[R] simultaneous confidence intervals for multinomial proportions: sample size

2023-04-09 Thread paladini
Hello! I want to calculate simultaneous confidence intervals for a nominal variable with three categories: "yes", "no", "partially" and I expect that far more than 5 samples fall into each category. I have read that Glaz & Sison's method is only appropriate for variables with 7 or more categorie

[R] statistical error in ggerrorplot argument desc_statby

2022-10-17 Thread paladini
Hello! I think there is a major statistical error or at least an inaccuracy in ggerrorplot and I don't know where to report this problem. When using ggerrorplot, you can choose the argument desc_statby=sd or desc_statby= se. Where sd is described as "standard deviation of the mean". and s

[R] ezAnova difficulties

2019-06-12 Thread paladini
Hello, I am using ezAnova for the first time and I am a bit lost. My data "epindata" looks like this: studno faculty epin smoker 1 16 2 2 2 16 1 3 2 18 2 4 2 24 1 5 3 15 2 6

[R] pvclust: highly varying results for the exactly same analysis, unknown warning message

2017-03-27 Thread paladini
gth And I haven't the faintest idea what they mean in this context. I would be very grateful if somebody could help me. Best regards Claudia Paladini __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see https://stat.ethz.ch/m

[R] dynamic reports with sweave: error when compiling the tex-file

2016-04-07 Thread paladini
Hello, I took my first steps in dynamic reports with Gnu R and used sweave(). I therefore run Sweave() with an example of Friedrich Leisch, starting like this: \ documentclass [ a4paper ]{ article } \ title { Sweave Example 1} \ author { Friedrich Leisch } \ begin { document } \ maketitle an

Re: [R] labelCoubtries() doesn't work. Where is my mistake?

2015-01-19 Thread paladini
Hi Jim, that is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks a lot! I can even choose how to label the countries e.g. Italy or just IT. Have a nice day and thank you for helping me again Claudia Zitat von Jim Lemon : Hi Claudia, You're right, when the map is maximized the coordinates of the obj

Re: [R] labelCoubtries() doesn't work. Where is my mistake?

2015-01-18 Thread paladini
Hi Jim, thanks again for your help! Yes I am using the "rworldmap" package. identifyCountries() works. But I am not entirley happy with this solution. You have to click on all 27 countries and when your position is not perfect you get e.g. "Vatican" or "Monaco" instead of "Italy" and you have

[R] labelCoubtries() doesn't work. Where is my mistake?

2015-01-16 Thread paladini
Hello, I have problems to label countries in my map. I use the following code to draw the map: epimap=joinCountryData2Map(epidata,joinCode="NAME",nameCountryColumn="Country",nameJoinColumn="Country") mapCountryData(epimap, nameColumnToPlot="EPI.2.0" ,mapRegion="europe", oceanCol="slateblue1",

[R] how to label countries in a map created with mapCountryData

2014-12-08 Thread paladini
Hello, I use the following code to draw a map of Europe. The colour of the countries depends on a value called "EPI2.0" in a data frame called epidata. epimap=joinCountryData2Map(epidata,joinCode="NAME",nameCountryColumn="Country",nameJoinColumn="Country") mapCountryData(epimap, nameColumnTo

Re: [R] add points and labels to a 3 dimensional plot

2014-03-28 Thread paladini
Thank you very much! I used indeed rgl. The problem was apperently that I used text3d() in the wrong way. When I use it this way: plot3d(x, y, z,xlab="PC1", ylab="PC2", zlab="PC3", size=5) text3d(x=x,y=y,z=z,texts=names, col=4) It workes the way I wanted. So thanks again and have a nice w

[R] add points and labels to a 3 dimensional plot

2014-03-28 Thread paladini
Hello, I want to draw 3D plot. The coordinates should be inticated with a red point and additional I want to label them with a name. I tried this: plot3d(x, y, z,xlab="PC1", ylab="PC2", zlab="PC3",main="Country score resemblance (Stoxx600 rated by Vigeo)",text3d(x=x,y=y,z=z,texts=name

Re: [R] mapping data to a geographic map of Europe

2013-11-01 Thread paladini
Hi Jean, nevertheless this page "R-bloggers" looks realy interesting so I'll work through the tutorial. Thanks again for recommanding this web-site. Best regards Claudia Zitat von "Adams, Jean" : Claudia, I have not worked through the example myself. Since you seem to be getting errors,

Re: [R] mapping data to a geographic map of Europe

2013-11-01 Thread paladini
Hi Jim, that works nice. Thanks again! Have a nice weekend, best regards Claudia Zitat von Jim Lemon : On 10/31/2013 03:04 AM, palad...@trustindata.de wrote: Hi Jim, thats the second time that you helped me in a short while so thanks a lot! But it seems to me quite laborious and error-pron

Re: [R] mapping data to a geographic map of Europe

2013-11-01 Thread paladini
Hi Jean, thanks again for your response. As I told you I did the downloads and double checked if I selected the right directory. But I noticed right now what happend: The command in the example is : eurMap <- readShapePoly(fn="NUTS_2010_60M_SH/Shape/data/NUTS_RG_60M_2010") But it should be :

Re: [R] mapping data to a geographic map of Europe

2013-10-30 Thread paladini
Hi Jim, thats the second time that you helped me in a short while so thanks a lot! But it seems to me quite laborious and error-prone to first select all the relevant countries in this long list and then to create a color vector. But perhaps I get it all wrong. For the color vector I fi

[R] mapping data to a geographic map of Europe

2013-10-29 Thread paladini
Hello, I would like to draw a map of Europe. Each country should be colored depending on how it scores in an index called GPIndex. Say a dark red for real bad countries a light red for those which are not so bad, light blue for the fairly good ones and so on up to the really good ones in a d

[R] Transform plot3d grafics in to executable files

2013-10-14 Thread paladini
Hello, I did some nice grafics using plot 3d and scatter3d. Is there a, hopefully not too complicated way, to transform these dynamic, three-dimensional and interactive grafics in a kind of executable file? I want to show and send them via e-mail to projekt partners who don`t use GNU R and w

[R] intensity plot

2013-09-17 Thread paladini
Hello, I have got a data frame looking like this: Country          Sector    m-value USA Banks 38.5 USA Media 17 USA hospitals 2.3 Germany Banks 56 Germany real estate 1 ItalyBanks 34 ItalyMedia

[R] Anova unbalanced

2013-04-17 Thread paladini
Hello everybody, I have got a data set with about 400 companies. Each company has a score for its enviroment comportment between 0 and 100. These companies belong to about 15 different countries. I have e.g. 70 companies from UK and 5 from Luxembourg,- so the data set is pretty unbalanced and

[R] solve equations

2013-01-22 Thread paladini
Hello ! I have a rather mathematical than statistical question. I have a formula: P=R*T/(v-b) -a/(sqrt(T)*V*(V+b)) and I want to solve the equation for V , in terms of V= . Is this possible with R or have I to use another program perhaps octave? thanking you in anticipation Claudia __

[R] How to change levels?

2013-01-16 Thread paladini
Hello! I have got a dataframe with 10 columns and 100 rows. The seventh column consists of a lot of country names. When I use newdata=subset(data, data[, 7]=="United Kingdom"|data[, 7]=="Germany") I get just the rows where the country name is UK or Germany. But the level information doesn`t cha

[R] subtract a time period from a date

2012-10-30 Thread paladini
ct some days, month or years from a date? thanking you in anticipation Claudia Paladini __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html and pr

[R] naming datasubsets in a loop

2012-10-29 Thread paladini
Hello everbody, I want to generate different subsets of my data-set and safe this subsets with names listet in a vector. Because in reality I have got about 70 subsets I want to realize this in a loop Somehow like this: names=c("nam1", "nam2","nam3","nam4","nam5","nam6","nam7","nam8","nam9",

[R] naming datasubsets in a loop

2012-10-29 Thread paladini
Hello everbody, I want to generate different subsets of my data-set and safe this subsets with names listet in a vector. Because in reality I have got about 70 subsets I want to realize this in a loop Somehow like this: names=c("nam1", "nam2","nam3","nam4","nam5","nam6","nam7","nam8","nam9",

[R] unique

2012-10-16 Thread paladini
Hello everybody, I've got a problem concerning the function unique. I have got a data.frame "shopdata" with 1000 shop which were evaluated at different points in time. With function subset I chose those shops with more then 10 employee and store it in data.frame "bigshopdata" with 700 shops.

[R] corrgram

2012-09-25 Thread paladini
Hallo, I have a question concerning the function "correlogram" from library(corrgram). Is it possible do write the variable names not in the diagonal but on the left and at the buttom of the graphic? I searched the manual and tried a lot but didn't get it. Thank you very much and best regar

[R] corrgram

2012-08-28 Thread paladini
Hello, are there fixed threshold values for the changes between different shades of blue in the corrgram? Or is a chang relative depending on the data? I didnt get it in manual. Thank you very much, best regards Claudia __ R-help@r-project.org mail

[R] date conversation

2012-07-23 Thread paladini
Hello, when I convert a factor like this a=01.10.2009 into a date using b=strptime(a, format="%d. %m. %Y"). It works very well. But when I try to convert c = 2009/10 into a date using d=strptime(c, format="%Y/%m") it doesnt work at all. I get d=NA. What did I do wrong? Thank you very much for you

[R] cluster analysis with pairwise data

2012-04-04 Thread paladini
Hello, I want to do a cluster analysis with my data. The problem is, that the variables dont't consist of single value but the entries are pairs of values. That lokks like this: Variable 1:Variable2: Variable3: ... (1,2) (1,5) (4,2) (7,8) (3,88)

[R] mvoutlier

2011-01-26 Thread Claudia Paladini
Dear R-users, I used x.out=sign1(data,makeplot=TRUE) from the package mvoutlier to detect multivariate outliers. I would like to label the points in the resulting plot with the row names of my data set. But none of my attempts does lead to a result. Can anybody help me, please?