@r-project.org Subject Re: [R] mlogit is not an S4 object

Re: [R] mlogit is not an S4 object error

2010-02-24 Thread Achim Zeileis
On Wed, 24 Feb 2010, steve_fried...@nps.gov wrote: Hello, I've been getting the following error when using the mlogit function from the mlogit package This is one of the examples provided in the Package "mlogit" January 27, 2010 description data("Fishing", package="mlogit") Fish <- mlogit.d

Re: [R] mlogit is not an S4 object error

2010-02-24 Thread Peter Ehlers
On 2010-02-24 6:51, steve_fried...@nps.gov wrote: Hello, I've been getting the following error when using the mlogit function from the mlogit package This is one of the examples provided in the Package "mlogit" January 27, 2010 description data("Fishing", package="mlogit") Fish<- mlogit.da

[R] mlogit is not an S4 object error

2010-02-24 Thread Steve_Friedman
Hello, I've been getting the following error when using the mlogit function from the mlogit package This is one of the examples provided in the Package "mlogit" January 27, 2010 description data("Fishing", package="mlogit") Fish <- mlogit.data(Fishing, varying = c(4:11), shape="wide", choice=

Re: [R] mlogit function cut off formular

2010-02-15 Thread Achim Zeileis
On Sun, 14 Feb 2010, Han Qin wrote: I'm trying to fit a multinominal logistic model using package mlogit. I have 15 independent variables. The code looks like this: m<-mlogit(score~0|f1+f2+f3+f4+f5+f6+f7+f8+f9+f10+f11+f12+f13+f14+f15, data, reflevel="1") And it gives the following error message

[R] mlogit function cut off formular

2010-02-14 Thread Han Qin
I'm trying to fit a multinominal logistic model using package mlogit. I have 15 independent variables. The code looks like this: m<-mlogit(score~0|f1+f2+f3+f4+f5+f6+f7+f8+f9+f10+f11+f12+f13+f14+f15, data, reflevel="1") And it gives the following error message: Error in parse(text = x) : unexpe

[R] mlogit: Error reported using sample dataset

2010-02-10 Thread Steve_Friedman
I've been working on a multinomial logit model, trying to predict vegetation types as a function of total phosphorus. Previous responses to my postings have pointed me to the mlogit package. I'm now trying to work examples and my data using this package. data("Fishing", package = "mlogit") Fish

[R] mlogit

2010-02-05 Thread hugo Mathe
5.1 322322 322322 322 5.2 558558 558558 558 5.4 217217 217217 217 5.5 217217 217217 217 Date: Fri, 5 Feb 2010 05:36:12 -0800 Subject: Re: [R] mlogit From: djmu...@gmail.com To: hug...@hotmail.fr Hi: On Fri, Feb 5, 2010 at 5:23 A

[R] mlogit

2010-02-05 Thread hugo Mathe
Hi, I'm using the function "mlogit" from the package "mlogit" in order to make a multinomial model, with random and nested effect*. But, currently, even a basic model as > mlogit(c ~ lma + poids , MC, shape = "long", alt.var = "N") Erreur dans drop(.Call("La_dgesv", a, as.matrix(b), tol, PACKAG

[R] mlogit (using multinom) problems

2008-08-06 Thread Wim Bertels
Hallo, i am trying to use the mlogit package (which uses the multinom package according to the documentation) the multinom function works fine: > fsex = multinom(country ~ sex, data=included_s_sex_MF) # weights: 66 (42 variable) initial value 8222.172926 iter 10 value 7647.481298 iter 20 va