[R] Difference in Monte Carlo calculation between chisq.test and fisher.test

2010-08-12 Thread highschool2005
Hello all, I would like to know what the difference is between chisq.test and fisher.test when using the Monte Carlo method with simulate.p.value=TRUE? Thank you -- View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Difference-in-Monte-Carlo-calculation-between-chisq-test-and-fisher-

[R] triangle.class pch per factor

2009-05-12 Thread HighSchool2005
Hello, I am using triangle.class in ade4 package and a factor. I would like to use this graphic parameter (pch) to set a different kind of point for each group in my factor (lakes). I have tried pch=1:4, I guess it does what it is supposed to do but not what I want. I can't use colors. Thank you

Re: [R] plot.lm cex.caption

2009-04-29 Thread HighSchool2005
Thank you very much again. Now I just need to find out how to update R on Ubuntu with only aptitude available. haha! Martin Maechler-4 wrote: > >>>>>> "H" == HighSchool2005 >>>>>> on Tue, 28 Apr 2009 06:29:07 -0700 (PDT) writes: > &

[R] plot.lm cex.caption

2009-04-28 Thread HighSchool2005
Hello dear R users, My objective is to change the size of this graphic : plot(lm(a~b), 4) (Cook's distance) I have found the help on the internet saying to change the size of a title on a graphic plot(lm(a ~ b), 4), I should use the graphic parameter cex.caption http://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-p