[R] problem with legend

2008-12-11 Thread valeria pedrina
hi all, I want to do a plot and put the legend on the left of y axis this is my code: x<-seq(1980,2005,1) plot(x,tfa_ita,type="l",col=1,xlim=c(1979,2005),ylim=c(0.2,1.7),xlab="",ylab="",main="Totale Attivita` Finanziarie") lines(x,tfa_spa,type="l",col=2) lines(x,tfa_aus,type="l",col=3) lines(x,tf

[R] problem with function plm

2008-11-28 Thread valeria pedrina
Hi all, I want to use the estimation method fixed effect on my panel data. I have found plm function but it give me a problem,my model is: 1/5*log(z_{i,t}/r_{i,t})=a+b*r_{i,t}+u_{i,t} , I have 9 individuals and 5 time for each individuals so I have 45 observation this is what I do: > p <- c("ital

[R] plm pakage

2008-11-26 Thread valeria pedrina
Hi everyone, I'm doing a panel data analisys and I want to run three estimation methods against my available dataset:pooled OLS, random and fixed effects. I have 9 individuals and 5 observation for each individual. this is my code,what's wrong? X <- cbind(y,x) X <-data.frame(X) ooo<-pdata.frame(X,