Re: [R] How to control height of abline

2008-06-17 Thread mogra
Best, > Dimitris > > > Dimitris Rizopoulos > Biostatistical Centre > School of Public Health > Catholic University of Leuven > > Address: Kapucijnenvoer 35, Leuven, Belgium > Tel: +32/(0)16/336899 > Fax: +32/(0)16/337015 > Web: >

[R] How to control height of abline

2008-06-17 Thread mogra
I use plot to get the density curve and then I use abline(v=g$V2, col = 3 ) to get the vertical line for specific point on x axis. Goal : I want very small lines at the bottom on the x axis , if possible in the arrow forms instead of vertical lines on the whole graph. Thanks a lot. -- View th

[R] Re ad File : Header with special character

2007-12-07 Thread mogra
Hi, I have a data file which has column names : a a,b a->b R converst a,b to a.b a->b to a..b Is there any way to handle this ? Thanks a lot. -- View this message in context: Sent from the R he

[R] Randomizing one column in the dataMatrix

2007-12-06 Thread mogra
I have huge data file, and I would like randomize just one column at a time , is there any easy way? Thanks a lot. -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at _

[R] Re place values in Data matrix

2007-11-27 Thread mogra
I have data matrix and I want to replace values. > try Rh.Rj RR.RjRT.Rj V1 0.08465125 0.19159688 0.617294468 V2 0.74853203 0.88826790 0.113979660 V3 0.68767961 0.17979307 0.013802852 V4 0.31722379 0.25611821 -0.021954454 V5 0.17931687 0.04491838 0.011484522 V6 0.87455663

[R] t.test : extracting Error

2007-11-21 Thread mogra
Hi Thanks for the reply. I implemented your solution to my problem but ... For some of my column there is not enough data to do t-test so it gives me error and stops the for loop, is any graceful way to check for error msg and say ok if there is no $p.value continue to the next column Once agai

[R] using two different matrix : how to do t.test

2007-11-19 Thread mogra
I have two matrix with same dimensions. I want to do t.test using each column from 2 different matrix. Column names in both matrix are same. e.g. Matrix1 id VC1 VC2 VC3 R 1 2 3 R1