How do you identify the genes which are differentially expressed using the
mb.long function? More specifically, in the fruitfly example (see below),
we begin with an expression matrix containing 2000 genes. How do I obtain
not only the proportion of differentially expressed genes, but also the
I am trying to construct my design matrix needed in the {limma} function
"lmfit" but am having trouble with the formula I am to specify in the
function "model.matrix". Namely when to I use ~0 + factors (ex 1) vs ~-1 +
factors (ex 2). Any clarification on this would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for your advice. I actually meant to ask about the "pmvt" for the
distribution function. Viewing the source code "pmvt" uses the function
"mvt" which uses the function "probval" which sources the fortran code:
Fortran("mvtdst", N = as.integer(n), NU = as.integer(df),
LOWER = as.d
Is there any way to know how the "dmvt" function computes the hypergeometric
function needed in the calculation for the density of multivariate t
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I am trying to use the dmt function in the package {mnormt}. Throughout my
algorithm, the covariance matrix is sometime calculated to be singular.
When attempting to calculate the dmt function with a covariance that is not
positive definite, I would like it to return Inf or NaN instead of an erro
say n = 100
I want to partition this into 4 random groups wheren n1 + n2 + n3 + n4 = n
and ni is the number of elements in group i.
Thank you for you help
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I am trying to compute the approximate numerical integration of the following
expression using the integrate function:
> (integrate(function(x) {log(1+x^2)*(1+x^2)^(-20.04543)},low,Inf)$val)
Error in integrate(function(x) { : the integral is probably divergent
which gives me an error. If
Thank you Dan and Ted for these helpful comments. I will implement this
simple force symmetry code you suggested and make sure I familiarize with
this floating-point calculation problem so I can recognize such issues in
the future.
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I have a symmetric matrix B (17x17), and a (17x17) square matrix A. If do
the following matrix multiplication I SHOULD get a symmetric matrix, however
i don't. The computation required is:
C = t(A)%*%B%*%A
here are some checks for symmetry
> (max(abs(B - t(B
[1] 0
> C = t(A)%*%B%*%A
> (max(
Well, for 0.828324 < x[2] < Inf the probablility is roughly 0 hence not
easy to draw random numbers out there
Uwe Ligges
How is this probability roughly 0?
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I am trying generate a sample for a truncated multivariate normal
distribution via the rtmvnorm function in the {tmvtnorm} package.
Why does the following produce NaNs?
rtmvnorm(1, mean = rep(0, 2), matrix(c(0.06906084, -0.07463565, -0.07463565,
0.08078086),2),c(-0.4316738, 0.8283240), c(Inf,
I want to use the rtmvt from the {tmvtnorm} package using the "gibbs"
algorithm but how to i specify the nested function rtmvnorm to use gibbs as
Right now I am using the code:
for (i in 1:g){
for (j in 1:n){
sgamma[,,i,j] = rtmvt(n=50, mean=
I have been using the rtmvt function in the {tmvtnorm} package i'm getting
the warning:
"Acceptance rate is very low and rejection sampling becomes inefficient.
Consider using Gibbs sampling."
but i AM specifying the gibbs algorithm!!:
rtmvt(M, mean=q[,,i,j], sigma=((u[i,j] + nu[i])/(p+nu[i]))*d
I have been working the the pmt function in the {mnormt} package and which
"S a positive definite matrix representing the scale matrix of the
distribution, such that S*df/(df-2) is the variance-covariance matrix when
df>2; a vector of length 1 is also allowed (in this case, d=1 is
The definition of the "mean vector" is essentially what my question boils
down to. In the functions details, the author states
"We sample x ~ T(mean, Sigma, df) subject to the rectangular truncation
lower <= x <= upper. Currently, two random number generation methods are
implemented: rejection sa
I am sampling from the truncated multivariate student t distribution "rtmvt"
in the package {tmvtnorm}. My question is about the mean vector. Is it
possible to define a mean vector outside of the truncated region? Thank you
in advance for any help.
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I am working with the pmt function in the {mnormt} package, and i am getting
negative values returned. the following is an example of one of my outputs:
pmt(x = c(3.024960, -1.010898), mean = c(21.18844, 21.18844), S =
matrix(c(.319,.139,.139,0.319), 2, 2),df = 42)
# -6.585641e-18
Any help on wh
17 matches
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