Re: [R] About DCC-garch model...

2011-06-08 Thread windseav
Thank you all guys!! I have some other questionsFor garch model, for example, we have 10 time periods, and the function use MLE to get the parameters based on these 10 time periods. Then, the function calculates covariance matrix at each time period based on the estimated parameters. Is this r

Re: [R] About DCC-garch model...

2011-06-07 Thread windseav
Hi Arun, thank you so much for your reply. I have tried to use cor() function in R to calculate the unconditional correlation matrix of my time series, but it is not the same as the calculated first period Dynamic Conditional Correlation matrix by the function dcc.estimation...I don't know why...

[R] About DCC-garch model...

2011-06-07 Thread windseav
Hi, everyone, I currently run into a problem about DCC-Garch model. I use the package cc-garch and the function dcc.estimation. One of the output of this function is DCC matrix, which shows conditional correlation matrix at every time period you gives. However, I cannot figue out how the function