I figured out how to toggle the legend for the second scenario, but now I
have three different map sizes!
trellis.par.set( peelTheme)
plot( spplot( thumbDf, "pri",
colorkey= list( space= "left")),
split= c( 1, 1, 3, 1), more= TRUE)
plot( spplot( thumbDf, "sec",
I have some geospatial data where two layers are thematic and the third is a
percentage, so the maps need to have different themes.
thumbDf <- as( stack( thumb), "SpatialGridDataFrame")
names(thum...@data) <- c("pri", "sec", "pct")
thum...@data$pri <- factor(thum...@data$pri, levels=c(0:8), lab
Can anybody tell me why this is happening?
> library( Defaults)
> ls()
[1] "class" "foo""mlct"
[4] "mlctTheme" "overlayFunction""pct"
[7] "pri""primaryFraction""reclassFractions"
[10] "reclassMatrix"
3 matches
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