can see what version
> of R etc. you are using.
> Best,
> Ista
> On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 3:34 AM, Venkata Kirankumar
> wrote:
> > Dear Ista,
> > I copied my data below
> >
> >
On Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 5:05 PM, Ista Zahn wrote:
> Hi Kiran,
> Please post a reproducible example, either by pasting a sample of
> comma separated values into you message, posting a .csv file somewhere
> where we can download it. Without an example all we can do is guess
> wha
014 at 3:14 AM, David Winsemius wrote:
> On Feb 4, 2014, at 7:58 AM, Venkata Kirankumar wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> >
> > I have some data with different special characters, newline character,
> and
> > different language characters in a CSV file like `~!@#$%
Hi All,
I have some data with different special characters, newline character, and
different language characters in a CSV file like `~!@#$%^&*|
in data, while I am trying to read this CSV and trying to do calculations I
am not able to get this data as there in single cell.
>> F 1
>> T 2
>> ", colClasses = c("character", "integer"))
>> Cheers,
>> Josh
>> read.csv("file.csv", colClasses = c("character", "integer"))
I have a peculier problem in R-Project that is when my CSV file have one
column with all values as 'F' the R-Project converting this 'F' to FALSE.
Can some one please suggest how to stop this convertion. Because I want to
use 'F' in my calculations and show it in screen. for example my data is
/06/2010 9:00 AM, venkata kirankumar wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have a problem with writing a *.CSV file in UTF-8 formate
>> I tried to write a dataframe named "dfPREINDX" to the new file named
>> "preindx.csv" in below formate
Hi all,
I have a problem with writing a *.CSV file in UTF-8 formate
I tried to write a dataframe named "dfPREINDX" to the new file named
"preindx.csv" in below formate
but its throed an error like
Error in write.tabl
Hi all,
I have a problem while subsetting a dataframe that is
while I am using *%in%* condition like
*stemp<-subset(temp, obj1 %in% obj2,select=c(temp))*
this is working and giving results that what ever is there is both *obj1*and
but I want to get values which is there in *obj1* b
Hi all,
I have a problem with retreaving column from a data.frame that is
I have a data.frame named "temp"
in that dataframe some column are there whose names are
Hi all,
I got one intresting problem with caliculating mean that is
while i am taking mean of values
*0.6, -0.8, 4, -3.8*
*val<-c(0.6, -0.8, 4, -3.8)*
it given result as
but the actual result is *"0"*
can any one suggest how can I get correct mean result in th
Hi all,
I am trying to get a value from a dataset
in data set its stored as 001
but while i am trying to retreave it its giving as 1
can any one help me to retreave it as 001
thanks in advance
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Hi all,
I am getting problem with "read.csv()"
the problem is
I have one file which is saved in "ANSI"
while I am trying to open with R-Project its opend and all the cloumn names
are comming proper like
for the command
Hi all,
I am trying to to merge two data.frames(kk and ff)
> kk
a b d
1 1 4 7
2 2 5 8
3 3 6 9
> ff
a b d
1 2 5 8
2 3 6 9
3 4 7 1
is working perfectly and giving results
but if any of the column name changed then its giving
"Error in match.names(clabs, names(xi)) :
Hi all
I have a dataframe like I coppied below
> ff
a b d
110 5 7
220 4 9
3 3 8 10
4 5 68
5 6 35
74528 9
83 2 8
while I am trying to sort multy coloums at
Hi all,
I got a problem with* "toString()"* function
its behaving odd in some times most of the times its giving correct results
but in peculier cases its giving results like *"æ]"*
especially while i am working with c# +R-project
thats also after getting some error like
after trying
Hi all,
this is kiran
I got one problem with formating a number
that is
if I have a number like --->"2.33"
that one ihave to convert to -->"2.33000"
if I have a number like --->"0.33"
that one ihave to convert to -->"0.33000"
is this posible in R-project
if its posible please
Hi all,
Hi this is kiran
I am facing a problem to split a dataframe
that is..
i have a string like:"a,b,c|1,2,3|4,5,6|7,8,8"
first I have to split with respect to "|"
I did it with command
unlist(strsplit("a,b,c|1,2,3|4,5,6|7,8,8", "\\,"))
after getting that set i made it as a datafram
Hi all,
I writen one function in Rgui(R Editor) I saved it as testfunction.R and
while I am running that file using
source(C:/testfunction.R) its running and it is giving subsequent
insted of this there is any thing like to save my function to save in
existing library
to reuse it wh
Hi all,
I am new to R-project
I have to create custom package and some required functions in that package
can any one help me how to create a custompackage and how to write my
function in to that package
These things I have to use in many places as per requirements in my solution
please help me to
Hi all,
I am trying to execute one function from windows command prompt
and I am trying to execute queries like source(myRfile.R) but itis
throughing runtime errors can any one help me how can i run my
*.R file and how can i call a function in that *.R file
thanks in advance
Hi all,
I have a problem with CPU usage while running the Rgui.exe
problem is
while I am running scripts on Rgui its taking 100% of CPU is there any
posibility to reduce the cpu consumption
are any package I can use to reduce CPU consumption
can any one help me out from this problem because
Hi all,
I have a problem with checking File is present in the directory or not
I have a sequence of files in one folder I have to take each file in order
and have to caliculate on those files data but in order some files are
missing for that I have to check and load those files for that I am u
t a subset of
> the calculations that you are doing so that we can understand the problem
> you are trying to solve.
> On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 11:43 AM, venkata kirankumar <
>> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I am trying to create a
Hi all,
I am trying to create a "index.csv" with caliculating different
types of caliculations .
In that i have to caliculate on 10,000 studies and have to insert many no of
rows more than 500,000
for that right now I am inserting every row after caliculating and doing
but its
Hi all,
I am new to R-project my problem is I tried to get subset from two different
tables its giving error
but if i m tring for geting results from one table its working
actually i have to take values from two tables with applying different
conditions on two tables like
kk- is an object of o
Hi all,
I am working in a project which needed to load *.csv files of size more than
is it posible to load 200MB size file to r-project and do subsetting as per
i am able to load maximum of 90 mb
is there any way to increase memory limits and how much maximum memory we
can exten
Hi all,
I am strugling with date formates and caliculating diferent operations like
different between 2 dates and
getting minimum in vector of dates
that is i m working with dates in formate "6/22/1992 12:00:00 AM"
and the vector is
[1] 6/4/1992 12:00:00 AM 2/13/1992 12:00:00 AM6
Hi all,
I am not able to built a webservice with using R-Project
is there any package I have to import while building webservice
my problem here is I installed in one server and while I am working in
another server i have to pass a request to the server
where r-project is installed and I have to ex
Hi all,
I have a problem with concatinating strings while taking as a path here the
problem is
i have to take path as
and file name as
and while I am reading this table I have to take path with using these two
strings because in "FPATH" there i
Hi ,
i just attached one file to this mail which contains one modal of my data
and there i have to search for the rows which contains "SPECIMENTYP %in%
and the rows which contains " "PRESERVED"in ORGCHARRES
for that i tried with
" r<-subset(rr,SPECIMENTYP %in% "ADIPOSE
Hi all,
can any one suggest how to convert one string into binary formate to store
in another file
and to use for farther searching
with using of binary files only that search can process for that i need to
convert string into binary files
thanks in advance
[[alternative HTML version del
Hi all,
I got one problem with comparing strings like if any string is like
and i have to compare "*GRAY-WHITE*"with the above string
or otherwise i have to compare " *TUMOR BENIGN*" this st
Hi all,
I got one problem with using %in% condition while using in if() condition
I used the condition as
this "if()"condition is in "else" condition
and hear "*SubFinSpt$SPECIMENTYP*" having only one value but
Hi all,
I am new to R-project
I have a problem when when ever I am going to append a row in a *.csv file
that is
in R-project I created one dataframe and I saved it in "res.csv" and again
I got some results in dataframe with same column names and i tried to append
in a new row of same "res.csv"
Hi all,
I got one problem with"subset()"function
hear i executed:
hear "SUBJECTS1$SUBJECTSID" vector contains nearly "65" values
the problem is after comparing and subsetting its not givi
Hi all,
I am trying to parse a vector for caliculating minimum in that vector the
vector having values like
2 Placebo
3 125mg/kg
4 250mg/kg
5 500mg/kg
hear i tries for comverting it into numeric with using "as.numaric()"
Hi all,
I am trying to read data from a XML file but the thing is when I am trying
to read data from XML
it is not allowing me to read and store nodes in objects can any one suggest
how can i solve this problem.
thanks in advance
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Hi all,
I have a problem with grouping like I have to give count of employes in each
department like
if in one company there is departments like
Mechanical, Computer, Fitting, electronics and Chemical
hear I have to retreave the number of employes in each department and as
well as
I have to retre
Hi all,
I got a problem with appending data into the *.csv file
abc<-read.csv("bbb.csv") # reading data from one csv file
hear i have to creat a .csv file and in that i have to create
column's with names *group, mean* and farther i have to caliculate for
Hi all,
I got one problem with compating charecterstrings with using "=="
can anyone suggest if any other way to compare two charecterstrings
thanks in advance
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__ mailing list
Hi all,
I read data from *.xls file and i did some caliculations on that data and
now i have to create a column in the same .xls file
and i have to insert the data in to the consicutive rows related to the
previous data
i tried it with *write.xls() *but the thing is it deleted all the columns
Hi all,
I am a biggener in R-Project
I got one problem with applying *where condition*
if 2 tables like
empidname dep
101 kiransolutions
102 ram testing
103pavan database
empid month sal
101 Dec 9500
Hi all,
I tried to read data from Excel spread sheet with using
but its showing" *ÐÏ.à.*."
and also i tried with
then its showing " * V1
hi, i got a problem with initialising R-Project from C#
in this i m sending what are all the code line I had been written and the
error where i got
sc1 = new STATCONNECTORSRVLib.StatConnector();
and error at
can any one su
i got a problem with initialising R-Project from C#
in this i m sending what are all the code line I had been written and the
error where i got
sc1 = new STATCONNECTORSRVLib.StatConnector();
and error at
can any one su
i got a problem with initialising R-Project from C#
in this i m sending what are all the code line I had been written and the
error where i got
sc1 = new STATCONNECTORSRVLib.StatConnector();
and error at
can any one su
This is Kiran
I tried to work on r-project through C#.Net
While calling the r-project I got an error that
*System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException(0x80040013):Exception from
HRESULT:0x80040013 at STATCONNECTORSRVLib.StatConnectorClass.Init(String
bstrConnectorName) at IAG.RD.RcomWra
48 matches
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