First of all thanks for using reporoducible methods.
I now use knitr instead of Sweave and the switch was fairly trivial. What you
are wanting to do has been supported for a few years within RStudio. I found
I was just trying to do this and I think I have a reasonable solution that
seems to be working well.
In the main document you can include a chunk with a logical section:
{sink("/dev/null"); Sweave(’subsection.Rnw'); sink(); }
Then you can put y
, 5 January 2017 07:06
To: Duncan Mackay
Cc: R
Subject: Re: [R] Sweave: Incorporating warnings into a Sweave output chunck
Dear Duncan,
I'd recommend to switch from Sweave to knitr. Knitr has more options for
handling warnings and errors than Sweave.
Best regards,
ir. Th
one it manually which is a bit of a pain.
> Does anyone know of a way? It would be nice to have a Sweave option to
> include it.
> The only reference I can find is
> which had no replies excep
I have got the code from the attached Rnw file working in R version 3.3.1
But there are some problems with it.
Below is the code including some of the options and setup with the function
in one chunck
On 04/07/2016 7:42 AM, Christian Hoffmann wrote:
I have a *.Rnw which I can Sweave with no problem, but which cannot be
processed by R CMD Rd2pdf --no-clean --force.
That's not the command you're using. (It would give a "no inputs"
error, not a vignette error. If you actually gave the
Perhaps this is just my ignorance speaking, but it seems
counterintuitive to me to try to process a *.Rnw file by means of Rd2pdf
which would appear to be designed to process *.Rd files.
I would have thought that "R CMD Sweave ..." would be the appropriate
call. I find that
I have a *.Rnw which I can Sweave with no problem, but which cannot be
processed by R CMD Rd2pdf --no-clean --force.
Th latter stops with
creating vignettes ... ERROR
Error: processing vignette 'cwhmisc.Rnw' failed with diagnostics:
at cwhmisc.Rnw:31, could not find function "cformat"
E<> wrote:
From: Duncan Murdoch>>
Subject: Re: [R] SWEAVE - a gentle introduction
Date: 18 November 2015 08:09:34 NZDT
To: Marc Schwartz>>,
One additional point that I have not seen brought up yet. If your
main goal is to have all the output from an existing R script put into
a single output file then you should look at the `stitch` function in
the knitr package. This will take an existing R script and convert it
to one of the
As a digest reader I am late to the discussion, but let me toss in 2 further
1. Three advantages of knitr over Sweave
a. The book "Dynamic documents with R and knitr". It is well written; sitting down for
an evening with the first half (70 pages) is a pretty good way to learn the pack
On 17/11/2015 6:56 PM, Henrik Bengtsson wrote:
When choosing source format, it's probably helpful to know that if you
work with a Markdown-based format (e.g. Rmarkdown) you'll be able to
generate either/both HTML or/and PDF documents, whereas if you work
with LaTeX-based formats (e.g. Sweave/knit
When choosing source format, it's probably helpful to know that if you
work with a Markdown-based format (e.g. Rmarkdown) you'll be able to
generate either/both HTML or/and PDF documents, whereas if you work
with LaTeX-based formats (e.g. Sweave/knitr) you will only be able
output PDF documents (at
On 17/11/2015 10:42 AM, Marc Schwartz wrote:
On Nov 17, 2015, at 9:21 AM, John Sorkin wrote:
I am looking for a gentle introduction to SWEAVE, and would appreciate
I have an R program that I want to run and have the output and plots in one
document. I believe this can be ac
I've been very pleased using knitr in combination with LyX for pdf production.
John Kane
Kingston ON Canada
> -Original Message-
> From:
> Sent: Tue, 17 Nov 2015 10:21:15 -0500
> To:
> Subject: [R] SWEAVE - a gentle
Given that you like a gentle introduction and don't know HTML, I would
recommend rmarkdown in combination with knitr. See for a lot of information.
I find knitr more flexible than sweave. Markdown syntax is much easier than
HTML or latex.
Best regards,
Op 17
I suggest using knitr instead of sweave. There are plenty of tutorials
might be a good place to start. Links to a full length book and other
resources are available at
> On Nov 17, 2015, at 9:21 AM, John Sorkin wrote:
> I am looking for a gentle introduction to SWEAVE, and would appreciate
> recommendations.
> I have an R program that I want to run and have the output and plots in one
> document. I believe this can be accomplished with SWEAVE. Unfortunate
I am looking for a gentle introduction to SWEAVE, and would appreciate
I have an R program that I want to run and have the output and plots in one
document. I believe this can be accomplished with SWEAVE. Unfortunately I don't
know HTML, but am willing to learn. . . as I said I
I got it. I should use compile not run option.
Thanks All.
Frederic Ntirenganya
Maseno University,
African Maths Initiative,
On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 4:08 PM, Frederic Ntirenganya
> Thanks
Thanks all for the help.
Now I want to use it and I am getting this error:
> \documentclass[9pt,a4paper]{article}
Error: unexpected input in "\"
> \usepackage{amsmath}
Error: unexpected input in "\"
> \usepackage{booktabs}
Error: unexpected input in "\"
> \usepackage{adjustbox}
Error: unexpected
On 11/11/2014, 6:25 AM, Frederic Ntirenganya wrote:
> Hi All,
> I would like to install the package "sweave" but got the following warning:
>> install.packages("sweave")
> Installing package into ‘/home/fredo/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.0’
> (as ‘lib’ is unspecified)
> Warning in install.
> On Nov 11, 2014, at 5:25 AM, Frederic Ntirenganya wrote:
> Hi All,
> I would like to install the package "sweave" but got the following warning:
>> install.packages("sweave")
> Installing package into ‘/home/fredo/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.0’
> (as ‘lib’ is unspecified)
> Warning
Hi All,
I would like to install the package "sweave" but got the following warning:
> install.packages("sweave")
Installing package into ‘/home/fredo/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.0’
(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)
Warning in install.packages :
package ‘sweave’ is not available (for R version 3.0.2
Maybe your answers are solutions, but not in my case.
As I indicated with my code-sample I don't have a complete tex-file
(with usepackage, document-env, etc). I only generate a piece of a tex
file to \input it later in my puplication tex-file.
So there is no way to specifiy an encoding with a
2:45, a écrit :
>> Of course I manage and write my tex-files in unicode (utf-8) (running
>> XeTeX). That is why my R-output need to be in unicode, too.
>> But Sweave doesn't accept unicode files.
>> [R]
>>> Swea
) (running
XeTeX). That is why my R-output need to be in unicode, too.
But Sweave doesn't accept unicode files.
Fehler: ‘analy.Snw’ is not ASCII and does not declare an encoding
x <- ü
How sho
Of course I manage and write my tex-files in unicode (utf-8) (running
XeTeX). That is why my R-output need to be in unicode, too.
But Sweave doesn't accept unicode files.
Fehler: ‘analy.Snw’ is not ASCII and does not declare an encoding
Thanks Michael. That worked perfect!
On Sat, Apr 5, 2014 at 2:13 PM, Michael Friendly wrote:
> If you use knitr, you can do, in master.Rnw
> <>=
> @
> This is the equivalent of \input{} (but not \include{}) at the .Rnw level.
> At any rate, if you have more than just a few code
If you use knitr, you can do, in master.Rnw
This is the equivalent of \input{} (but not \include{}) at the .Rnw level.
At any rate, if you have more than just a few code chunks, you should
do your work in master.Rnw and produce master.tex from that using
either sweave() or knitr()
On 04/04/2014, 7:10 PM, Axel Urbiz wrote:
I'm writing a thesis in Latex (say master.tex). I'd like to include R
code/results from an .Rwd file. I've naively tried:
1) Add ONLY the code below in Rcode.Rnw file:
\section{Exploratory data analysis}
I'm writing a thesis in Latex (say master.tex). I'd like to include R
code/results from an .Rwd file. I've naively tried:
1) Add ONLY the code below in Rcode.Rnw file:
\section{Exploratory data analysis}
2) Then, in the master.tex file ad
Thanks, Duncan,
I got it! I missread/-understood strip.white's meaning and thought it
would refer only to blank lines within "real" code chunks (i.e., to those
between \begin{Schunk} and \end{Schunk}), but not to the (TeX-)output
which was generated by code chunks with results=tex.
My goal:
On 05/03/2014 9:29 AM, Gerrit Eichner wrote:
Thanks, Duncan,
but, sorry, including
doesn't help. Have tried that before and forgot to mention; sorry!
true is the default. You want false.
Duncan Murdoch
BTW: using \SweaveOpts{strip.white="true"}, i.e., with
Thanks, Duncan,
but, sorry, including
doesn't help. Have tried that before and forgot to mention; sorry!
BTW: using \SweaveOpts{strip.white="true"}, i.e., with quotation marks as
requested in RweaveLatex()'s help file, throws out
Error in match.arg(options$stri
On 05/03/2014 7:32 AM, Gerrit Eichner wrote:
Hello, everyone,
I am struggling with an Sweave-problem that didn't occur sofar (and I have
no clue what I might have changed in my system; see below). The following
example *.Rnw file's only task is (for simplicity) to output text with a
little bit o
Hello, everyone,
I am struggling with an Sweave-problem that didn't occur sofar (and I have
no clue what I might have changed in my system; see below). The following
example *.Rnw file's only task is (for simplicity) to output text with a
little bit of TeX-code with linebreaks (e. g., to be be
The freetype people fixed the 2nd set of issues with system fonts shipped with
Mac OS X, and released 2.5.1 almost immediately after that. So there are
new bundles under .
Just a reminder that the official R binaries for windows/mac OS X ar
issue is. Something with bold Chinese
fonts in
maybe also affecting Latin fonts, ?
Please explain yourself.
On Mar 30, 2013, at 09:25 , Hin-Tak
The problem was first seen with
reproduced directly with cairo (#
> I tried the previous version as follows in my .Rnw document
> \Sexpr{print(sub("_", "_", version$platform))}
> When Sweave is run, this expression is evaluated to illegal LaTeX
> David.
> On 2 Sep 2013, at 16:47, ONKELINX, Thierry wrote:
On 13-09-02 3:18 PM, David Epstein wrote:
Dear Thierry,
Your suggestion doesn't work on my version of R. Here's what I get
gsub("_", "\_", print(version$platform)
Error: '\_' is an unrecognized escape in character string starting ""\_"
print(gsub("_", "\_", version$platform))
Error: '\_' is
ot;, version$platform))}
When Sweave is run, this expression is evaluated to illegal LaTeX
On 2 Sep 2013, at 16:47, ONKELINX, Thierry wrote:
> You have to escape the underscore
> \Sexpr{gsub("_", "\_", print(version$platform))}
> Best regards,
maandag 2 september 2013 17:38
Onderwerp: [R] Sweave: printing an underscore in the output from an R command
I am working with Sweave and would like to print out into my latex document the
result of the R command
So what I first tried in my .Rnw docum
I am working with Sweave and would like to print out into my latex document the
result of the R command
So what I first tried in my .Rnw document was \Sexpr{print(version$platform)}.
However, the output from this command is the string "x86_64-apple-darwin10.8.0"
(without the quo
> > > >
> > > >Thanks,
> > > >SImon
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >> --- On Sat, 30/3/13, peter dalgaard
> > > wrote:
> > > >>
> > > >>
> >> Huh?
> > >>
> > >> This is utterly incomprehensible without
> reading
> > the redhat
> > >> bugzilla, and even after reading, I'm not sure
> what
> > the
> > >> issue is. Something with bold Chinese f
> >> bugzilla, and even after reading, I'm not sure what
> the
> >> issue is. Something with bold Chinese fonts in X11,
> but
> >> maybe also affecting Latin fonts, ?
> >>
> >> Please explain yourself.
> >>
> >>
utterly incomprehensible without reading
>> the redhat
>>>> bugzilla, and even after reading, I'm not sure what
>> the
>>>> issue is. Something with bold Chinese fonts in X11,
>> but
>>>> maybe also affecting Latin fonts, ?
> bugzilla, and even after reading, I'm not sure what the
>> issue is. Something with bold Chinese fonts in X11, but
>> maybe also affecting Latin fonts, ?
>> Please explain yourself.
>> -pd
>> On Mar 30, 2013, at 09:25 , Hin-Tak Le
rehensible without reading the redhat
>> bugzilla, and even after reading, I'm not sure what the
>> issue is. Something with bold Chinese fonts in X11, but
>> maybe also affecting Latin fonts, ?
>> Please explain yourself.
>> -pd
> On Mar 30, 2013, at 09:25 , Hin-Tak Leung wrote:
> > The problem was first seen with R/Sweave (#c0) then
> reproduced directly with cairo (#c10) and was eventually
> traced to freetype. The 5-part bug fix:
> > 610ee58e07090
Leung wrote:
> The problem was first seen with R/Sweave (#c0) then reproduced directly with
> cairo (#c10) and was eventually traced to freetype. The 5-part bug fix:
> 610ee58e07090ead529849b2a454bb6c503b4995
> da11e5e7647b668dee46fd0418ea5ecbc33ae3b2
> e1a2ac1900f2f16ec48f
The problem was first seen with R/Sweave (#c0) then reproduced directly with
cairo (#c10) and was eventually traced to freetype. The 5-part bug fix:
Hi Mark
I need pdfs for Sweave etc, my colleagues want wmfs or the ilk and
for publishing eps/tiff so I just add a section for each with in the
'print' chunk
At 02:49 15/02/2013, you wrote:
Hi Dan, Duncan and Yihui: I apologize for my late response.
Dan: Your backslash explanation
Hi Dan, Duncan and Yihui: I apologize for my late response.
Dan: Your backslash explanation was great but yes, I think there was a
transmission problem in the link I
sent. I made the changes and everything compiled without a glitch but the
actual tex file ends
up with many begin{Schunk} and end{Sc
Other people in this thread have explained the rule of double
backslashes. I just want to add one more comment:
That clever solution was in 2009 when knitr has not come out, and I
have used this picture several times to show how much I dislike it:
Bothell, WA USA
> -Original Message-
> From: []
> On Behalf Of Mark Leeds
> Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 4:18 PM
> To: Nordlund, Dan (DSHS/RDA)
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [R]
bruary 13, 2013 2:59 PM
> To:
> Subject: [R] sweave question
> Hi Everyone: I was having trouble getting the plot size correct when
> putting a plot in an sweave document. So, I searched on the internet
> and I
> found a clever solution where the person uses
ednesday, February 13, 2013 2:59 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: [R] sweave question
> >
> > Hi Everyone: I was having trouble getting the plot size correct when
> > putting a plot in an sweave document. So, I searched on the internet
> > and I
> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:r-help-bounces@r-
>] On Behalf Of Mark Leeds
> Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 2:59 PM
> To:
> Subject: [R] sweave question
> Hi Everyone: I was having troub
Alas, I had left out the --pdf flag when I tried the solution.
I am glad I have an answer now, and a better understanding of the problem.
On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 9:50 AM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
> On 13-01-30 11:00 AM, Troy S wrote:
>> Michael,
>> I added C:\R\R-2.15.2\share\te
On 13-01-30 11:00 AM, Troy S wrote:
I added C:\R\R-2.15.2\share\texmf to the list of roots and hit apply and
that solved the problem. Thanks!
Duncan, I did try the R CMD Sweave you suggested and that did not solve
the issue. The problem was in running LaTeX so how was your suggestio
I added C:\R\R-2.15.2\share\texmf to the list of roots and hit apply and
that solved the problem. Thanks!
Duncan, I did try the R CMD Sweave you suggested and that did not solve the
issue. The problem was in running LaTeX so how was your suggestion help
me? It would have to copy the
On 13-01-30 8:52 AM, Michael Friendly wrote:
On 1/29/2013 6:04 PM, Troy S wrote:
Ok, yes I realize it. So let me try to fix it:
I removed the sty files, and set TEXINPUTS to
I am back where I started: the tex file will not process.
Please let me know what I
On 1/29/2013 6:04 PM, Troy S wrote:
Ok, yes I realize it. So let me try to fix it:
I removed the sty files, and set TEXINPUTS to
I am back where I started: the tex file will not process.
Please let me know what I should do to fix the issue.
Don't do t
On 13-01-29 6:04 PM, Troy S wrote:
Ok, yes I realize it. So let me try to fix it:
I removed the sty files, and set TEXINPUTS to
I am back where I started: the tex file will not process.
Please let me know what I should do to fix the issue.
Follow my advice
Ok, yes I realize it. So let me try to fix it:
I removed the sty files, and set TEXINPUTS to
I am back where I started: the tex file will not process.
Please let me know what I should do to fix the issue.
On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 2:20 PM, Duncan Murdoch w
On 13-01-29 4:55 PM, Troy S wrote:
Copying all 3 sty files to my working directory solved the problem. I'm
still curious why this was necessary in my new install. Duncan, many
You do realize that you have now done a Very Bad Thing, I hope.
Duncan Murdoch
On Tue, Jan
Copying all 3 sty files to my working directory solved the problem. I'm
still curious why this was necessary in my new install. Duncan, many
On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 10:58 AM, Duncan Murdoch
> On 29/01/2013 1:37 PM, Troy S wrote:
>> Dear useRs--
>> I have been u
On 29/01/2013 1:37 PM, Troy S wrote:
Dear useRs--
I have been using Sweave with miktex for years, but on a new install on
Windows XP, miktex seems to be hung up on single quotes. See example below.
Digging through stackexchange, I found using \usepackage[noae]{Sweave} in
the tex file solved th
Dear useRs--
I have been using Sweave with miktex for years, but on a new install on
Windows XP, miktex seems to be hung up on single quotes. See example below.
Digging through stackexchange, I found using \usepackage[noae]{Sweave} in
the tex file solved the problem. My questions are:
--Why wo
On 13-01-17 6:33 PM, michele caseposta wrote:
I just updated R and patchDVI (from CRAN).
Now I can reverse search from the pdf to the included.Rnw.
However, I cannot forward search from the included to the pdf. Is this how it
is expected to work?
I think it works if you use first line
% !
Sweave produces foo-concordance.tex from foo.Rnw, and writes
\input{foo-concordance.tex} in the LaTeX output. You can turn on the
concordance option in knitr as well. Since you do not use RStudio, you
have a couple of more steps to go:
1. borrow \Sconcordance from Sweave.sty;
2. manually \input{fo
Anybody know if it is possible to use texshop and knitr with the sync
working? I add a knitr engine but cannot sync.
PS, I am comfortable with texshop but not RStudio.
On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 7:33 AM, michele caseposta wrote:
> Hi,
> I just updated R and patchDVI (from CRAN).
> Now I can
I just updated R and patchDVI (from CRAN).
Now I can reverse search from the pdf to the included.Rnw.
However, I cannot forward search from the included to the pdf. Is this how it
is expected to work?
Forward and inverse search work between main Rnw and pdf.
I am pasting below the code in the
On 13-01-10 4:54 PM, michele caseposta wrote:
Hi everybody,
thanks for the replies.
I might have not explained the problem completely.
Duncan Mackay:
Yes, I am already having a master file and separate Rnw files.
Duncan Murdock:
I am using patchDVI in the TexShop Sweave engine.
Sync works flawles
On 13-01-10 4:54 PM, michele caseposta wrote:
Hi everybody,
thanks for the replies.
I might have not explained the problem completely.
Duncan Mackay:
Yes, I am already having a master file and separate Rnw files.
Duncan Murdock:
I am using patchDVI in the TexShop Sweave engine.
Sync works flawles
Hi everybody,
thanks for the replies.
I might have not explained the problem completely.
Duncan Mackay:
Yes, I am already having a master file and separate Rnw files.
Duncan Murdock:
I am using patchDVI in the TexShop Sweave engine.
Sync works flawlessly between the master file and the pdf produce
On 13-01-09 9:09 PM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
On 13-01-09 3:25 PM, michele caseposta wrote:
Hello everyone.
I am in the process of writing a book in Latex with Texshop, on Mac.
This book contains a lot of R code, hence the need to use Sweave.
I was able to compile Rnw files, and to sync back and fo
On 13-01-09 3:25 PM, michele caseposta wrote:
Hello everyone.
I am in the process of writing a book in Latex with Texshop, on Mac.
This book contains a lot of R code, hence the need to use Sweave.
I was able to compile Rnw files, and to sync back and forth from the pdf to the
source Rnw.
My prob
Perhaps you need to make a master file and call the chapter files from it
eg (just copying the relevant section from my master GClimate12.Rnw file)
latex preliminaries + R options + begin
% plots
% Soil 300 % 15
Hi Yihui,
yes, RStudio works flawlessly with synchronization, but working with it I will
lose all the features of a full-fledged tex editor, first of all BibDesk
Texworks can also do two-way sync in Rnw, and I tried to switch configurations
but with no luck.
In texworks I am using R
I believe RStudio has done a fairly good job in terms of the
synchronization. If you have to stick to TeXShop, I do not have any
ideas on how to make it work with Sweave child documents.
Yihui Xie
Phone: 515-294-2465 Web:
Department of Statistics, Iowa State Un
Hello everyone.
I am in the process of writing a book in Latex with Texshop, on Mac.
This book contains a lot of R code, hence the need to use Sweave.
I was able to compile Rnw files, and to sync back and forth from the pdf to the
source Rnw.
My problem now is that the book is divided in Chapters,
Thank you for the reply. With many calls to Density() I miss Sweave taking care
of the naming of the files and the generating of the \includegraphics
statements, but I guess this will work.
On Dec 16, 2012, at 2:54 PM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
> On 12-12-16 12:42 PM, Scott Cushman wrote:
>> H
On 12-12-16 3:12 PM, Scott Cushman wrote:
Thank you for the reply. With many calls to Density() I miss Sweave taking care
of the naming of the files and the generating of the \includegraphics
statements, but I guess this will work.
You (or the lessR author) could possibly write your own custo
On 12-12-16 12:42 PM, Scott Cushman wrote:
I am using sweave with the Density() function from lessR package. However,
unlike the older color.density() function, Density() does not work with
the standard graphic output functions in R, such as pdf. Is there away to
include figures fgenera
I am using sweave with the Density() function from lessR package. However,
unlike the older color.density() function, Density() does not work with
the standard graphic output functions in R, such as pdf. Is there away to
include figures fgenerated rom lessR in sweave documents?
thank yo
I have sometimes had to produce an html table in Sweave for a
complicated table and have make a chunk of it .
cut down version below.
You could use the defaults for write.table
fhtml <-
paste(baseRimg, "-T", ".html", sep = "")
if (file.exists(fhtml) ) file.remove(fhtml)
You can certainly generate an HTML table, but how about the rest of
your Snw document? How are you going to convert them to HTML? I mean
otherwise you get something like this which is not a valid HTML
Sepal.Length Sepal.Width
So far I used Sweave to create pdf reports. I used xtable to create some
tables in the report.
But now I would like to use the same snw file to generate an HTML version.
The xtable output breaks the RweaveHTML driver.
Sweave('analyseLFQ.Snw', driver = RweaveHTML)
Error in mat
On 20/09/2012 9:05 AM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
On 20/09/2012 8:47 AM, Witold E Wolski wrote:
> Depending on an R computation I would like to include an Sweave documents
> in the main Sweave document.
> How can I do it?
> So I was thinking to use Latex features :
> \newif\ifpaper
> \ifpap
If you want to program Sweave documents, you can try the knitr
package. This case will be something like:
paper <- TRUE # or change it to FALSE
i.e. you use the logical variable 'paper' to control which child
document to include in the parent document. See
On 20/09/2012 8:47 AM, Witold E Wolski wrote:
Depending on an R computation I would like to include an Sweave documents
in the main Sweave document.
How can I do it?
So I was thinking to use Latex features :
Depending on an R computation I would like to include an Sweave documents
in the main Sweave document.
How can I do it?
So I was thinking to use Latex features :
But how do I set paper to true or false give
Is there a way to set the echo to be false as the code that was presented (by
the way it worked well) shows up in the document?
Thanks for any help here.
View this message in context:
Sent from the
I have been having the same problem. It appears to be linked to setting the
working directory.
Then the error arrives.
Any suggestions?
View this message in context:
Sent fr
On 10/09/2012 11:49, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
On 12-09-10 3:28 AM, Christian Hoffmann wrote:
Sorry to bother everyone. What has changed in Sweave since 2009?
Error: c("'Crs.HdrFct.Rnw'", "'Crs.Rnw'") is not ASCII and does not
declare an encoding
No error in 2009 with the same fi
On 12-09-10 3:28 AM, Christian Hoffmann wrote:
Sorry to bother everyone. What has changed in Sweave since 2009?
Error: c("'Crs.HdrFct.Rnw'", "'Crs.Rnw'") is not ASCII and does not
declare an encoding
No error in 2009 with the same files.
vignettes are now
Sorry to bother everyone. What has changed in Sweave since 2009?
Error: c("'Crs.HdrFct.Rnw'", "'Crs.Rnw'") is not ASCII and does not
declare an encoding
No error in 2009 with the same files.
Christian W. Hoffmann,
CH - 8915 Hausen am Albis, Switzerland
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