[R] R programmer/developer part time job

2016-06-06 Thread nidal . alhuniti
AstraZeneca, a leading pharmaceutical company, has an exciting opportunity for an R-developer within its Quantitative Clinical Pharmacology (QCP) group. The position is a 6-12 month contract position which will integrate R programming knowledge, capabilities and prowess towards pharmacometric analy

Re: [R] Saving multiple 3x3 TIFF graphics inside a loop

2011-05-10 Thread nidal . alhuniti
Try this dat=data.frame (ID=rep(1:27,each=10),IDV=rep(seq(1:10),times=27)) dat$DV <- with(dat, 50+15*IDV) dat=dat[order(dat$ID,dat$IDV),] for(i in 1:27){ dt1 = dat[dat$ID==i,] pagei=as.integer(ceiling(i/9)) #open device for subjects 1-9 if(i==1) {tiff(file=paste("Outfile",pagei,".tiff