[R] question for Logic Regression

2008-05-18 Thread coldeyes.Rhelp
Hi All: how to get the coefficient for logic regression using selection=2 ( fit multiple models) and type=3 ( logistic regression) for example i have a fit like below : fit<-logreg(resp = model.dat[,21], bin=model.dat[, 2:18],sep=model.dat[,1] ,type=3,select=2,ntrees=2,nleaves=6 ,anneal.contr

[R] AD-MB problem in package:glmmADMB

2008-03-29 Thread coldeyes.Rhelp
Hi here, i recently notice the software built by otter company know as AD-MB tools . i explore a little bit this tools under the R Package for mixed logistics model. it is a very interesting tool. but i get several questions. first question: i tried the R code below, and have the error , i can

[R] AD-model builder under R for mix logistics model, a problem.

2008-03-29 Thread coldeyes.Rhelp
the code is list below , i can run this code for laplace approximation but not importance sampling. the code work properly if use impSamp=0 , but error for any other number >0 . could you guys help me out. thanks so much ! source("http://www.mi.uib.no/~skaug/cash/lesaffre_dat.s";) library(glm

[R] some question about partial prediction in survival

2007-10-14 Thread coldeyes.Rhelp
Hi there: i got a problem to get the prediction from a model recently. for example if i use a survival analysis to predict the risk. i use the code like below: i found the the prediction is not equal to (coef * x + coef * sex) , could someone help me with why this happened? and can someone ex