[R] Is there a way to prevent Rscript from opening help page when given an error

2016-10-14 Thread Tan, Johnny
I posted this on stackoverflow but there hasn't been any replies, does anyone know a solution for this? I am running a script via command line using Rscript nameOfmyRscript. I notice that when there is an error, my browser would open with the help page. Now my script contained repeated erro

Re: [R] More discussion on R usage statistics

2013-06-01 Thread Johnny Zhang
Dear Ista, Thanks for the suggestion. I've changed the comment function to feedback.  Best, Johnny From: Ista Zahn Cc: "r-help@r-project.org" Sent: Friday, May 31, 2013 5:56 PM Subject: Re: [R] More discussion on R usage statistics Hi

Re: [R] More discussion on R usage statistics

2013-05-31 Thread Johnny Zhang
Thank you very much for your feedback either through r-help list or direct contact. It seemed that "Rinfo" could be a good alternative the package name. Based on the feedback I got, I have made the following changes: (1) A user can now use the functions download, rate, comment, like without time

Re: [R] More discussion on R usage statistics

2013-05-30 Thread Johnny Zhang
I'd be very happy to change its name and welcome any input on another name. Zhiyong From: Michael Weylandt Cc: "r-help@r-project.org" Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 5:26 PM Subject: Re: [R] More discussion on R usage statistics Interesting idea but would y

[R] More discussion on R usage statistics

2013-05-29 Thread Johnny Zhang
Dear R users, There has been discussion on how to collect R usage statistics before and the discussion has led to some good results such as  http://neolab.stat.ucla.edu/cranstats/ and http://crantastic.org/. Recently, I tried to put together a package that allows R users to rate, comment, and as

[R] arima forecasting problem

2012-07-18 Thread johnny
Hi all, I am running into a problem using forecast with ARIMA models, hope you can help shed some light onto this. I am fitting several ARIMA models using the auto.arima() function onto several time series, which are basically the residuals from a linear model fit. There are 40 such data points i

[R] Merging two data frames with different columns names

2012-04-13 Thread Johnny Liseth
I am trying to merge two data frames, but one of the column headings are different in the two frames. How can I rjoin or rbind the tho frames? Johnny # Generate 2 blocks by confounding on abc d1 <- conf.design(c(1,1,1), p=2, block.name="blk", treatment.names = c("A","

Re: [R] convert sas date format

2012-01-27 Thread Johnny Liseth
ignored: Approach The grand mean is correct, but the mean for each group is not? Any pointers would be appreciated. Thanks, Johnny Liseth Stat. Grad Student #tell where the data come from datafilename="http://students.uwf.edu/ojl2/DE/prob3-5.txt"; data.ex1=read.table(datafilename,head

Re: [R] The "Sets" package and element equality test

2011-10-08 Thread Johnny Paulo
e I have to go first with the set construction which prompts an error: Error in as.vector(x, "character") : cannot coerce type 'environment' to vector of type 'character' So far, I don't know how to work around this latter issue. Thanks again for the package

[R] Pb building sets of S4 / RefClass objects with package "sets"

2011-10-07 Thread Johnny Paulo
Hi, does anyone know if it is possible to construct sets of S4 objects? It seems the constructor set does not like it: Error in as.vector(x, "character") : cannot coerce type 'environment' to vector of type 'character' Regards Johnny [[al

[R] Sets of general objects in R

2011-10-06 Thread Johnny Paulo
4 %e% cs returns a FALSE instead of the TRUE I was expecting since obj4$id == obj1$id. Thanks for your help Johnny [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help PLEA

[R] The "Sets" package and element equality test

2011-10-06 Thread Johnny Paulo
ould thus match any of the 2 lists in lset. I must be doing something wrong; I checked with the doc, but I don't understand. Thanks to anyone who can help. Regards Johnny [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ R-help@r-project.or

[R] Weird behaviour of tab characters in a string in R (vs Python)

2011-10-05 Thread Johnny Paulo
quite new to R, and there is something I am missing here. Any light will be highly appreciated. Regards Johnny [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help PLEASE do read

Re: [R] Grouping sets of data, performing function and re-assigning values

2010-08-27 Thread Johnny Tkach
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 or ImageNumber Measurement 1 3 2 3 3 3 I really appreciate your help wit

Re: [R] Grouping sets of data, performing function and re-assigning values

2010-08-27 Thread Johnny Tkach
Hi all, Since I could not attach a file to my original e-mail request, for those who want to look at an example of a data file I am working with, please use this link: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4637975/exampledata.csv Thanks again, Johnny. __ R

[R] Grouping sets of data, performing function and re-assigning values

2010-08-27 Thread Johnny Tkach
Hi there, I hope you have time to read this question and offer a suggestion or two. My basic question is this: I have data in sets of three. I would like to combine the data from each set, perform a function (probably just taking the median and MAD), then re-assign these values to each of t

[R] Problem using 'get'

2010-08-18 Thread Johnny Tkach
an type: > datasplit$"3"$Area R then outputs the list of Area measurements for image 3. However if I type: > get("datasplit$\"3\"$Area") or >get('datasplit$"3"$Area') R returns errors saying the object does not exist. Any help is

[R] Pausing script to allow user input from keyboard.

2010-08-06 Thread Johnny Tkach
Hi all, I have written a simple R script to help me analyze a large data set. I would like to have the script pause to allow the user to input a character string that is subsequently used as a filename when saving tables. I have tried to use the "readline" command - this seems to work fi