Re: [R] Maxent Jarfile

2015-07-09 Thread annemariefischer86
‎Hi Roy, Using the code in the other path also did not work, as I am not sure what to use for the projections or background.   Original Message   From: Roy Mendelssohn - NOAA Federal Sent: Thursday 9 July 2015 18:48 To: Cc: David Winsemius; John Kane; R. Mailing Lis

Re: [R] Maxent Jarfile

2015-07-09 Thread annemariefischer86
‎Hi Roy, This example gives me the following error on trying to run the first line: Error: unexpected '&' in "jar <- paste(system.file(package="dismo"), "/java/maxent.jar", sep=&" I am currently attempting to run using the code given in the below thread:

Re: [R] Maxent Jarfile

2015-07-09 Thread annemariefischer86
Hi John, I have attempted to add links to the files to the thread directly, but my message was not ‎authorized. I'm not sure why.  ‎ ‎ ‎

Re: [R] Maxent Jarfile

2015-07-08 Thread annemariefischer86
‎Hi John,  Sorry about that. Please find attached the code, error and input file. Thanks, Annemarie   Original Message   From: John Kane Sent: Thursday 9 July 2015 00:26 To: Annemarie Fischer; Subject: Re: [R] Maxent Jarfile Hi Annemarie, You have sent the email in HTML an